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I know you're all expecting an update. I hope it's coming soon, because I've actually decided where the chapter is going, but meanwhile I'm doing this.

What is this? Well, while recycling bits of the old draft for the rewrite I reached a cringe scene which shows how Jimmy and Jessie kicked the majority of the crowd out through the power of cheese and music. That's definitely getting scraped, but one of my closest friends here insisted that I do the cheese as a bonus.

So prepared to be amazed as I try writing the cheesiest most pathetic scene ever.

Aria (StormyTheZebra) this one's for you.

Jimmy and Jessie headed through the castle in search of the biggest group of tourists yet. She hoped their brilliant disguises would work and that people would believe they were staff. It would have been much easier to pretend if it were Halloween instead of Christmas.

"I don't think I've ever worn this kind of boots in my life," Jimmy mumbled.

"I did wear a corset dress once for a play," she answered. "Though I'm not sure it counts since it wasn't the real deal."

He threw her a sideways glance and she was pretty sure he was checking out her cleavage since there was a lot of that showing. Day of firsts as far as that was concerned.

"It looks amazing on you either way," he said, focusing on finding people again.

"So do you," she replied. "Maybe we were born in the wrong time period."

He smirked. "Maybe. In a France far far away, you would've been the queen and I but a young lesser noble wishing for your affection. Or maybe I could've been a stable boy. With my luck, that's more probable."

"Of course, and I would've bestowed secrets gifts upon you and meet you for a romp in the hay." The thought was meant to be funny, but it only had her yearning for said romp in poor unsuspecting animal food.

"I could totally arrange for that. I know there is no fortune to my name," he said theatrically, "but alas, your majesty, I know romping tricks the king does not and I am more than happy to demonstrate."

Jessie bit the inside of her cheeks to keep her laughter silent. "Oh, I am convinced. With your pleasing looks and rock hard abs, you must have the young servant girls lining up in front of the stables."

He quirked an eyebrow. "Rock hard abs? Seriously?"

She shrugged. "What? It's true. It would be enough for you to take your shirt off while shoveling horse crap and all the ladies would be over you. You're unfairly attractive. How else would you have caught the attention of the queen? Do you think she's not watching you from the window of her chambers, drooling all over you?"

Jimmy laughed, though it was obvious he was trying to keep a straight face.

"You know what her favorite part is?" Jessie insisted. "When you help her on her horse and you slip your hands under her skirt. Trés naughty."

"Yeah, I like that part true. I bet the king doesn't even bother with foreplay."

She huffed. "Of course not. The king is a brute and all he cares about it a male heir." A sense of sadness engulfed her at the last sentence because it hit a little too close to home.

Freeze (The Jewel Project #4)Where stories live. Discover now