26.1|| The Worst Break In Ever

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They hadn't slept more than five hours, but it had to do. Before they left the lodge, Jerry managed to pull some bagels and coffee out from somewhere and forced breakfast on everyone.

Kyle gulped down his coffee obediently, even if it left a bitter taste on his tongue and ate up, aware he would need the energy.

So after loading the luggage and themselves in two of the fastest cars left behind by Snitch Gravel's goons, they stopped at the nearest gas station for more supplies.

Kyle watched Jimmy's driving pensively, downing an energy drink. Bubbly caramel he almost immediately felt like spitting out, but he couldn't deny its merits. He shoved the empty can inside the door and took out another one.

"I think you should stop," Kay whispered.

"Huh?" He turned to her. She rode shotgun and had her own can of RedBull. Fortunately, she was also doing much better.

She nodded at his hands and only then did he notice how quickly he was drumming on the wheel. Maybe she was right, maybe he'd had enough. Typical of Kay to notice stuff like that.

"Sweet," Tom said from behind. "Gimme!"

Kyle tossed the unopened can in the back seat where Tom caught it without difficulty and cracked it open.

"You really like that stuff?" Kyle asked.

"Oh yeah. When sleep is a commodity for eight years, you start to appreciate the little things," Tom answered.

"You shouldn't go overboard either," Angie said.

"Billy, how's it going?" Kyle asked, looking to him in the rearview mirror.

Throwing caution out the window, Billy had pulled out the gaming laptop he'd taken along and his WiFi stick and was currently using the magic of internet. So what if Snitch Gravel knew they were coming? Anyone with half a brain would expect them.

"Not very good Kyle, not very good," he mumbled, his face behind the screen. "I think the best way to get to Chenonceau is to go to Contres and from there to Montrichard. Chenonceau is pretty close from there. We've got sixty five miles to go until we reach Contres and then another seventy to Montrichard. From there it's just another six miles to Chenonceaux."

That didn't sound too bad. One hundred and forty miles in snowy conditions meant two hours of insane driving and since Jimmy was leading just fine, it was obvious he had no issue with trampling all over the speed limit. Which meant there was another issue.

"How about the town?"

"I got a satellite image and the news isn't good." Billy let out a tired sigh. "The castle is outside of town. There's a long narrow road leading from the gate to the castle and it's obvious that it will be heavily guarded." He lowered the screen of the laptop. "This used to be fun, but I'm getting tired of everything always being so complicated."

"Don't be a killjoy, Billy," Tom said with a grin. "We're going down in a blaze of glory!"

"Chenonceaux itself is going to be heavily guarded anyway," Angie said throwing Tom the stink eye, obviously not wanting to go down in a blaze of glory. "I have no idea how to pull this off without getting killed on the way."

Kyle didn't either, but he hadn't looked at that map yet. Sam would've been so good with it.

"Wait a minute. Zoom out again!" Tom said all of a sudden and Billy probably complied.

Kay looked over her seat and Kyle took advantage and floored it, successfully bypassing speed demon Jimmy and signaling he should stay first.

"There's the castle. Zoom in on that," Angie ordered and Billy did just that. "Are you seeing what I'm seeing?"

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