Christmas Break

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"Hermione," called a voice as she was reading her favorite book, Hogwarts: A History.
She merely glanced up before she realized it was her best friend, Harry Potter.
"Yes?" asked Hermione annoyed he interrupted her reading during lunch.
It was Tuesday, but no classes were taking place until the following week, for it was the Christmas holidays. Barley anyone stayed at Hogwarts. Only Harry, Ron, Hermione, Cho Chang, the Creevey brothers, and Draco Malfoy remained in the castle.
Ron and Harry, of course, were leaving the next day to the Burrow. They had changed their decision at the last minute. Hermione wasn't going to go, she wanted to stay in Hogwarts so she could be in the library and read more. She couldn't go with her parents because they left on a trip to a place in America called New York.
She didn't choose to stay over at the Burrow because Ron has been acting weird with her and she wanted to avoid the awkwardness.
"Me and Ron are going to go pack" said Harry.
"I believe the correct term is 'Ron and I,' and go ahead. I'm going to go to the library where it's more quiet with zero people" said Hermione standing up and leaving to her favorite place in Hogwarts.
Indeed there was no one in the library. Even Madam Pince wasn't there at the moment, seeing as the only person who'd ever bother to go there was Hermione and the librarian knew for a fact the girl never damaged a book in there, nor anytime in her life.
She heard movement in the halls behind her as she walked but ignored it as she read her book while walking to the library.
Suddenly she was held back by a pair of strong arms. She didn't know who it was and hit the person behind her in the chest.
"Oi, Granger! That hurt!" yelped a male voice.
She turned around and saw an arrogant blonde. "Malfoy, what do you want?" asked Hermione.
"I want you, of course" said Draco smirking at her.
"Well that's too bad because I'm not a toy you can have possession over" said Hermione.
"I never said you were. But you can have possession over me, if you'd like" said Draco.
"As if, Malfoy" scoffed Hermione trying to walk ahead to the library.
"Wait, Granger" called Draco before grabbing her arm and stopping her.
She sighed annoyed and turned around to face him once again.
"What do you want?" she asked annoyed.
"I want you to be my girlfriend" said Draco.
"Who put you up to this?" asked Hermione.
"No one but myself. You're beautiful this fine day. As you are everyday all the time" said Draco before pulling the arm he grabbed onto and kissing her hand on the back of her palm. She tried to pull away her hand but he only held onto it tighter. She could have sworn she saw a flash from the corner of her eye and Draco was oblivious as he only looked in her mesmerizing eyes.
"Come on, Granger. Don't try to fight we're made for each other" said Draco smugly.
"Don't try to intimidate me to punch you again" warned Hermione.
"It'll be wonderful if we were together, Granger. Think about it" said Draco looking in the far corner of the halls, still holding Hermione's hand.
"I'd rather have potions for a whole day" said Hermione annoyed.
"Oh come on. Think about it like this. We'll go to the library and have study dates. I could read to you, or you could read to me. We could read and cuddle. We could have some tea or anything you'd like" said Draco trying to sound cool.
"As much as that sounds, well, nice, that's not something I'd want to do with someone as arrogant as you" said Hermione.
"We'll grow old together. We'll have lots of children. We'll be like the Weasley's but with bushy, blonde hair" said Draco ignoring what she just said.
Ron came out from another hall and walked towards them. "What?"
"My girlfriend just doesn't accept the fact that we're meant to be" sighed Draco staring at Hermione.
"I am not your girlfriend, Malfoy" said Hermione pushing him to the side as she storms away angrily.
"Still in denial" said Draco as watched her go.
Ron rolls his eyes but slightly laughs.
"She'll come back. She always comes back"
"It looks like she's headed to the library" commented Ron as Draco watched her every move.
Draco's eyes widened and he dropped to his knees.
"She'll never come back" he cried.
"Not unless you go get her" said Ron thinking of how hilarious it would be for him to run after her.
Draco raised his eyebrows and got up from the floor and started to run after Hermione to the library. Once he reached the doors, he stops running and pushed them open while walking casually towards the table all the way across the room.
