Don't Tell Anyone

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Hermione was just reading in the library when Draco came in and approached her.
"What are you doing, Granger?" asked Draco.
"Reading. Something you should try sometime" said Hermione looking up from her book.
"Not a chance, Granger. I wouldn't be caught dead reading. Unless it's the cause of my death" said Draco.
Hermione rolled her eyes and tried to continue reading.
"You know my father knows all about Hogwarts and the founders. Their history and whatnot" said Draco.
"Good for him. Did he read about it or was he told with a story?" asked Hermione.
"He read it" said Draco.
"Oh, then why didn't you? It's much better to read things than to hear or see it" said Hermione.
"No, it's better to do things" said Draco.
"Well when you're reading, it's like you picture everything happening and you can picture yourself as one of the characters doing what they do" said Hermione turning the page of her book.
"What? That sounds... er..stupid" said Draco.
"What are you doing in the library if you are not going to read a book?" asked Hermione still not paying attention to anything but the words on the page of her book.
"Well, um.. Blaise is sick and I need to get him a book for one of his classes" said Draco.
"Sure" said Hermione not buying anything he was saying at all.
"And besides, I wanted to make fun of Potter" said Draco looking at Hermione sternly.
"He never comes to the library unless I drag him here, which isn't very often" said Hermione.
Draco's face flushed in embarrassment as he knew he was lying and wanted to be intimidating but didn't know what else to do. Hermione didn't even have to glance over her book to know what he looked like and that he was stuck thinking.
"Well, I knew I probably wouldn't have found him that fast so I came here and saw you as I figured I would and decided to taunt you instead" said Draco.
"Yeah, sure you did" said Hermione before turning another page of her book.
Draco watched in wonder and amusement at the girl and the cover of the books.
"How do you read so fast?" asked Draco.
"I just read a lot, so I process words faster and understand the text quicker than others would" said Hermione before looking at the bottom of the first page then at the top of the other one.
Draco sat down on top the table before her, but she wasn't bothering to look at him.
"You shouldn't sit on anything that isn't a chair, here" said Hermione.
"Oh yeah? And why not?" asked Draco.
"Because Madam Pince kicks nearly everyone out because of that and also because of bringing food here" said Hermione.
Draco glanced around the room and saw the librarian scolding a second year who brought in a chocolate frog. He paled, if that was possible with his complexion, and then got off the table and sat down at the table in front of Hermione.
"So what are you reading about?" asked Draco.
"If it isn't obvious from the cover that's right in front of you, I'm reading 'Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them,' and you're interrupting my reading so leave before I make you" said Hermione.
"No way, Granger. You're not making me do anything. Even if it was for my sake of filthy Mudblood germs caught on me" said Draco.
"I'm giving you one last chance to leave while I have my book in hand and not my wand" said Hermione.
"What's the worst you can do? Make me hop?" asked Draco.
Hermione put her book down flat, open to her page, and then took out her wand.
Draco stepped backwards as it came out in her hand almost instantly.
"Harry and Ron can't save you" said Draco trying to be intimidating.
"Oh yes, I know" said Hermione.
Madam Pince looked around at the nearly empty library  and then ran out of the library, chasing all the children with candy in their hands near her books.
"But they can't stop me, either" said Hermione with an almost evil little glint in her eyes.
Draco gulped as he got up and took a step back only to bump into a table as she walked closer to him, wand pointed his direction.
Draco feared her. He finally admitted it to himself. He feared Hermione Granger. The muggleborn he had acted like he loathed ever since he first glanced at her. He was absolutely terrified of her and everything she knew. He was terrified of her knowledge. The information she knew that was much too advanced for everyone in their year.
Draco didn't know what to do and, in panic, leant forward and kissed her lips softly.
Hermione froze when he touched her lips and neither could think straight when their lips touched and connected.
All Draco knew from when he kissed her on, was that she was beautiful and the only person who was worthy of knowledge and beauty, was her.
He didn't know why, but he continued to kiss her and didn't stop, nor even when he ran out of breath.
