Mr. Ginger Pie Will Die

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TW: rape, abuse

Hermione walked down the girl's set of stairs and saw as her boyfriend happened to be on the arm chair in the common room.
"G-good morning, Ron" she stuttered. She didn't expect to see him up so early. Especially on a Saturday morning.
"Morning, Mione. Come and join me, will you?" he responded sounding a little out of character. She had heard the voice before. He had only ever used it with her when no one else was around. It was when he meant harm.
"I actually very hungry. I better go down to the Great Hall" she said trying to make an excuse. She actually was a little hungry, though.
"Not so fast. You don't get to go anywhere without me and when I ask you to do something, you do it!" yelled Ron only loud enough so she could hear it.
She slightly trembled as he got up and moved towards her. When he was right in front of her, he quickly grabbed onto the collar of her shirt, and pulled her in the air, making her face to face with him.
"I-I'm sorry-" started Hermione.
"Sorry's not going to cut it!" he spat in her face as she closed her eyes and mouth.
"Now take your clothes off!" he ordered.
"I said take your clothes off! Don't make me do it myself!" warned Ron.
Scared, she looked down and slowly brought her hands to the bottom of her sweater she had  on. She always wore a sweater because sometimes blood would stain her shirt from the inside. From her skin. Her cuts.
"Faster, you stupid filth!"
She trembled more and, at a faster pace, pulled her sweater off her and then reached for her bottom button of her shirt.
"Don't make me hurt you, do it faster!" ordered the ginger.
She hurriedly undid the buttons on her shirt and then before she could get a chance to take off her shirt, Ron grabbed onto her arm and pushed her to the floor.
He sat on top of her and forced his mouth on hers.
She was too scared to stop him. She always has been ever since fourth year. After seeing her with Victor Krum the night of the Yule Ball, he had kissed her forcefully and did something unforgettable and unforgivable.
Hermione felt his hands behind her back against her skin under her shirt that was still on her trying to unhook her bra clasp.
He unhooked it after a few tries and then took it off and kissed her chest and touched her and she inwardly screamed. She silently cried from everything he was doing to her. From what he has done to her.
She felt his hands move down to her waist and then felt his hands as he unbuttoned and unzipped her pants.
"Um, you know people are starting to get up" called a voice. Hermione instantly knew the voice, having heard it all the time in her dormitory gossiping about all the latest drama. It was Lavender Brown. Whom she knew had a crush on Ron.
Ron didn't seem to hear it as he was about to pull her pants down.
"Ron!" said Hermione in alarm.
He looked up and saw the other Gryffindor in the room. He turned as red as his hair and awkwardly chuckled.
"Sorry, can you leave us alone?" he asked.
"I would but everyone else waking up might not" said Lavender.
"Then make sure they don't come down!" argued Ron.
"I can't go to both the boys and the girls!"
"Yes you can. Boys can't go to girls, girls can go to boys" said Ron.
Lavender rolled her eyes and sighed. "Alright, fine. Only because you asked me" said the girl winking at him.
"Thanks, love" said Ron. She giggled at that and went up the stairs of the girl's room first. Hermione was used to him calling her love. He always seemed to like her even though he was with Hermione. She had brought it up once, but that was when he had first done something terrible. She never brought it up again because of what happened.
"Now, cast a spell so no one can hear us" ordered Ron.
She quickly reached for her wand that was in her pocket. She mumbled a silencing spell so that no one can hear them except themselves.
"Good. At least you can do that right" complained Ron.
Hermione felt him remove her pants and then unbuckle and lower his own pants and his boxers, but not fully taking them off. She knew what he was going to do and she closed her eyes as he entered her forcefully. She uncontrollably cried out in pain and he growled as she was not enjoying it. He reached around for his wand.
"Stop your yelling! Crucio!" said Ron causing her to scream out in pain once again.
No one came down for another hour. He had stopped by that time and growled at her.
"Pick up our clothes and put them on us both! Quickly!" ordered Ron.
