Part 2

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shuffled slowly towards my seat, at the back of the room. Beside Nash. I kept glancing back at the teacher, in hopes that he would let me sit somewhere else. And as it is so typical of my life, of course he just turned around to the board and did nothing. Well even if this was the death of me, at least they might make a good documentary out of it. I sat down at my shared desk, with my new science partner. It wasn’t even like in the movies, where you’re assigned seats beside someone you hate, he had planned this. He wanted this. God, I hated him.

Something about today was different. Nash had always hated me. Always been cruel to me. I usually just took what came my way, I was always too scared and intimidated to ever question him or fight back. But after this two week break from school, I felt new. Just this morning I had kicked him, something I had never done before. And it felt great, terrifying sure, but it also made me feel powerful. So as I slid into my seat, I decided that from now on I would be different. I didn’t have to be confident on the inside, I just had to seem it on the outside. This bullying or whatever it was, was going to stop. And lying awake at night praying for the fear to go away wasn’t going to make it stop. So it was about time I took matters into my own hands.

I could feel Nash’s eyes on me as I looked at the board, but I wasn’t paying attention to the lesson going on, I was planning my revenge. Revenge on the angelic, two faced prick in the seat beside me who had caused the past few years of my life to be hell. His eyes didn’t leave my face, usually this would make me nervous and even now it did a little but I wouldn’t let him see that, I remained calm and disinterested. He leaned over and knocked my books off of the table. I kept a blank facial expression and just picked them back up again. He raised his eyebrow and spilled his drink all over my copies. I reached into my bag, pulled out tissues and began mopping it up. I continued to ignore all of his attempts to get to me as the class went on. This got him pissed. You see, being stuck up, ignorant and completely adored by everyone around you, Nash had learned how to get his own way. So even a simple thing like me not paying attention to him, especially after his threat from this morning, got to him.

But Nash didn’t take being ignored well, and that’s when I felt it. His large hand rest on my knee. Now this was new. Sure he had taunted me, knocked my books out of my hand, humiliated me, made me angry, scared, insecure. But he had never done this. I was in a whole new level of discomfort. And he knew it. He turned his attention back to the teacher but there was a sly grin on his face. I felt my face heat up, even though no one else could see what he was doing. He scooted his chair closer to me, “What’s wrong?” He whispered in my ear. I had been doing so well, until this. I reached under the desk and attempted to pry his fingers off of me but it was useless. “Get. Your. Disgusting. Hand. Off. Now.” I hissed in his ear. He looked taken back by this. I don’t think we’d ever had a genuine conversation. Mainly because I refused to ever talk to him. But, now I had changed. The shock didn’t last long though. He just began to slowly move his hand up my thigh. My breath was caught in my chest. He chuckled as my cheeks flushed bright red. “But my hand is so comfortable where it is.”

Suddenly the bell dragged me out of this nightmare and I had never felt more relieved. I jumped out of my seat and grabbed my bag and made a sprint for the door. Only to be stopped by someone grabbing the back of my bag and dragging me backwards. “Don’t worry sweet heart, we’ll finish that later.” Nash then proceed to walk away, laughing with some friends like nothing had happened. Leaving me alone in the class wondering what had just happened.

But all I knew for certain was what was going to happen next. I was going to even the score and that night as I got ready for school the next day, I laid out the shortest dress I could find and a pair of heels. If he wanted to play thirsty teenagers, then it was on. Because I had a plan. After all these years, I was going to get back on my school bully. I was going to steal his heart.. And then crush it.

A/N - Please give all feedback to my tumblr Thank you for reading, stay awesome :-)

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