She was absolutely still and unmoving as he kissed her repeatedly and made her stiff. Not even when he bit her lip, or licked it afterwards did she react. She was too shocked by everything. Especially by the good feeling she had with the touch of Draco's lips and tongue on her mouth.
Then without even knowing what's going on, her mouth was open and his tongue was taking over her whole entire mouth.
Draco finally pulled away after another minute without a response or reaction from her.
"Hermione?" he asked.
She snapped out of her trance by the sound of her name in his voice. He's never called her that before. Why did he start now? Why did he kiss her just now?
"W-what was t-that?" she stuttered.
"S-sorry. I- I d-didn't m-mean t-to Hermione. P-please don't hurt me. I shouldn't have done that. I- forgive me. I'm begging you, don't kill me or tell anyone. My father might just- who am I kidding? He will definitely hear about this if you tell anyone. He's gonna kill me. Please don't tell. You have to promise me, you won't tell. You won't tell right? Please don't tell! He's going to kill me for ruining his reputation. He'll disown me and kill me. He'll leave me for the dirt or with the dead. Please, I know I'm not ever nice or fair or anything, but you're a great, smart, and an incredibly wonderful person. You wouldn't want me to die, would you? By my own father? Or left to the dirt, alone and cold, with nothing and no one?" asked Draco.
Hermione was shocked again. Malfoy begging and pleading? What was this? Why was he acting like this?
"I-I won't tell anyone, fine. I trust you won't tell anyone either. But what was that?" asked Hermione confused.
"I didn't know what I was doing. I was scared and panicked and kissed you because I couldn't think straight. You frighten me and I thought you'd kill me within a second. You were, weren't you?" he asked still a bit scared.
She shook her head. "No, of course not"
They both heard Madam Pince coming back towards the library. Draco quickly pulled her with him, grabbing her book as well, and brought them both to the back of the library. It was behind all the rows of shelves, dark and shadowed, but with some light shining from a small window.
"Your book," said Draco handing her the still perfectly conditioned, brand new looking book.
"Thank you, uh, Draco" she responded.
"It's the least I can do" said Draco looking down, ashamed and embarrassed.
Hermione felt bad for him. After everything he'd just spilled, after his begging, after everything, he was scared.
He never showed fear to anyone. He was the Slytherin Prince, the boy everyone knew to be cunning, ambitious, and heartless.
He was now revealed to Hermione as Draco Malfoy, the boy who was broken and controlled by his father and the darkness. He didn't have a choice in anything he wanted, she realized.
"Draco, are you okay?" she asked worriedly.
He didn't say anything and kept his head down. She heard the librarian go back to her desk, oblivious to the two remaining students in the library.
"It's okay, Draco. You're okay" said Hermione, trying not to cry from sadness.
She thought of how painful it was for him to have no voice. She thought that he must've felt so isolated and alone, even with the popularity, famous title, and the pureblood name.
She felt a small liquid land on her sleeve. She realized that he was crying. She wrapped her arms around him, in a hug.
"I'm sorry, Hermione. I wish you didn't see me like this. I'm so weak" sobbed Draco silently.
"You mean crying? It's alright to cry, Draco. Everyone cries. I'm sure Slytherins cry all the time. Maybe not in front of people, but they still cry. It's unhealthy not to cry. And actually, it's a fact that tears remove the chemicals formed during stress. Crying is natural. Ron cries, Harry cries, I cry. Heck, even animals cry" said Hermione.
Draco slowly looked up at her and smiled. "T-thanks, Hermione" he said quietly. He hugged her back and never wanted to let go. She was the first person he's ever talked to about his father. She's the first person ever to know anything about his thought, feelings, or emotions. She's the first one to know that Draco Malfoy is not who everyone thinks. She's also the first one to know what it's like to be kissed by Draco.
"Hermione? Can we just stay here for a while?"
She looked at him and nodded. "Sure"
"Hermione?" asked Draco after a moment of silence.
"Yeah?" she whispered.
Draco thought of his choice of words carefully.
