16.1|| Means of Escape

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They'd finished searching Amboise a few hours before dawn. It took more covering their tracks than doing the actual searching, but by the time the weak December sun rose  over the grey clouds, they were already in Blois, their next destination.

Kay was exhausted, and not just because of the lack of sleep, but because of the tension and pressure she felt every second they spent together. She couldn't remember ever feeling this uncomfortable in the group. Even if their previous mission had been spent in silent mourning because they'd all thought Tom was dead, it had been much easier to bear than this.

She wished she could just have a few moment of peace and quiet with Jessie and maybe talk it out, but Tina was an ever present shadow in their room, in the car, everywhere. And now, for some reason, she was a moping shadow, subtly ignoring Kay as well, as though her lack of propriety in her relationship with Kyle had made her a target of Tina's scorn as well.

At this point in her thought process came the guilt. She and Jessie should talk to Tina and leave aside petty dislikes. There was no way that was happening because Jessie was pissed. And worried. Because as much as they all tried to act normal, like it wasn't there, it was getting hard to ignore the signs.

Jimmy was getting sick. His voice turned rough, he sniffed a lot and sometimes winced out of the blue as if something hurt. Of course he said he was fine. He was a Grant. And if there was something that defined these boys Kay had grown to love so much, it was their ability to walk things off. Even Jerry.

Once they reached Blois, they drove straight to the castle. No hotel would take them in before two in the afternoon anyway so they killed time by taking the tour.

The castle of Blois was a fascinating mixture of four completely different architectural styles merged around an inner court yard. This at least ensured a part of the castle had windows pointing where no one could see. Because just like Amboise, the complex castle of Blois was also uncomfortably placed on top of a hill. Fortunately,  a large square stretched in front of the entrance, making just one side of the castle truly problematic.

As they took the tour, dragging their feet, Kay resented being unable to see past the practical aspects of their visit. She was so tired and her mind chose to focus only on where she'd have to return in the evening.

And it seemed like no time at all. After a quick lunch and some sleep, they were back in front of the castle, the lonely frigid wind of December blowing past them. The day night switch was really not doing it for her.

"I think we should split up and..." Kyle started, sounding as tired as she felt.

"Well then," Jerry interrupted, clapping his hands together. "We should indeed.
Kyle, you and Kay take the Louis the XII wing."

“Alrighty then.” Kyle backed off instantly which was a bit surprising.

Even if Kay didn't mind going with Kyle at all, Jerry's behavior was a little unnerving, as if he only wanted to spite them. When they wanted to be together, he always interfered, and now when they agreed it was best to spend some time apart, he kept pushing them together.

“Tina and I will take the François I wing and Jimmy Jessie and Billy get the Gaston d'Orléans wing. So we’re settled,” Jerry continued assigning teams as if he did it daily.

“How come you get the cool wing?” Jessie asked, a slight edge to her voice. Kay deduced it had something to do with Billy joining her and Jimmy rather than the wings Jerry had assigned to everyone.

“Oh, sure, Jimmy goes with Billy…” Jimmy mumbled, confirming Kay's suspicion.

Jerry waved him away. “stop complaining. It's very fair. Let's go and get this over with so we can meet in front of the fourth building and search it together.” And with those said, he and Tina walked towards the entrance, all the while discussing some architectural detail of the spiral staircase.

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