She hurriedly reached for their clothes but it wasn't fast enough for Ron. "Imperio!" said Ron. She felt the magic make her grab his clothes first and then put on his boxers then his pants and then put his belt on. Then she reached for hers and put them on not as fast and then by the time she was done, Ron stopped using the spell and people were heard coming down the stairs.
Hermione was screaming and crying inside but she kept emotionless as people walked down and saw them. They whispered things, not very well, and gossiped about Hermione. Hermione knew instantly that Lavender told them she had wanted to do what they were doing.
"Did you hear what she was doing right now?"
"Yeah, and I thought she was supposed to be a goody little two shoes but she's not a virgin"
"She doesn't deserve to have a boyfriend"
"She doesn't deserve him"
Hermione walked out of the common room quickly, after making sure Ron wasn't paying much attention to her anymore, and rushed to the Great Hall. She didn't get to get there before someone stopped her.
"Hey, Mione! What were you doing? What are you thinking? Why'd you do it with Ron?" asked Harry clearly upset at her.
"N-no, Harry, I didn't-"
"I don't care for your excuses, I want the truth! Did you or did you not do it?" asked Harry.
"He did it, not me!"
"Mione, enough of your excuses! Ron told us everything! He told the whole house! Your disgusting!" shouted Harry.
"Harry, no, please! I didn't-"
"Enough! I'm tired of all these secrets! I have enough going on in my life! I don't need a stupid disgusting freak like you" said Harry before stomping off ahead of her towards the Great Hall. A few people were around them and witnessed Harry's outburst.
Hermione felt tears from in her eyes and she felt them threaten to fall. She tried to stop them but ran just before they streamed down her face. She ran to the only place she knew she could go to now. Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. Just as she was about to enter, she felt someone grab her and she instantly panicked. She knew who it was right away.
"What do you think you're doing?" he angrily shouted.
"Why do you want to know? You don't even care about me! You don't even like me! You only care about yourself! You like everyone but me! I'm nothing to you! I'm useless to you! I get it! You told me a billion times! Just let me go already! I don't need this! I don't need to live going through this all the time!" shouted Hermione. No one seemed to be in the hallway.
"You're right. I don't need you. I only want to use you. Now come on. I'm using you again. I just checked Harry's map. Moaning Myrtle's in the prefect's bathroom right now" said Ron grabbing onto her arm tightly.
She dared to struggle against his grip. "Ron, p-please! Stop! You already did it once today!" she tried to argue.
"I don't care! Now come on! Before I hurt you!"
"N-no! Not again!" shouted Hermione.
"Crucio" muttered Ron under his breath, Hermione didn't have to hear it to know what spell he casted. She fell to the floor, biting her tongue to refrain from screaming so loud.
She heard footsteps as she closed her eyes and clutched to her stomach in pain.
She heard someone being tackled and then someone getting punched.
"Like that? Bet it was better than her punch" she heard Ron say.
She heard another punch and then another, and then a kick, and then a groan of pain. She didn't know if it was Ron or the mysterious person.
"Mister Weasley, just what do you think you're doing here? Hurting my student? 50 points from Gryffindor" she heard Professor Snape say.
She still shook in immense pain and she heard someone, the mysterious person who was apparently a Slytherin, moving towards her.
"Granger? What happened to you?"
She opened her eyes in shock. It was Draco Malfoy. She looked right into his eyes in fear and saw Snape right behind him, raising his eyebrows waiting for her to answer.
"I- I" she started but she couldn't continue. It was too hurtful. Her pain increased and she clutched herself tighter and winced.
"What did he do to you?"
"N-nothing!" she said worrying they might find out.
"Granger, tell me before I humiliate you in front of Gryffindor.
"They'll like that" said Hermione remembering that they were disgusted by her.
"What? Why? What happened?"
"They thought I did something" she said quietly.
"What did they think you did?"
She opened her mouth but she didn't know how to say it. Before she could say anything, the red head got over his pain and said it for her.
"They know you wanted to have it with me!"
"They don't know anything! It's all Lav Lav's fault!" mocked Hermione, ignoring her pain for a second.
