The Triangle That Only Had Two Ends

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Potter-Gryffindor  for you sis *broken smile*

//Dramione: My sister's OTP//

If the golden trio was one thing, it was definitely NOT a love triangle. Every last Gryffindor would tell you the same thing. "There's no such thing as a triangle with two sides"

That's what it was, a triangle with the ends toward the center, and the center toward the other direction.

"Hermione, tell Ron he can bugger off. That we're supposed to be together"

"No, tell Harry that you and I are going to end up together with two kids"

Hermione wasn't even paying much attention. She was used to their bickering over her. It's strange, it happened so suddenly just the first day of October. Right after breakfast, in fact.

"I love you both equally as friends. Leave it at that" she told them in a hushed tone. She was tired of all the attention they got her.

"I stopped listening after you said "I love you"" said Harry.

"She was taking to me!"

"No she wasn't!"

"Yeah, she was. Why would she want you, you half-blood! I'm a pureblood, better than you'd even pretend to be"

Their bickering got louder by the second, and Slytherin could hear.

"Don't they know that they're fighting over blood status in front of their muggleborn friend?"

Draco scoffed at the two Gryffindors, they were absolutely ridiculous.

"I didn't know you cared so much about Granger, Malfoy"

The blond turned his head sharply to the noirette (A/N/: heeheehee i found the term I've been looking for).

"I don't, Parkinson. Careful with your assumptions if you don't have the facts straight"

The girl only rolled her eyes, took a sip of her water, and turned her body to face him.

"Listen here, Malfoy, you don't get to raise your voice and have an attitude, alright? That's my job, blondie. Secondly, you're an absolute idiot. I can see the way you look at her, and the way you are always talking about her, complaining about her perfectly perfect self. It's gotten quite annoying, so just go ask her out already before I do it for you"

"Fine! Just-wait what? Y-you think I like that... that lousy myggleborn with the eyes like caramel and her kissable lips and... sh*t, you're right"

"Obviously, I always am. Now go get her, or do you need me to do it for you?"

"Alright, alright, I'm going"


"Just know I have a guest room next to my room in Parkinson Manor"

"And you would be telling me that because...?"

"You're father is totally going to go in a rage fit about this and disown you, but your mother will argue with him so much, but he's going to have opened his mouth before he gets the sense knocked into him"

"Oh," —Draco paled at the precise description of what would happen— "well thank you, Pansy"

"Don't mention it blondie, you'll be a Granger soon enough. Tradition is so overrated, get her last name since you'll lose yours, and your father's an lunatic for customs from thousands of years ago"

"Yeah, you're right. I'm going to go up to Granger, and kiss her right on the lips, and say: "I love you and I could care less what my father thinks" and then I'd be disowned soon after, and I won't give a dam about it because I have you and Granger, my mom probably outdo leave my father once she hears about this and my father's choice of disowning me, and I'll have the women I need in my life: my mother, my best friend, and the girl of my dreams"

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