He put his hands in his pockets as he walked over to the table she was sitting at, reading a book.
As he approached, she glanced up at him and rolled her eyes before bringing her book up and making it hide his face from view.
Draco smirked as he put his hand on the top of the book and pushed it flat on the table.
"Come on, Granger. Don't run away from love"
"Shut up, Malfoy"
"Don't deny what's goin on"
"There is nothing going on, Malfoy"
"Not until we get out of this place"
"There's still another year left of Hogwarts"
"I was talking about the library"
"You are dis-"
"Disassembling your clothes in the near future?"
"You're sick, Malfoy"
"You're right. I'm love sick"
"Don't you have anything better to do, Malfoy?"
"Oh, yeah. I do"
"Then go do it"
"Alright, Fine. I will"
Draco gets up, shuffling his books together, but then leaves them there as he steps to the side and grabs Hermione's waist and pulls her close to him and kisses her. She tries to push away from him but he holds her tightly so she can't escape.
After a long moment, Draco releases from the kiss but not his arms around her body.
"Let me go, Malfoy" said Hermione angrily, her cheeks red from embarrassment.
"Not until you love me"
"I can't live with you holding onto me forever" said Hermione annoyed.
"You can if you marry me" said Draco with a mischievous smirk.
"In your dreams, Malfoy" scoffed Hermione.
"Don't be silly, Granger. Dreams are irrelevant to reality" said Draco holding onto her more securely.
"Exactly my point, Malfoy. So buzz off" said Hermione trying again to push him off her.
"I'll only go away if it's with you" said Draco moving them closer to the wall. Her back hit the wall as he leaned his forehead against hers.
"Go away, Malfoy" said Hermione, her cheeks burning red.
"Fine. I guess I'll go," said Draco moving his forehead. He walked backwards, pulling her with him as he went. "With you" he finished as his arms reached lower to her legs and picked her up, throwing her over his shoulder.
"Put me down, this instant" said Hermione hitting his back as hard as she could.
"Once we get to a bed, Granger" said Draco as he held on to her legs tightly and securely, and feeling her stomach on his shoulder and chest.
"Malfoy, let go of me this instant!" shouted Hermione, though no one was in the hallway to hear it aside from Draco.
"We can't do anything out here, Granger. People will see. It's supposed to be more private" said Draco.
"I will not stand being even the same room as you, even if you were silently reading a book" said Hermione angrily.
"Don't worry. I'm sure we can do that tomorrow at Hogsmeade after some tea. Or maybe I could buy you some books and we can read together in my bed"
said Draco as he walked at an incredibly fast speed for only walking.
"Your bed would be too cold. It's in the dungeons" said Hermione, annoyed and frustrated.
"Then your bed. I don't mind where. I wouldn't even care if it was on Scarface's bed" said Draco.
"Malfoy, you can't even go up the girls stairs" said Hermione annoyed at his attempt to be her boyfriend and kiss her.
"Then I guess we will have to go on Scarface's bed" said Draco sighing.
"Malfoy, I would never let you touch his bed. I would never let you in the Gryffindor Common Room at all" said Hermione, angry at the handsome blonde carrying her to what she hoped wasn't the dungeons.
"Fine," sighed Draco. "We'll go to my bed. I'll make sure to keep you warm" said Draco smirking, not knowing Hermione saw completely.
She raised her hand and smacked his face and he stopped in his tracks as he raised his left hand to his stinging cheek.
"Ow!" said Draco.
"You deserve it" said Hermione angrily.
"For what?" asked Draco confused.
"For being such a-"
"Handsome blonde? Attractive boyfriend?" interrupted Draco.
"You are not my boyfriend!" screamed Hermione.
Draco glared his eyes in front of him, frustrated he couldn't get her to comply yet. His eyes suddenly brightened as he came up with an idea. He started to sprint to the dungeons, feeling Hermione wrap her arms around him as he was going fast.
"We'll see what you say after we get to my room" said Draco as he was nearing the dungeons. Soon they arrived right outside a wall alike from the others in the hallway. Draco whispered something that didn't reach Hermione's ears. The walls opened revealing a green themed common room lit with only the light from a large window revealing part of the Great Lake where mermaids were.