"Leave her out of this!"
"Why? So she doesn't have any plans later and you two can go snog?" asked Hermione.
"She wants to do it, not me!"
"You never just admit you wanted to do anything! How are you in Gryffindor? You're not brave! You're not nice! You're sure as hell not wise or smart! You could be in Slytherin, and you'd still be the stupidest one!" shouted Hermione.
"Is that a compliment?" asked Draco laughing at her words.
"It's the truth" said Hermione.
"Oh shut up, you stupid filthy brat!" shouted Ron.
Hermione flinched at the words.
"Mr. Weasley, enough! 10 points from Gryffindor!" shouted Snape.
Hermione noticed Draco's arms around her and she was frightened and Draco looked away from the weasel and down at her. When he realized his arms were around her, he nearly let go but she felt weak and the pain resurfaced and she groaned and closed her eyes and clutched her stomach.
"Granger, what did he do?" asked Malfoy softly in her ear as Ron was frustratingly walking away so Snape doesn't take away any more points.
"Please, Granger. Just tell me. I won't laugh or anything. I won't tell anyone except the professors. Please just tell me. I'm a pureblood, a Slytherin, and a Malfoy, and I'm asking you. I'm being polite and begging you to tell me. Just answer me, please?" asked Draco showing a bit of concern.
Hermione looked down at her lap and she instantly shuddered because 1) it was cold and 2) she remembered what he did to her only that morning, and tried to do right now.
"F-fine. I want to tell you the less serious one first.... but I don't know which one that is" said Hermione.
"Just say one. It doesn't matter. I'll wait till you finish till I complain" said Draco comfortingly.
"Okay. He, used the imperious curse on me" started Hermione.
"Wait, what?!" shouted Draco.
"I'm not finished" said Hermione.
"Oh, right sorry. Continue" said Draco respectively.
"He also used the cruciatus curse on me. He's done it a million times already. Two times today" said Hermione.
"That bloody-"
"Still not finished"
"What? Still? Okay continue"
"He also r-rapes me a lot" said Hermione.
"What? That slimy little- Sorry continue"
"And lastly, h-he.." she tried to say but it was too hard.
"Go on" encouraged Draco. She looked at him in the eye, and realized that he truly meant no harm. Trusting him, she sighed.
"Remember the night of be Yule Ball?" asked Hermione.
"Yes" said Draco.
"He.. He had done all those things to me there. But he also tried to do one more thing" said Hermione.
"What?" asked Draco with a mix of anger, fear, and confusion.
"He tried to use the killing curse on me" she said quietly.
"You done now?" asked Draco trying to remain calm and under control.
"That slimy little bloody Weasel! He's so dead! Not one Slytherin would ever even think about doing one of those things to anyone!" said Draco angrily, but still had his arms gently wrapped around her.
"Come on. We're going to the hospital wing, first. Then we're going to the Slytherin common room, then the Gryffindor common room" said Draco.
"What, why?" asked Hermione.
"So we can get you to feel better, and then get all the Slytherins, then go to all the Gryffindors, tell them the truth and then everyone will beat the living shit out of that bloody Weasel" said Draco about his plan.
"You'd get all the Slytherins to do that?" asked Hermione.
"Of course. Not even our parents would like this" said Draco.
Hermione felt, for the first time in forever, happy. She felt happier than she did when she punched Draco in third year.
"Thank you Malfoy" said Hermione.
"Please, after what I'm going to do to the Weasel, we can be on first name basis. Call me Draco" said Draco.
"Okay" said Hermione.
Snape just watched as they were clearly falling for each other without knowing it.
"Can you walk, or do you need me to carry you, Hermione?" asked Draco.
"I think I can walk" said Hermione, not wanting to be carried at all. She got up and stood up and he remained bent down by the floor as he watched her attempt to walk. Her legs were obviously weak as they were shaking vigorously. Draco caught her when she fell.
"Alright, I knew I would have to carry you. Let's go, Hermione" said Draco.
