13.1|| It Ends With a Bang

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Angie drove a hard bargain, and Tom found that incredibly attractive. The moment they'd reached the mall, she requested double payment because the manager wasn't only getting her, but Sam and Tom as well. Meanwhile, Sam used his big brain and convinced a local music store owner that lending them a set of drums was awesome publicity because everyone will hear the sound they made.

So Tom got his set of drums and his microphone and got to show off in the middle of a crowded mall in Paris. He'd never entertained such a large crowd, so even when the show was over, the pleasant buzz brought on by adrenaline still ran through his veins.

The crowd had dispersed, the drum set had been removed, but Tom still held the drumsticks, hitting them together in the rhythm of the music on the speakers as he sat on the corner of the stage. Angie sat right below, her back pressed against the stage, counting their money. Only Sam stood, looking around, taking in the glimmering Christmas decorations around them.

"I can't believe how amazing you guys are," he suddenly said.

"We're awesome like that," Tom answered with a grin.

"I mean I knew you could change your voice, but I never imagined you could use it for singing. And Angie..." Sam looked down at her, but she continued counting.

"I think I fell in love with her the moment I heard her sing." The words were out, unfiltered, before he could stop them, but it was the truth.

The night he'd taken her to a dingy beer bar and had her singing karaoke for drinks was the night he realized she just might be a fallen angel. The thing was, even after all this time and all they'd been through, and even if they were together, the feeling hadn't faded. She still was an ethereal mystery to him and he loved every second he spent unraveling her.

She looked up at him, her smile honest and bright, her eyes sparkling like emeralds. "Is this the sixth time?"

"What? I can't believe you're still counting."

"I will until there will be too many to count," she teased, then returned to her actual counting.

"We'll have to steal a car," Sam mumbled. "No one will rent us one without a credit card."

"That's going to put a slight damper on things," Tom said. "The police is the last thing we need."

"The Fraternity don't have cars, do they?" Angie asked.

Tom's stomach tightened and he stopped banging the sticks together. He was still unsure the Fraternity wouldn't be trying to kill them as well. The chance they would actually provide them with means to escape was below zero.

"I honestly don't think so," Sam answered. "Anyway, we should get back. I want to get my hands on a phone and call Kyle."

Angie pocketed the cash and stood. Sam reached out to help her up, but suddenly froze. The tensions hit Tom before he could even process what was going on. In the second it took him to register the crowd shifting and the brutish men making their way towards them, he realized how stupid they'd been.

All that exposure, the attention drawn towards them... They were lucky they hadn't been shot in the head. Angie sensed it too and bent her knees, ready to sprint.

"I think we're surrounded," Tom said.

"We have to split up, divide them," Sam said, his voice tense but strong. "We'll meet outside, as close to here as possible." And before any of them could argue, he darted away, his head bent, heading for the nearest flock of shoppers.

Tom grabbed Angie's hand and pulled her in the opposite direction.

"Wait, what are you doing? Sam said split up," Angie said, but fortunately followed.

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