Once Upon A Time We Were Together, But Times Changed & You Don't Remember

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A/N: I had this idea in my head for maybe at least year now, and almost completely forgot about it, you know, cause now I'm not so much of a Dramione shipper as I am a Pansmione shipper, but —you know— as long as it isn't Romione, yuck, and Snamione just.... it's disturbing because of... you know... it's just... no.... but Romione is worse..... I think..... yeah it's worse.

I dedicate this to all of you readers! Keep on shipping (anything but Romione) !


THIS WILL BE THE LAST ONE-SHOT FOR THIS BOOK, so enjoy!_______________

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"Granger, Granger, wake up!"

Incantations could be barely be heard by Draco, for his main focus was finding a pulse.

"Hermione, please don't go, please!"

Nearby, a section of a building became a load of rubble and was almost close enough to knock Draco unconscious.

"Mione, don't you dare die on me"

His eardrums rang a static noise in his head, like everything was controlled by a plug and it was nearly off.


Crimson stained his hands as he tried to hold her delicate head upright.


A puddle of blood formed around the two, but only one was bleeding.

"Draco, please..."

"Hermione, stay with me. It's fine, you're going to be okay. Just stay with me, you can't close your eyes just yet"

"Draco, I can't..."

"Hermione, please"

"Draco" she stopped in her position, her eyes lost focus, her body stayed frozen solid, and her skin turned stone-cold.

"Hermione... Hermione stop messing with me, this isn't funny. I.." his voice broke off.

"I can't live in a universe without you"

Tears streamed downs his face as if he were a waterfall, his mind all over the place and lost, his hair a complete mess covered in ash, his heart broken in half.


His head snapped 180° and he saw none other than his own father, wearing his deatheater attire, his mask off his face, and wand in hand.

"F-father, I'm s-sorry"

"Don't you turn weak, you disappointment! You've already betrayed our bloodline, and now you're apologizing? Stop being such a screw-up!"

Draco felt something in his hands, like it had been sent to him, and he only needed a second to carefully feel around before he realized it was a time-turner.

He could fix this. Hermione wouldn't have to die. His mother wouldn't have to die. Voldemort wouldn't kill so many people like he had done.

"I'm sorry father, but I have to do this" Draco said trying to hide his pain in the words, the depth of the meaning.

Draco stupefied his father and quickly put the time turner around his neck, turning it seven times.

The time necklace glowed bright, blinding anything that dared to look it's direction. It lasted only a second, enveloping its taker with it, adjusting everything that was not the magical object itself.

Once the blond saw he was back in his first year, he looked at the closest available mirror or something else shiny with a reflection.

With a silver decor on the Hogwarts walls, he made sure he was his younger self in appropriate blood-free attire before he started to behave arrogant.

He hated having to make her upset, but he had to do it. It was the only way.

If he didn't pretend to hate her, then Hermione would die, Potter would lose, Hermione would die, Voldemort would win,  Hermione would die, Potter would die, Hermione would die, his mother would die, and Hermione. Would. Die.

Hermione couldn't die. If she dies, everyone dies, and the world as he knew it will be over.

Her love for him is not worth it. Her love is not worth eternal pain and suffering, a Death Eater-run world, nor a lost war.

He had to hide his love for her to keep the world at bay and for her life to last longer than it did in the other timeline.

Her death meant his doom.

Her life meant his everything.

She was the only thing he had going for him. She was the only hope for the world to be at peace, and for Voldemort to be defeated.

He had to get her to hate him if he wanted for her to live and in a beautiful peaceful world free of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named's rein.

Once he caught himself looking at Hermione during the feast, he hesitantly looked at his friends again.

The next time he wanted to look at the Gryffindor, the time-traveling Draco made sure to loudly make fun of Hermione.

"That dirt won't know what's coming to her, the filthy mudblood" he would sneer as his heart broke at the sight of her scrunched up face. He felt so ashamed of himself.

Her teary eyes nearly broke him, but he could not be associated with her. As long as she did not get close to him, everything would be okay.

His mind would regret it, hate it, and grow darker every day, sure. His heart, however, would be the same as it was before he had used the blasted time turner.

His heart would beat for Hermione Jean Granger, even while his voice continued insulting and taunting her. His brain would remind him that it was for the best.

He could not live in a timeline where Granger bled out and stopped breathing in his arms. He could not live with himself if he let the girl die in the bloody war.

He had to do this. He had to bully her. If he didn't, his memories of her would taunt him until he dies himself.

Maybe, if by some merciful luck after the war, he could try to get her back. He doubt it would work, considering he'd have been nothing but trouble all throughout their Hogwarts days.

Still, he will try.

He will always do whatever he has to for the Gryffindor. She meant the world to him, and he had to make sure his world continued well after the second Wizarding War.

He had to pretend to hate her for the time being to protect her and the fate of the world. He had to live a lie if he wanted the love of his life to live at all.

He had to do this.

He wanted her to live a long and happy life, even if he wasn't in it.

He'd risk everything for her. So that's exactly why he had to do this. He had to risk heartbreak for her heartbeat.

It was as simple as that.

It was his heart or her life; He had no choice.

Now he'd have to suffer alone while watching her smile without him in her life. As long as she was happy, he knew it would be okay.

The other timeline was now to be a secret from everyone, and he has to keep it to himself.

It hurt him pretty much every second of every day and night. It hurt knowing these things that no one else did.

It especially hurt knowing that Draco's undying love for the bookworm was now just a fairytale.

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