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Hermione was running. She had just left the library, right when it closed, and she had heard noises outside the castle. She had curiously got out without any prefects knowing. She was in fourth year, currently, and she knew what danger it could be because she wanted to be a Prefect next year.

When she got outside, she realized what was making the noise. It was a magical creature. She didn't know the specific type, but could tell by the sound it was making that it was huge and dangerous. She didn't know what was making her look for it if she knew it was dangerous.

She remembered Harry would be there around that exact moment because he had told her and Ron that he was planning to go with his invisibility cloak to see what his first task would be for the Triwizard Tournament. She had been wondering what it would be too. She wanted to help Harry, not to really make him win, but to survive his first task.

When she heard a few roars with what could only sound like burning flames, she instantly knew it was dragons. She had been about to leave but she realized something. She had heard four roars, yet there was a slight silent roar that had also sounded. The silent roar had been nearest to her. Actually, she realized she was right near the forbidden forest, and she realized, it was hiding right in there.

Hermione took a single step back, but the dragon hiding in the trees and bushes, what's seemed a smaller dragon, had reached out and grabbed her by the back of her shirt. The dragon silently growled, but showed no sign of attempting to kill or eat her. She didn't know why it didn't want to, but felt grateful.

She was lifted high in the air, over 20 feet high, higher than she ever would like to be even on a very stable broom. She was deathly afraid of heights and she couldn't help but feel nauseous. She felt like she might puke but she surprisingly didn't. She still felt very dizzy and she silently prayed that she would not pass out there. She couldn't risk losing consciousness if she was to be prefect.

Hermione tried to stay strong and brave, like she was thought to be since she was a Gryffindor. Then she felt the dragon's mouth nearing her and she closed her eyes fearfully. But the dragon surprised her. Instead, it had opened its mouth and let its teeth carefully touch her, not hurting her at all. She didn't know what it was doing. She never read anything about a dragon behavior like that.

Hermione felt a knot in her throat and she wished she had never left the library. She felt weak at her legs, and she didn't know what was going to happen. Then the dragon slightly and silently growled again but stuck its tongue out and licked the side of her face. She didn't know if it was what dragons did to prey, or if it was playfulness. After the dragon licked her more, she figured it was playfulness.

The dragon lifted her a bit higher but then let her down on his back. She didn't know what it was trying to do, but she just went with it. She didn't want to risk losing her life. Nor her chances to be a prefect. She held tightly to its neck and she felt it fly fast through the forbidden forest. She held on tightly and was absolutely scared to death.

The dragons seemed to sense her fear because he slowed down. When the dragon stopped by a big river stream, she still held on a bit tightly. The dragon turned its head around and nudged her with his cheek. She felt it begin to lick her again and she turned her head and began to laugh a bit. The dragon didn't stop licking her until she had let go of his neck and had fell of its back and to the ground.

She groaned from the ground from pain and the dragon turned around and bent down beside her. He licked her face a bit again, more softly, as an apology. "Alright I forgive you, but I still need to get my leg healed. I probably have to get back to the castle" said Hermione. The dragon seemed to frown but nudged her again, not wanting to let her leave. She laughed a bit again. "Okay, alright, I'll stay a bit longer but I have to get back eventually" said Hermione.

The dragon nodded and licked her more again. She kept laughing. Then the dragon nudged her closer to the water. She was still in pain and she didn't want to get near the water. "No, no, no! My leg is still injured! And I'm not going to get in water when I could get sick!" complained Hermione. The dragon grunted and picked her up by her shirt again and let her hover over the water. She silently shrieked, not wanting anything else that could be in the forest to hear her. Especially a person.

"Alright, I'll go in but you better have some fire in your lungs to warm me up because I will hurt you" said Hermione. The dragon seemed to silently whimper but nodded understandingly. She felt the dragon gently bring her closer to the surface of the water and then drop her in. She silently shrieked because it was very cold. The dragon chuckled a bit and then went in the big river too. Hermione glared hard at the dragon and the dragon didn't seem to notice.

The dragon flicked its tail in and out of the water playfully and then splashed Hermione. She gasped in surprise and then used her hands to splash him back. The dragon seemed annoyed by it a bit but then picked her up and carried her in its hands surrounded by its sharp claws, but he was holding her protectively. He turned on its back and then let the water take them down the stream.

The dragon continued to carry her in his hands on top of his stomach. She cuddled into the dragon's seemingly warm touch. The dragon let the water take them throughout the forest until they were closer to the castle where she needed to be. He knew where it was because he had seen it already and because he actually knew about it before he saw her coming from it.

The dragon gently carried her in his arms while he carefully flew to the entrance of the castle. He stopped right at the doors, knowing no one could see him because his scales were a light shade, hard to identify at all in any area. The dragon cradled her a bit in his arms. He licked her a bit again and then brought her inside the castle. She was asleep still sound asleep.

She woke up early, like she usually does, and she noticed by a magical clock that it was 5:45 She noticed she wasn't in her room. She was in a completely different place. She took one look at the only door in the room and realized it was a secret room of the castle. She didn't know where it was but she saw a note on the nightstand beside her. She took it and read it.

Dear Hermione,
It was fun being able to play with you last night. I really needed that. I'm just a bit stressed out because of my father. Sorry I don't get to be nice around you. Please forgive me for hurting you last night. I'm very sorry. I healed you while you were asleep, but it might be a bit sore for a few days. Hope you had a good night's rest.
Love, Dragon
P.S. You're in the Room of Requirement. Not many people know about it.

Hermione realized the person who wrote it was obviously an animagus. She didn't know who it could be though. She knew it wasn't Harry. Ron couldn't have done it, he never could cast a spell right. She knew it couldn't be Neville or anyone else in Gryffindor. She thought of all the Hufflepuff's she knew. No one, not even Cedric, seemed to be a match to how the dragon acted. She tried to think of Ravenclaw's but she knew none and knew none knew her.

She couldn't think of anyone who could be the dragon she had been with. Sighing, she got out of the bed and quickly left the room and checking to see it disappeared before she started rushing back to her common room. No one caught her thankfully. The Fat Lady was already awake and she didn't decide to question her and just let her in after she said the password. Hermione was thankful and rushed to her dormitory.

After quickly taking a shower and changing, she went down to the common room and tried to read but she couldn't concentrate with the mystery of who the dragon really was. Sighing, she closed her book and waited for it to be seven before going down and to the Great Hall for breakfast. She was surprisingly not the only student there. There seemed to be one other student. One of the last people she would ever think to see at breakfast early.

Hermione slowly ate her food but couldn't help but be curious as to why the boy in her year was the first one down to breakfast. She looked up at him curiously. He saw her but didn't show any emotion. He simply just stared at her and seemed to act like he was growling. The dragon flashed through her mind and she saw the dragon from last night in her mind and saw his light color eyes. His light grey eyes.

Hermione looked back at the boy one more time before she realized he had the exact same eyes. Her heart was beating faster as she realized that he was the dragon she had been with. He was the one who she played with and the one who made her laugh. She nearly fainted when she realized that she had been with the boy last night and had cuddled into his arms. She realized he had licked her and glided its teeth on her. She realized he was Dragon. And he was none other than Draco Malfoy.

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