Part 15

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My scream came out louder than I thought it would. The noise rang in my ears, rattling my brain. But it was a loud party, I still had no idea if anyone would hear.

I clearly startled the college guy on me because he jumped back a little. But his weight still rested on me, rendering me unable to move.
Before him or I could make another move, a body slammed against the door. Someone on the outside shouted my name. The door was locked though. And I couldn’t get up to open it. I was about to scream again when the greasy boy on me cupped his hand over my mouth, his nails were digging into my skin.

My muffled shouts seemed to be enough though. Because the person on the other side of the door began desperately wiggling the handle. Their body slammed against the wood, again and again. They were determined to get in. I knew I should feel relieved but I still couldn’t feel anything but fear. I had to get out of here.
With a crack of wood, the door burst open, smacking against the wall.

Nash was on the other side. I had never been so relieved in my life. His eyes locked mine for a moment before focusing on the guy on me. He grabbed the back of his shirt and yanked him off me in one movement. I had never seen him look so furious.

He threw the guy to the floor before punching him hard in the face. He kept hitting him until blood gushed out of his nose. The guy at his feet howled in pain as Nash gave another blow to his body.

My hatred for this disgusting college boy was strong, but I still couldn’t stand to let Nash do this to him.

I ran over to Nash, grabbing his arm which was pulled back, ready to strike again.

“Nash, stop,” I pleaded. He just pushed my body behind his, shielding me.

“Nash, please,” I begged as I saw the dark hatred in Nash’s eyes. Which were locked on the pathetic mess of a boy in front of him.

“Nash, you’re going to kill him!” I shouted, throwing myself in front of his fist. He stopped before it could connect with my body. His eyes finally looked at me. He laced his fingers through mine, pulling me into his body.

He looked down at the boy one more time, “If you ever, ever go near her again,” he spat, “I will ruin you.” His voice was filled with such hatred, that it sent chills down my spine.

His hand tightened around mine as he pulled me through the house. I felt the tears beginning to well up in my eyes. I was okay now, but I was still so shocked and scared. I wanted to go home and sob into my pillow.

Nash led me to his room. It was the same as before, empty and quiet. He closed the door behind us and sat down on the bed. He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration.

I stayed by the door, leaning my back against it for support. It felt like the air was closing in around me, suffocating me. The reality of what that boy could have done to me was setting in. I felt vulnerable and weak. And I really didn’t want Nash to see me this way.

“I should ask Jack if he can give me a lift home,” my voice broke a little as I choked back tears. I wanted to run home and cry in my moms arms. I wanted to be alone.

Nash lifted his face from his hands when he heard my words. The look of fury was gone now, replaced by pity. He patted the bed beside him.

I don’t know why but I found myself walking over to him. It felt like I was being pulled to him, by an invisible thread. My need to feel his embrace was too strong. It outweighed all logic in my mind. He seemed to be doing that to me a lot, lately.

I stood in front of him. My bottom lip trembling and my eyes filling with tears yet to fall. He was seeing me at my lowest. His blue eyes studied me. They filled with hurt.

He wrapped his arms around my waist. Pulling me onto him. This time not in a sexual way, in a comforting one.

I nestled my head into his shoulder. And then the sobbing started. Each one causing my entire body to shake and my fists to curl in the back of his t shirt, which I knew was going to be stained with my mascara. But he didn’t seem to care.

He just held me tight, his hands went up the back of my shirt, his cool fingertips tracing patterns along my spine. I never knew this side of him. I knew the side that made my skin burn with passion and the side that made me want to tear my eyes out. But I’d never met this Nash before. The one who rocked back and forth slightly as I cried in his arms.

I lost track of time but eventually the crying dulled down until I was just hiccupping slightly. I got that sleepy feeling that you get after you cry. Like your bodies way of telling you that you’ve suffered enough for one day.

Nash must’ve noticed my eyes beginning to droop because he lifted me up as he pulled back the covers of his bed and tucked me in. He placed a light kiss on my head and began to walk towards the door and leave me to sleep.

Maybe it was the tiredness or possible not wanting to feel so alone, but before he reached the door I raised my sleep filled voice, “Stay.”

He turned back around slowly, “What?”

“Stay with me,” I whispered.

He didn’t need to be told twice.

I scooted over in the bed and he slid in beside me. We both lay on our sides facing each other. My eyes were closed and I was beginning to drift off. But his eyes were still open. I could tell, I could feel them looking at me.

“Nash what does this make us?” I asked quietly.

“I guess we’re gonna find out in the morning,” he chuckled softly.

“Mmm,” I said closing my eyes again.

“Sleep,” he said gently.

I turned over, so my back was facing him.

“Hey Nash?” I said after a few moments.

“Yeah?” He whispered into the darkness.

“The girl in the drawing,” I yawned, “She’s really pretty.”

Not long after the words left my mouth, I felt myself fall into the world of unconscious. But before I fell asleep, I felt Nash’s arm wrap around my body, pulling me closer. He brushed a stray wisp of hair from my face as he pressed his lips to my ear.

I couldn’t be sure, but I swear I heard him whisper, “Well you should see her in real life... She’s beautiful.”

But maybe I dreamt it.

A/N - Please send all feedback to my tumblr thanks for reading, stay awesome :-)

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