1.2|| Spoiled Rich Kids

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Sam sat on the school hallway, staring at the ceiling, his tie finally loose around his neck. It was over. He'd exited his last exam ten minutes ago with the feeling that it had all been fine. As usual, all his nerves were for nothing. He just hoped the others had done well, too. When he'd left, Tom was scratching his head with the pencil instead of filling out his answer sheet.

There were maybe five minutes left until the official end of exam day and maybe another hour until the results would be announced. Only two more to go. And then he'd have to start worrying about college acceptance and future exams. He hadn't even figured out what he wanted to do with his life. Before the entire agency fiasco, he'd aimed for an Ivy League school, wanting to study history. But now...

Jerry had switched his first option and stayed in Chicago, Kyle was already there... It was bad enough that Jimmy wanted to go to MIT. Chicago University was a good school and he'd be lucky to get in. Damn, he knew that he'd get in. But they couldn't keep up with training and missions if they were spread out across the country.

Who knows if you'll even get to go to college? Heck, Snitch Gravel could decide the game was over and shoot him the moment he stepped out of this building. And all of a sudden, the issue of exams and college seemed less important.

The door opened and Tom stepped out, stretching. "Was about damn time." He dropped on the floor next to Sam and nudged his shoulder. "You weren't kidding. Those things were nasty."

Sam just nodded and his twin loosened his tie and leaned against the wall. "At least all the studying wasn't in vain."

Tom nodded, an uncharacteristically pensive look on his face. "It's weird, isn't it?"

Sam frowned. "What exactly about our oh-so-boring lives is weird?"

Tom chuckled, but the half-lost look was still on his face. "It's been months since we got pulled out of the mundane and shoved into craziness. I guess it just feels weird being normal and worrying about petty things like exams."

"Ugh. Now you've just jinxed it," Sam mumbled.

Tom laughed as the bell rang throughout the school, officially announcing that their first set of exams was over. Doors opened and students filled the hall, but Sam didn't leave his spot. He'd much rather spend his time on the hall than go to the cafeteria which was about to get severely overcrowded.

"Hey, guys." Jessie appeared out of the crowd and sat down next to them, carefully arranging her pleated skirt. "How was it?"

"You ask as if you didn't just take the same exam," Tom said, shoving her lightly, all traces of melancholy gone from him.

"I have to admit it was pretty sucky," she mumbled. "But I did well enough to feel proud and think I deserve the day off we're getting tomorrow."

"Amen," Sam and Tom both said.

"Where's Lisa?" Sam asked.

"I think she went to the cafeteria." Jessie scanned the crowd and her face lit up the moment Angie made her way to them through the river of students. "Hey, how was it?"

"Ugh, thank God I don't need perfect grades anymore." Angie sat between Sam and Tom, spreading her skirt out. "I hate wearing this thing. But you were right, Sam, everyone was wearing theirs so it would've been just weird. "

"Here, have a tie, too." Sam took off his tie and put it around Angie's neck, even if she already had one.

"Hey, hands off the merchandise," Tom said, pushing Sam's hands away.

"Who're you calling merchandise?" Angie retaliated, elbowing him in the ribs.

Tom just laughed, but it stopped abruptly when he suddenly frowned at someone in the crowd. A guy had lingered before them, watching Angie with a clearly appreciative expression. "Hey, buddy, move along. This ain't a peep show."

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