Part 17

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After lying on the ground, eating chocolate ice cream for a solid half hour, I finally plucked up the courage to ring Matt.
I paced around nervously as the phone rang.

“Hello?” His voice appeared on the other line.

“Hey Matt! It’s me,” I said.

“Oh hey!” He said brightly.

“You wanted to talk?” I asked, cutting straight to the point.

“Yeah well..” His voice trailed off, “I just, well I mean I was just wondering if you wanted to um..”

“If I wanted to..?” I said, messing with my hair as I listened.

“If you wanted to go out with me tonight? Because I mean we’ve never really gone out before, other than parties and even then I barely got to see you,” he spoke so quickly I could barely understand what he was saying.

“Matt are you asking me on a date?” I giggled.

“No no no,” he fumbled and I could practically feel him blushing, “Well I mean.. yeah, I guess I am.."

"Matt,” I laughed, “I’d love to go out with you tonight.”

“Really?” He asked, shocked that it was that easy, “I mean really really?!”

“Yes, really really, you loser! But let me get ready first.” I smiled to myself at his enthusiasm. It was a nice change from Nash’s usual angst and jealousy. Shit Nash, I thought. But I mean I wasn’t dating Nash, so I’m allowed do what I want, right?

He told me all the details and that he’d pick me up at 8, as cheesy as that sounded. I was actually really excited, I hadn’t really been on a date in ages and it was just nice to think that I made someone nervous, for once.

I showered and got dressed, curling my hair and fixing my face. I was all ready by the time the bell rang. And with a quick goodbye to my mom, I opened the door and was greeted with Matt in a shirt, looking anxiously at his feet.

He looked up when he heard the door open, “Wow,” he breathed, “You look great.”
“I could say the same about you,” I winked as he broke out into a grin.

I linked my arm through his as we made out way to his car.

We ended up in a small restaurant that looked way too expensive for two teenagers. We had a private little booth in the corner and wasted the night telling each other stupid stories until my eyes watered and my stomach ached with laughter.

He told me about his family, his friends, all the holidays he’d been on. We shared awkward first date stories, and talked about funny drunken moments.

And I realised that I knew more about Matt in a mere few hours than I knew about Nash, who’s been a negative part of my life for years.

We were just starting dessert when my eyes widened. Because standing right behind Matt, at the counter, collecting his takeaway order, was none other than Nash Grier.

I couldn’t believe it, of all the times and places, this happened. There was no way this was a coincidence, but I didn’t know how else to describe it other than: extreme bad luck.

He impatiently tapped his fingers on the edge of the desk as he waited for his food.

His roaming eyes found mine. They always seemed to.

I immediately looked away, pretending I hadn’t seen him. But it was no use, I could feel his gaze on my skin, silently setting it ablaze.

I swear he looked upset but he quickly shook it off as he walked over to us, “Hey guys!” He said cheerfully, “Fancy meeting you here.” He gave me a cheeky boyish grin as he slid into the booth, beside me.

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