Part 7

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I watched Nash’s back until he disappeared down one of the corridors. The only thing keeping me stable was the hopes that he would slip and break his stupid face. You see, I was usually a calm, light hearted human, that doesn’t really let a whole lot bother her. But something about this blue eyed boy made me want to tear my hair out. He was infuriating. I can’t begin to describe it, he just gets to me.

I was too mad to go back to class. Science was first class. Science with Nash. I think I’d let him suffer alone today. And I was in one of those moods where if some snot nosed teacher felt the need to raise her eyebrow at me because my homework was ‘incomplete’ then I would punch her. So instead, I decided to take a walk around the school grounds. I most likely wouldn’t get caught because everyone was supposed to be in class anyway.

I stepped outside and inhaled the warm breeze. I followed the path through the schools grounds all the way to the empty football pitch. I felt the long grass tickle my ankles. I scrunched my fingers in my hair and pulled. Releasing frustration. But it wasn’t enough. I inhaled a deep breath and screamed. I felt better then.

“Woah, woah, woah,” I heard a voice behind me, “You okay there Godzilla?” I turned around and leaning against the barrier between the pitch and where the crowd sits was Jack Gilinsky.
“What’re you doing here?” I questioned him.
He gave me one of his famous lob sided smiles, “Shouldn’t I be asking you the same thing?”
I laughed, “Yeah, yeah whatever Gilinsky, what you got there anyway?” I said nodding to the thing in his hand. I saw a small thread of smoke coming from it and laughed, realising what it was.
“Wow Jack, cutting class and smoking by the football field?” I gave him a low whistle.
“What can I say?” He winked,”I’m a well known thug.”
I walked over to where he was standing and sat up on the edge of the barrier.

“So what brings you storming down here like the Incredible Hulk anyway?” He smiled at me and I chuckled.
“Ugh, if I say ‘life’ will you leave it at that?” I said with a sigh.
“Trouble in paradise, huh?” He looked off into the distance.
“Please,” I snorted,”My life is far from ‘paradise’ ”
“Well,” he said turning back to face me, “Being the kind hearted, dashingly attractive young man that I am, I would never leave a lady in distress, so if you won’t tell me what’s wrong, then how about you let me help you relieve the stress?” He raised an eyebrow but his smile was genuine.
“Just curious but what exactly makes you think I need stress relief?” I grinned at him.
“Hmm let me think about that one,” he smirked, “how about the fact that you were screaming like a strangled cat?”

“Bite me Gilinsky,” I said and he laughed. “What do you have in mind?” He put out whatever he was smoking with the toe of his shoe and started walking towards the supply shed. He gestured for me to follow him, so I hopped down from the barrier and walked after him. He came out with two punching targets and some boxing gloves.

He laughed at my reaction and tossed me the gloves. “Put those on,” he instructed as he put the targets on his own hands. “Well, I knew you were high, but I didn’t know you were this high.” I laughed. I liked hanging out with Jack. He was down to earth and honestly didn’t seem to give a fuck what people thought of him. He was pretty chill about most things.

“Okay,” he said after helping me strap on the boxing gloves, he held up the targets, ”Hit me.” I raised my eyebrow at him but I drew my arm back and weakly swung at one of the targets, barely making any impact. He laughed so hard tears started forming in his eyes. “That- was- the most- pathetic thing- I’ve seen in my life,” he choked out the words between laughter. I pouted at him but I couldn’t help but smile myself. “Okay, okay,” he said wiping under his eyes, “let me teach you.”


So after about an hour of Jack showing me how to move my arms and where to hit and how much force to put behind each swing. I was now able to throw a pretty decent punch and the bubbling anger was practically non-existent. It was safe to say, spending my morning with Jack improved my mood by a million. But then came the ‘shit look at the time.’ And we both realised if we wanted to make it back for lunch then we’d have to go now.

“So I hear Matts taking you to Nash’s party tonight?” Jack winked at me as we walked back towards the school. “Yeah, I’m actually pretty excited. Nervous but excited.” I said smiling at him. “Relax,” he said punching my arm lightly, “Matts a good kid, he won’t try anything unless he’s sure you want to.”

I avoided Jacks eyes and muttered under my breath, “Yeah but what if Matts not the one I’m worried about?”

A/N - Please send all feedback to my tumblr Thanks for reading, stay awesome :-)

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