"Miss Granger" said Snape.
"Y-yes, Professor Snape?" asked Hermione.
"I'm going to inform your head of house and then the headmaster. So have fun watching Mister Ginger Pie die" said Snape chuckling and starting to walk away. While walking, he turned his head over his shoulder and called out, "Oh and Draco? Send him my regards."
Snape left to the Great Hall and Draco carried Hermione to the hospital wing. Hermione winced a few times as he carried her but he held her close, protectively, and gently.
"It's okay, Hermione. It won't hurt for long. I've got you" said Draco pulling her closer.
She looked up into his eyes as he spoke. He was looking down at her the whole time and felt a sudden need to kiss her. So, he did. He leant down and kissed her. She was shocked at first but kissed back a little bit. He made her forget all her pain and problems as they continued to kiss on their way to the hospital wing.
After getting healed, they made their way to the dungeons, Draco still wanting to carry her.
"Hey, Hermione?" asked Draco.
"Yes?" asked Hermione.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" asked Draco.
"Only if Mister Ginger Pie dies" said Hermione.
"Don't worry. Mister Ginger Pie will die" said Draco before leaning in to kiss her again. They kissed while he brought them right in front of the wall that opened to the Slytherin common room.
"Pureblood" said Draco.
"Really? That's your password?" asked Hermione.
"Hey, I didn't come up with it" said defensively.
"You could have though. Wouldn't your father hear about it?" asked Hermione.
"Who cares about him? I only care about us and you. That's the only things I care about in life. Wait, and my mother" said Draco.
Hermione chuckled. The wall opened and all the Slytherins inside the common room, which was most of them, were all dead silent. Shock was written on their faces. Not so much horror.
"Can someone get all the other Slytherins in the common room? I have something very important to announce and something very important that we must do with the Gryffindors. Well, most of them" said Draco.
"What? You expect us to side with Gryffindors on something?" asked Pansy.
"Come on, wait to hear me out. Trust me, you're going to want to hear this" said Draco.
"Fine. Someone go get the rest of the Slytherins!" said Pansy. A few first years started running up the stairs and went to all the dormitories getting all the rest of them down to the common room.
"Okay, now you all know the Weasel, right?" asked Draco.
"It's Mister Ginger Pie now" said Hermione laughing. Some Slytherins laughed too.
"Yeah, I guess it is. Snape came up with that. We got to thank him later. After we go and beat the living snot out of Mister Ginger Pie" said Draco angrily at the last part.
"Why? What reason?" asked Blaise Zabini excitedly.
"Well something happened to Hermione-"
"Wait, since when do you call her that?"
"Since now" said Draco.
"About time" said Blaise.
Draco rolled his eyes.
"Okay, anyways, Hermione got hurt by the stupid Mister Ginger Pie and in more ways than one and it started apparently since the night of the Yule Ball" said Draco.
"What did he do?" asked Pansy.
"For one thing, he cursed her with the cruciatus and imperious curse. Actually he curses her with the cruciatus curse quite a lot, apparently"
"He does? That foul-" started Theodore Nott.
"Wait, I didn't even get to finish. I wasn't even saying the worst two parts yet" said Draco.
"What else did the blasted ginger Weasel do?" asked Pansy.
"Two things. One, he nearly killed her with the killing curse,-"
"What?!" shouted the whole house.
"Wait, and another thing. He had done this one a lot too apparently. I'm pretty sure he tried to do this right now too"
"What?" asked Blaise wondering what could be worse than getting hit by nearly all three unforgivable curses.
"He raped her" said Draco.
Everyone in the common room started shouting all at once.
"Guys! Guys! GUYS!" shouted Draco.
Everyone stopped. Well, except for two certain boys.
"That- that foul loser!" shouted Theo.
"That blasted clown!" shouted Blaise.
"Calm down. Why don't you take your anger out on him?" asked Draco.
"Alright. We're leaving now, right?" asked Pansy.
"Yes, but first. Hermione, do you think there is enough room in the Gryffindor common room to fit everyone?" asked Draco.
