Part 6

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The rest of the week went by pretty quickly. I didn’t see a whole lot of Nash and he still hadn’t “made me suffer” or whatever his plan was. I had been texting Matt on and off all week and I was actually pretty pumped for Friday. So when it rolled around I was excited as I walked into school. That was until I ran into Jacob in the corridor who told me that the schools guidance counsellor wanted to see me.
In all my years at this school, I’d never once gone to the guidance counsellor. Sure, I’d been bullied by Nash practically my entire life but I just never felt comfortable talking to anyone about it. So I was pretty surprised to say the least. But I still had time before my first class so I made my way to her office.
“Ahh yes,” she said looking at me, “I’ve been expecting you.” I think that was her attempt at a James Bond reference to make me feel less awkward. But if anything it just made me cringe at her attempt to be “hip and down with the kids.”

“Em yeah, I was told you wanted to see me?” I fiddled with the hem of my shorts. “Sit down dear, we need to talk,” she gestured towards the chair in front of her desk. I sat down nervously. Something about the wary tone in her voice was putting me off. “Listen,” she began, “I’ve been told by a student that you’ve been having some issues lately.” I sat there. Completely confused. I was starting to think she had the wrong student. “Issues?” I questioned. “Yes,” she continued, “Well, I don’t know how to put this dear but.. the student told me that you’ve been using yourself to give other students ‘sexual favours’.”

My jaw dropped. “Me?!” I was stunned, “Are you sure you have the right person? What do you mean sexual favours? I wouldn’t do something like that!” I assaulted her with words. I was sitting up straight now. My hands were flinging around in exasperation. “Yes I’m sure it was you that he said. He didn’t go into much detail but he simply said he was concerned for your well being. He’s worried that you’re doing this as a form of abusing your body. Now, I don’t want to have to put this forward to the principle. And this is usually something that I would be obliged to take up with your parents but-” “What?!” I said I was practically in tears. What was going on? “No, no my parents don’t need to hear anything.”

I was so confused. I had never given someone a ‘sexual favour’ in my life. I wasn’t even entirely sure how far that involved me going with someone. “But,” she looked sincere, “I’m not going to say anything to your parents. Not yet.” “Who?!” I demanded, “Who said all of this about me?!” “Well usually we keep the identity of other students anonymous but as he is such a kind friend he asked to be the one who helps you out of this troublesome time.” She then turned to the door of her office, “C’mon in dear.”

I was still confused as she called out to this ‘student.’ I was confused as I heard foot steps walking to the door. I was confused as it creaked open. But then I saw this ‘mysterious’ student who tipped off the guidance counsellor about me being the school prostitute. Then I wasn’t confused. Then it all made sense. Because Nash Grier walked through the door.

He came in and took the seat beside me. My hands trembled with anger. I was furious. He had taken this too far. It had been all fun and games before but this? This was serious. He had lied a to teacher about me being a whore. He had lied and made it seem like I was going through some ‘dark time’ in my life and needed to see the light. I was going to choke the life out of him.

“Now,” the guidance counsellor, her badge said her name was Mary, said, “Well, Nash here, came up with a great idea.” “Oh did he really?” I said through clenched teeth. “Yes, he oh so kindly offered to be a helping hand for you. He has taken it upon him to stay with you and guide you on to the right path.” She was beaming at Nash like he was the next Jesus. “What will this ‘guiding’ involve?” I growled. Steam was practically coming out of my ears. Just the way Nash was sitting told me he was smug.

“Well for starters,” Mary said,”it means you two will now be spending some of your after school hours doing bonding and trust exercises here in the school. We run and excellent course for those of you who need ‘help’. This is a great opportunity. If you do well in this then it will all be forgotten and we won’t have to take anything up with your parents.” Her voice was sweet and her eyes were soft but she was looking at me like I had some sort of mental disease.

And the worst part was he had planned this to perfection. No wonder he hadn’t done anything all week. This. This had taken skill. Because I had no way out of it. If I protested in any way they’d tell my parents and I’d be grounded for the rest of my life. So by the looks of things I was stuck in some after school team work project with Nash as my messiah. Great. Just fucking perfect. To think that I actually woke up happy this morning.

Mary was still looking at me for a reaction. And I had no choice but to smile and say, “Sounds great, can’t wait.” She was oblivious to the pure venom in my voice. The hatred directed towards the boy who was grinning beside me. He turned and put his hand on my knee. “Don’t worry,” he said with a smile, “Were going to get through this together. No matter how long it takes. I won’t EVER give up.” Mary didn’t notice the hidden message in his little speech but I did. “Well it’s settled then. I’ll see you two after school starting Monday.” She smiled at us. We both got up to leave.

Just as we entered the hall I let my anger loose. Luckily the corridors were empty because classes had started. I spun on Nash and slammed myself into him with as much force as I could get. We clattered off of the lockers nearby. “You worm!!” I shouted, balling my hands into fists. “You disgusting, evil prick!” He just stood back and smiled. I pulled at my hair. My breath came out in short, jagged breaths. “I swear I’m going to finish you.”    “In a dirty way?” He winked, “Well I mean, clearly you’ve had enough of that.” I hated him. In the pit of my stomach I felt my hatred churn. It was like a fire. He just continued to smile, “See you at the party tonight. Behave yourself though, you gotta be ready for our teamwork class on Monday. I don’t know about you, but I for one, can’t wait.” He walked away whistling and laughing.

I was left with my jaw and my dignity on the floor. The old me would cry. But I wasn’t going to. He thought he had won, but I was only getting started.

A/N - Please send all feedback to my tumblr Thanks for reading, stay awesome :-)

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