2.1|| When the Walls Come Down

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Jerry stirred the pot on the stove, his eyes drifting out the window every few seconds. Sam, Tom, Christine and Angie were out there, only too aware he was watching them. They even waved when they caught him looking. He waved back, a smile on his face, trying not to appear like the silent chaperone he actually was. To be fair, he had nothing to worry about. His little brothers were tame.

Tom and Angie sat side by side, their backs against the trunk of the oak tree, and they appeared not to be touching at all. It was true that Christine sat in Sam's lap, but she wasn't straddling him and Jerry trusted Sam the most.

"Aren't they just adorable?" His mother came over to him, whisking egg whites.

"Yes," Jerry answered, returning his attention to the soup.

"I wish Kay would come over more often," Maxi said with a sigh.

Jerry just nodded, though he didn't agree. He liked Kay and wished he could see her more often, but he perfectly understood why Kyle kept her away. Freider. He glared at everyone when the girls were over, but he seemed to simply despise the idea of Kay's existence. So it was safer for Kay to stay as far away from the house as possible.

"Hi, Mom, Jerry."

Jerry jumped and turned towards the door where both Kyle and Kay stood. He shook his head and gawked at Kay, unable to believe she was actually there.

"Kay!" Maxi shrieked in delight. "It's so nice to see you! How have you been?"

"Very busy with school, Mrs. Grant," Kay answered with a shy smile.

"I hope so! I was starting to think he doesn't want us to see you anymore..." Maxi's voice trailed off as her eyes focused on her son. "Kyle! Is that how you went to school?"

"Huh?" Kyle looked down at his black leather jacket and black jeans. "Yeah, why?"

"It's too cold outside for that jacket! Starting tomorrow, you're wearing the winter jacket. You'll catch a cold! I hope you at least took your car and not the motorcycle."

Jerry smirked since he could practically feel Kyle trying his best not to roll his eyes or snap at his mother. He just pursed his lips and nodded, then slid out the back door towards the yard, with a discreet nod of his head. Jerry turned the stove off and followed him out and towards the others.

He shivered the moment he set foot out the door, even if he wore a sweater. His mom hadn't been wrong. The weather was much too cold for Kyle to be wandering around in a t-shirt and leather jacket. Though, as he walked towards their younger brothers, both wearing matching winter jackets, he didn't appear fazed at all.

"How was exam day?" Kyle asked as soon as he came close enough to be heard.

"It was awesome, of course," Christine answered, ruffling up Sam's hair. "Guess who was top of the class, as usual?"

"Me and Jessie," Tom answered with a grin.

"You two are giving me diabetes," Kyle said, nodding towards Sam and Christine. "How come you two are not?" he continued, turning to Angie and Tom.

"Ahem, the reason is right behind you," Tom said.

"Jerry? Come on, what a poor excuse."

"Hey!" Jerry said. "I resent that. I'm a very good excuse." That came out strange. "I mean reason. I'm a very good reason as you very well know."

"Yes, we know--" Kyle looked over his shoulder and did a double take. "Where's Kay?"

"I think Mom kept her inside for a chat," Jerry answered.

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