8.2|| A Break

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Jerry twisted his hands in his lap, trying not to seem too nervous, to attract attention. Jimmy was searching inside his rucksack and pulling out clothes, toiletries and tools, minding his own business. Unaware of the turmoil taking place just three feet away from him. Because as much as he tried not to think about it, to turn a blind eye, Jerry had seen it.

Seen the look of disapproval on Tina's face, the way her suspicious eyes had moved from Kyle to Jessie just to stop on poor, innocent Kay. And now the two girls were in the same room, sharing it for twelve whole hours. What if Tina said something? What if she shed doubt on something that was innocent? What if she got between Kyle and Kay?

"What are you so nervous about?" Jimmy asked, snapping Jerry out of it.

"Who me?" He let out a laugh that sounded nervous even to him.

"No, I'm talking to the chair behind you."

Jerry bit his lip, trying to come up with an answer, wondering if he should even try to lie about it. Was it worth lying?

"Is it about Tina and her evil gaze of destruction?"

"Hey! She does not have an evil gaze of destruction." Except she kind of did. And Jimmy had noticed. Which meant that Kyle, who was a lot more perceptive, had noticed too, and that Kay and Jessie might have noticed and that this was going to turn into a big, steaming pile of...

"Bullshit," Jimmy mumbled. "I think you should do something about it."

"Like what?"

"I don't know, genius, talk to her."

"But that would upset her."

Jimmy faceplamed so hard, he must have left a bruise. Fortunately, there was a knock on the door before he could say anything and Jerry couldn't be happier with the interruption. Though when he opened the door and found a worried Jessie on the other side, he wasn't so sure anymore.

"Hi," Jessie said, her voice much too small. "Can I come in?"

"Of course. What kind of question is that?" Jerry moved out of the way and Jessie stepped inside and straight into Jimmy's arms.

Even if it was PDA, Jerry was glad the murderous twin from before had turned tender and careful. The way he held Jessie had nothing inappropriate in it. It did send a pang to Jerry's stomach, but it wasn't awkwardness or discomfort. It was jealousy mostly, but also happiness because Jimmy never looked more at peace than when he was with Jessie. And the warmth in her eyes, the way her delicate hands held on to him made Jerry positive she loved him just the same.

A strange longing overwhelmed him as Jimmy and Jessie spent a moment looking at each other. It was just a stolen second, just what might seem like a fleeting look, but he could see past it. See how it held a question, both of them making sure the other was alright. He saw how they both untensed when they confirmed they were okay, that whatever the reason for worry, they could walk away from it, need it be, and be just as happy because it didn't touch them. Jerry didn't get that part, because it did.

Once they turned to face him, the spell was broken a little, but Jerry could somehow see past that. Kyle had been right. Just like Kay lit up like the sun when she was with Kyle, Jimmy and Jessie had their own perpetual glow when together.

"Jerry, you should talk to Tina," Jessie said and Jerry suddenly wished she and Jimmy would start making starry eyes at each other again and leave him alone.

But he also knew he had to do it. He sighed deeply and sat on the only chair by the door. "I know. Jimmy pointed it out, too. But I'm at a loss where to start."

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