"Probably not" said Hermione.
"Wait, I got an idea. The Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom! That's got to fit half of the school! Okay, all of you go there and I'll go with my girlfriend to get the Gryffindors and Mister Ginger Pie" said Draco.
No one really seemed surprised at this point that she was his girlfriend. They were too into the idea of beating up the ginger face weasel.
"Wait, can I go with you?" asked Blaise.
"Sure, but you only! Theo, you and Pansy lead everyone else to the DADA classroom!" said Draco.
"Okay" said Theo.
Draco walked with Blaise while carrying his girlfriend to Gryffindor Tower.
"You two have kissed already, haven't you?" asked Blaise.
"Yeah. So what? I love her and her sweet lips" said Draco looking at his girlfriend.
"Aww. You're so sweet" said Hermione.
"As much as my kisses?"
"As much as your ego is big"'
Draco scoffed.
"Come on, can you not make fun of me for one second and just kiss me?" asked Draco.
Hermione laughed a little and rolled her eyes. She leaned up and kissed him passionately and sweetly. Draco kissed back and they pulled away when Blaise coughed purposely when they reached the Fat Lady's portrait.
"Mimbulus Mimbletonia" said Hermione. The portrait swing open carefully and Draco walked in showing no fear not disgust. So did Blaise.
"What is she doing here?"
"Ew! Why's she with him?"
Everyone stared at the three and some were gossiping while most were too shocked to speak.
"Can you be quiet? I have a proposition. A plan to get back at Mister Ginger Pie. Who used to be known as Weasel" said Draco.
"Why would we want to get him?" asked Neville curiously.
"He hurt my girlfriend" said Draco.
"Who?" asked Seamus.
"My girlfriend, Hermione" said Draco.
"Why would she be with you?" asked Parvati Patil.
"She loves me" said Draco.
"And cause you attacked Mister Ginger Pie and because you said you'd kill him" said Hermione.
"Why would he kill him?" asked Neville.
"He hurt her!" said Draco.
"But how?"
"Four things. One, he used the cruciatus curse on her a lot. He used the imperius curse on her. He attempted the killing curse on her. Oh, lastly, he raped her several times! And it started since the night of the Yule Ball!" said Draco.
"Wait, he did what?! That slimy git! When do I beat him up?" asked Neville.
"When I get every other Gryffindor to come to the DADA classroom and Mister Ginger Pie there too" said Draco.
"Okay, who's seen him last?" asked Neville angrily and ready to beat the living snot out of his dorm mate.
"I saw him going into the kitchen. I'm sorry Mione. Please forgive me!" begged Harry now on his knees in front of Hermione who was still in Draco's arms.
"I will when you hurt Mister Ginger Pie" said Hermione.
With a determined look in his face, he said "Mister Ginger Pie must die"
"Hermione, please forgive me. I didn't mean to tell everyone what I said. I'm so sorry!" said Hermione's dorm mate, Lavender Brown.
"It's okay" said Hermione.
"Are you sure? Cause I swear I'll go right now and get him and go throw him-"
"No it's okay. I swear" said Hermione.
"That stupid git of our brother! We're going to hurt him so bad" said Fred. "And then tell mother!" said George.
"Not if I tell her first" said Ginny.
"Okay, follow Blaise to the DADA classroom that has the Slytherins who are so willing to help. I'm going to get the bloody git with Hermione" said Draco.
"Hurry! I want to hurt him already!" said Dean.
"Okay, you'll get your chance. I've already dealt with him and I probably have to again" said Draco.
"Okay, start leaving already!" said Neville.
"Yeah! I don't want any time of beating him wasted" said Harry.
"Calm down, Potter" said Draco laughing and walking away to the kitchens.
Hermione snuggled into his chest. Draco kissed her forehead and then her lips.
She kissed back and when they reached the outside of the kitchens, they stopped.
Draco tickled the pair and then opened up the entrance to the kitchens filled with house elves but one in particular was seemingly mad.
"Dobby, what's happened?" asked Hermione.
