Chapter 10

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"So basically a giraffe don't eat meat" I nodded my head at Matthew. "Duh swthupid!" I popped Madison, causing her to cry. "You don't say that word in this house. Do you hear me?" I gave her my stern look and she nodded and continued to cry like I killed her.

As soon as I was about to say something, Chris walked in. He was at a concert and just got back. "Daddy! Mommy hit me! I didn't even do nothing!" I rolled my eyes. Dramatic. He scooped her up. "Mya! Why you hit my baby girl!?!?" I mean mugged him.

"Because she called Matthew stupid and I been told her not to say that word. So she got popped. And if you yell at me again, imma pop you." I stirred the sugar into the koolaid.

"Now Madison, you know better than to call ya brother out his name. Apologize to mommy and Matthew. " He sat her down and she walked over to Matthew, who was too busy playing with his toys to care. "I sorry" She held him in a death grip she calls a "hug". After dropping him in the floor, she ran to me.

She didn't speak, she just hugged my legs. I picked her up and hugged her back. Sitting her back down, I grabbed bowls. We was having spaghetti with barbecue meatballs on the side and broccoli and cheese. I fixed everyone plate while Chris was in the shower.


"Night babies." I tucked my twins in their beds and kissed them goodnight. Closing the doors, I raced to our bedroom. I miss that big ass bed. Making it there, I see Chris finishing his food watching Fairy Oddparents. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Come here"

I took my slippers off and crawled into bed, laying on him. "I missed you today. " He smacked my ass, catching my lips. " Mmm. You did huh?" " I nodded, biting his bottom lip. "Mhmm" His hand moved toward my shorts. "Welp. That's your problem" I moved to my side, grabbing my iPad. I touched the Hulu app.

"What the hell, Mya?!?!??!!?!? Why you move away from me?" I shrugged. He snatched my tablet, making me roll my eyes. "You had all day to be on this damn tablet. I had two concerts. My body hurt and I need that ass rubbing on me right now!" I jumped at him screaming. Damn. Now I'm hot.

"Chris. You ain't gotta yell."

He turned red, furrowing his eyebrows. "Bring ya ass here!!" I scurried and sat on his lap, facing him. His left hand went up to my throat and his right hand went to my short. I moaned as he rubbed my clit in circular motions.

" You so wet baby"

I jumped as he slid a finger inside me. Moaning, I threw my head back, only for Chris to yank it back towards him. He inserted another finger inside me. "You don't get to fucking ignore me. This is my pussy." He curled his fingers upward, hitting my g-spot. "D-daddy...I wanna come." He sped up, making me a moaning mess.

I closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling of my approaching orgasm. "Open your fucking eyes Mya!" My eyes shot open as I looked into his. His held emotions. Anger. Lust. Dominance. I started to grind onto his fingers. I needed something bigger.

I felt my orgasm coming causing me to pant. "Please. Please. Please." Right there. Almost there. Suddenly, all the pleasure I had disappeared. I looked down to see Chris's hand gone. "Daddy. What are you doing?" I almost yelped. He slowly licked his two fingers while staring at me. I so badly wanted him to lick me like that.

"Naw. Remember you wanted to play on that tablet so fucking bad. Play with it." I stared at him with my mouth ajar as he sat me on my side and threw the tablet at me. I felt the tears welled up in the corner of my eyes. "W-why" I choked out. He looked at me and grabbed his phone. "That's what you wanted Mya."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2019 ⏰

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