"Malfoy, what are you playing at?" asked Hermione as she hit his chest as best as she could while he rushed up a staircase. He didn't respond but smirked as he hurried to the door with the initials of his name. D. L. M.
"I'm not playing at anything unless love is just a game. Which it isn't and false love is what people tend to think is real and do stupid things. I, however, know I truly love you and will do anything and everything to make sure you're my own happy love of my life, forever" said Draco.
Hermione would have tried to smack him again but was too stunned by his words.
"Since when were you so sophisticated-like?" asked Hermione after a moment
"Since when were you more than just a bookworm?" asked Draco try to sound smart to her.
"Since people bothered to pay attention" said Hermione plainly as he entered the room.
"Now lets see. You don't want to be my girlfriend so I need to make you say yes. Ah, I know just what you need for convincing" said Draco as he approached his king sized bed with emerald green sheets.
"Don't try anything, Malfoy. I will hex you" threatened Hermione.
"You'll want to do the opposite of hex me after a minute" said Draco.
Hermione could only guess what he could do as he placed her flat on his bed and held her down so she couldn't escape. She feared what he would do as he leaned his head closer to hers. Before she could realize what was happening, he smacked his lips on hers and kissed her softly.
"Mm- Draco, let go of me!" said Hermione pushing him, only managing to get his face away from hers. He was surprised and smirked.
"You called me Draco" he whispered into the air.
"That's your name, isn't it?" she said as a quick excuse to her accidental name usage.
"Well, yeah, I suppose. I guess we'll have to get used to it if you're going to be changed from Granger to Malfoy in just a few years" said Draco.
"Malfoy, let go of me before you regret being born!" said Hermione angrily.
"I will only let go if you kiss me, Miss-soon-to-be-Malfoy" said Draco leaning closer to her face.
Hermione glared long and hard at him as he smirked watching her underneath him. To his surprise, she leaned towards him and kissed him on the lips like he did to her just before but Draco felt she was better and melted into the kiss. Hermione would have pushed him off already but she didn't. She found that she liked the taste of his lips and the effect it gave her own.
"Couldn't resist, could you Hermione?" asked Draco after nearly a whole 60 seconds. She rolled her eyes. "Shut up, Malfoy. You wanted it, didn't you?"asked Hermione. He shrugged and leaned in to give her another kiss. She didn't try to fight him off her and instead, kissed back. They both felt a spark and knew that it meant something. So Draco took matters into his own hands.
"Hermione, I have a question to ask you" said Draco pulling away.
"What?" asked Hermione.
"Will you pretty please with a snake on top be my girlfriend?" asked Draco.
"Why should I? You know we're enemies and that our houses are rivals" said Hermione.
"So what? We'll live with only each other and little babies once we're out of here" said Draco.
"But we're not even in our seventh year yet" said Hermione.
"We don't have to be everywhere together. We just need two people. You and me" said Draco smiling at her.
"What about our friends? They'll definitely try to tear us apart" said Hermione.
"Doesn't matter because mine will understand and get used to us after a few days. They kind of knew I liked you already. I don't know how, though" said Draco.
"And my friends? I'm sure Harry would be easier to leave us alone but Ron would definitely get angry" said Hermione.
"Doesn't matter. I'll deal with him if I have to. I won't kill him, but I won't let him out of my sight without a little talk" said Draco.
"Then yes, Draco Malfoy, I will be your girlfriend" said Hermione.
Draco smiled so brightly his face lit up.
"Good" he said before smacking his lips on hers and kissing her passionately.
The two continued to kiss and stayed kissing until it was time for dinner. There they had told the-boy-who-lived and his best friend, the-boy-who-ate, of their new relationship. The two were only slightly angry, but got over it as Harry was sitting next to Cho Chang and Ron was eating his favorite meal. The happy new couple sat together and focused on nothing but each other. It was from that day on that the world shone a bit brighter and a new light came into surface to everyone.

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