"That, that Ginger Frappuccino was lying! He tells lies! He says Draco was bad and attack him for no reason but Dobby knew it was lies. Dobby knew Draco was good. Dobby knows Draco hurt bad people, only, for very good reasons. He accused you of being all over him but Dobby knew better than to trust him about you. Dobby knows Hermione good person. Hermione and Draco need hug!" said Dobby rushing to hug them. Draco awkwardly hugged him back the best he could with Hermione in his arms.
"Okay, where is Ginger Frappuccino?" asked Draco. He is tied up in corner" said Dobby pointing towards a disheveled Ron.
"Thank you Dobby" said Draco before rushing to him with a Hermione in his arms. He quickly got a hold of his wand and casted a spell, making Ron levitate behind him as he started to make his way out of the kitchen and to the DADA classroom.
"Wait, Dobby wants you to have some food!" said Dobby running up to them with a plate full of food floating behind him.
"Oh, wow. Thanks Dobby. You're the best!" said Draco.
"Thank you Dobby" said Hermione.
"Not a problem, Miss" said Dobby.
"We must get going. See you around, Dobby" said Draco.
"Oh, yes. See you around! Dobby says bye!" called Dobby before the door closed.
"Bye Dobby" said Draco and Hermione simultaneously as the door was closing.
Ron was conscious but his mouth was covered by a cloth making him unable to talk.
Draco looked at him and snickered.
"I feel bad for his mother" said Draco.
"I feel bad for his whole family" said Hermione.
"Yeah. You know what I also feel?" asked Draco.
"What?" asked Hermione turning to face him.
"I feel like you're so beautiful that you deserve a million kisses" said Draco leaning his head against hers, their noses touching.
Hermione giggled and gave him one sweet kiss in his lips.
"You're a dork" said Hermione.
"But you do deserve a million kisses. No, a lot more but I'm pretty sure I would lose count. So how about while Mister Ginger Pie dies, I kiss you a million times?" asked Draco.
"I would love that Draco" said Hermione snuggling into his chest more.
"Good. Well we better not keep everyone waiting" said Draco giving her a sweet, passionate kiss before continuing to the classroom.
The plate of food hovered over them and Hermione grabbed an apple from it and began to eat it.
"Can I have some, love?" asked Draco.
Hermione smiled and giggled.
"Okay, Draco" said Hermione before holding the apple by his mouth. He took a bite from it and stared at her as she took another bite right after.
"You're beautiful, Hermione" said Draco after he finished chewing.
"No I'm not" said Hermione shaking her head.
"What are you talking about? Yes you are! You're so beautiful, everyone knows it!" said Draco.
"No I'm not. I'm ugly and disgusting" said Hermione.
"You are most certainly not! You are beautiful just the way you are! I thought you looked pretty at the Yule Ball, but beautiful every other day because you didn't have any makeup or random hair products on. I like you for you" said Draco leaning in to kiss her.
After their long and passionate kiss, Hermione pulled away.
"Thank you, Draco" said Hermione.
"No problem, love" said Draco.
Once they arrived, everyone started to cheer.
"Finally! I can't wait to beat him up!" said Blaise.
"I can't wait till we're done with him and our mom finds out" said Fred.
"Yeah, mom. You reckon he'll get a howler?" asked George to his twin.
"Probably more than one" said Fred.
"Ooh I'd like to see that" said Pansy.
Draco levitated Ron to the space in the middle of the room and Ron's eyes widened as he was shouting screams muffled by the cloth tied around his mouth.
Everyone surrounded him, not even split into their two houses. They were all mixed together in a crowd, shouting to hurt the slimy Ginger Frappuccino.
"Hermione?" asked Draco looking down at her as people were fighting to get to the front and hit him.
"Yes?" asked Hermione looking at him.
"I'm sorry for everything I've ever did to you and you're friends" said Draco.
"I'm assuming you mean Ginny, Harry, and Neville?" asked Hermione.
"Yes. They are all nice people. At least if your not on their bad side" said Draco tuning to look at them through the crowd. They were in the front, all beating him up along with Blaise, Pansy, and Theo.