"Did I kiss alright? I mean, not that I'm desperate for an answer-Well I am, but... You see, you're my first kiss" confessed Draco.
"Oh, um, yeah I guess so. It felt nice, but I've never kissed anyone before" said Hermione.
"Oh. Well there's something I never thought to be true" said Draco.
"What's that supposed to mean?" asked Hermione confused.
"Well, you're very smart and beautiful. It makes zero sense as to how no one's ever kissed you" said Draco.
Hermione blushed and Draco noticed. He brought his hand to her left cheek.
"Hey, that's a compliment from a Malfoy. That's huge" said Draco.
Hermione scoffed. "Yeah, but you're not a regular, typical Malfoy. You're broken and handsome Malfoy" said Hermione. It was Draco's turn to blush.
"Is that a good thing?" asked Draco.
"Coming from me, of course it is" said Hermione.
Draco looked to her lips. It was as if they were calling him, luring him.
"Hermione, is it wrong to ask for a kiss?" asked Draco quietly, but quite clearly.
"Says the guys who thought crying was a crime. You know, starting now, you can kiss me all you want if it makes you feel better. Just please don't do this to yourself again, okay?" asked Hermione.
Draco smiled brightly, which was odd, strange, and like witnessing a monster eclipse. Once in a lifetime.
"You got it, Hermione" said Draco before she leaned in to his face and touched his lips with hers. Hers were soft and delicate. His were gentle and slow. It was perfect how they were together. It was like two pieces of a puzzle, together and united.
Draco made sure they didn't pull away too often for too long, for he wanted to be with her forever. She understood him. She actually accepted his true nature. She didn't judge him. Draco realized... he loved her.
"Her-mione" breathed Draco, against her mouth. "I just realized I love you"
Hermione looked at him all the same, even more adoringly. She was not concerned by his words. They didn't make her scared or nervous. If anything, they made her happy.
"I love you too, Draco" she whispered.
Draco looked at her beautiful chocolate filled eyes and leaned his head against hers.
"Hermione, if I were to somehow tell my dad I kissed, let's say, a muggleborn, and he kicked me out in the streets without anything, would you be willing to find me somewhere to stay?" asked Draco.
"If you're okay with the Weasley's, you could stay there. But you could always just stay with me. My parents are constantly complaining how I never stop reading and how I need to hang around more people. They'd love to have you stay with us, even if we were- you know.." said Hermione unable to finish.
"Boyfriend and girlfriend?" asked Draco hopefully. "Is that what we are?" asked Hermione. "It's what I would like to be" said Draco with a shy smile.
"Then if you're okay with it, I'm okay with it" said Hermione.
The two matched with a bright smile before they kissed long and passionately. Draco reached his left hand to her waist and his right hand remained on her cheek.
The forgotten book Hermione has in her hands dropped with a loud slam to the floor.
The two broke apart, breathing heavily. Madam Pince, as they heard, was rushing curiously towards them.
Draco quickly grabbed the book while Hermione had thought up a spell to hide them. She charmed themselves invisible and she held on to his arm as she quietly hurried with him out of the library which thankfully was left with the door open.
"Thank Merlin" said Draco in relief once they were out. Hermione used the reverse charm and they were visible again.

"Hermione, about tonight... don't tell anyone. Everyone's mean with these things" said Draco.
"Yeah, I know. Just don't tell anyone I kissed you" said Hermione.
"Only if you don't tell anyone that I kissed you first and that I cried" said Draco.
"Well I would never do that to you. You deserve to be happy and relaxed for once" said Hermione.
They shared a small smile. Draco then realized something.
"It's past curfew. Want to stay in my room?" asked Draco.
"Of course, not. That's a stupid idea" said Hermione.
"I don't share it with anybody" Draco informed.
"Well that changes everything. Let's go, already, Draco" said Hermione eagerly.
"Here, hold your book carefully" said Draco.
Hermione grabbed the book from his arms and held on to it tightly before he picked her up in his arms and ran off with her quickly and quietly to the dungeons, where his vacant room was waiting.

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