"Yeah. It's okay, Draco. You were never that bad. It was only because you weren't raised to like people like us" said Hermione.
"Yeah, but I chose to say and do those things" said Draco.
"And I chose to let you be my boyfriend. You know why?" asked Hermione.
"Why?" asked Draco.
"Because I know you really are a good person, Draco. I know you aren't really a mean snob. I knew that deep down under all that you appear to be, that there is good. That there is more to Draco Malfoy. That he really does have a heart" said Hermione.
Draco smiled and held her closer.
"I do, but now it belongs to you" said Draco.
Hermione chuckled and rolled her eyes.
"It's still yours, Draco" said Hermione.
"But you still have all the love it could give" said Draco resting his head on hers.
"Whatever, Draco. You silly little Ferret" said Hermione leaning her lips towards his.
"Ferret? I thought we got past that" said Draco.
"Just kiss me already" said Hermione.
"Alright" said Draco closing the distance between their lips.
"Hey, look! Their kissing!" should shouted Blaise. He seemed to be done with his turn at beating Ron. Almost all the people turned. All except the ones beating Ron up.
"Aw! They're such an adorable couple! I ship them! Dramione!" shouted Ginny.
"I ship them too!" shouted Pansy.
"Ship!" shouted Blaise and Theo.
"Boat!" shouted Fred and George.
Everyone turned to them.
"What?" asked Fred.
"I thought we were shouting things that go in water" said Fred.
Everyone rolled their eyes.
"Ship!" shouted Harry.
"Ship!" shouted everyone else in the room.
"It's official! Dramione is real! I am captain of this ship!" shouted Ginny.
"No I am!" argued Blaise.
"You can be co captain" said Ginny.
"Alright" said Blaise.
"Now back to beating the ginger!" shouted Theo making everyone angry again.
"Mister Ginger Pie will die!" shouted everyone in the room except Hermione and Draco who were still kissing.
Everyone continued beating him up until it was one in the morning, when everyone had a turn, and were tired.
"Let's leave. It's late" said Blaise.
"Yeah. We'll leave him here" said Ginny.
Everyone started to leave but Blaise, Pansy, Harry, and Ginny had stayed behind because Draco and Hermione were still there.
"Okay, come on! We're tired!" said Blaise.
"Not my problem" said Draco pulling away from Hermione's lips for only a second.
"Come on, you can kiss her in the morning!" said Blaise.
"Yeah, lets go already!" complained Pansy.
Draco and Hermione ignored them and kept kissing.
"Hermione, please we're tired! Snog him in the morning!" said Harry.
"Yeah. As captain of this ship, I order you to stop kissing or go somewhere else to kiss and fall asleep" said Ginny.
"Ginny!" shouted Harry in surprise.
"What? I'm still captain of the ship!" said Ginny.
Harry groaned in frustration.
"Come on, you'll have her back in the morning. You can sit with us at breakfast if you'd like but we have to sleep. So does she. You wouldn't want her to fall asleep in class would you? And get in trouble?" asked Harry.
Draco pulled away from Hermione.
"Okay, okay. Hermione, love, I'll see you in the morning" said Draco before giving her one last passionate, sweet, and long kiss. Hermione made sure to kiss back and Draco sneaked his tongue into her mouth, making her gasp but when they pulled away she rolled her eyes.
"Okay, Ferret" said Hermione before jumping out of his arms and starting to run out of the room as he smirked and ran after her.
"Are they ever going to stop?" asked Blaise.
"You don't make a very good co captain for this ship. Do you want to lose your position? I'm sure Harry would like to take your spot" said Ginny.
"What? No, I'm good. Thanks" said Harry starting to run at a fast pace behind Draco.
"Come back here!" shouted Ginny starting to run after him.
"We better get Draco" said Pansy.
"Yeah. But before we go.." said Blaise before going up to Ron and punching him hard on his jaw.
"There. Okay let's go" said Blaise before they started following their new friends.

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