Chapter 1

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"Please stop running in the house!" I yelled at my twins, bringing the groceries in. Madison looked around and sat on the stool. "Mommy, it wasn't me. I was Matthew!" "No! I was walking mommy!" I laughed at my three year olds, arguing. "Ok ok. Stop it." I turned on the TV as Chris popped up again. "Mommy! Daddy's on!"

I felt tears ruff in the side of my eyes, "Yea. I see him". I felt little hands tug my pant. Looking down, I seen Matthew's big, brown eyes, "Mommy? When will daddy come home?" "I...I don't know baby" I looked at the TV and listen.

"So Chris, when your event?" The announcer spoke up. "Actually I have a meet and greet in Virgina three days from now" I froze hearing Madison gasped, "Mommy!!! We can see daddy! He's coming home!!" "Fine. We can go see him" The kids started to smile and ran upstairs. "Don't run!" I sighed and started dinner.


"Maddie!!! Matt! You guys, the food is ready!" I shouted, filling three plates with lasagna, macaroni and cheese, and baked potatoes. I hear little shoes pat down on the carpet. "No running, guys!" I whined, throwing my apron down on the counter.

"Sorry mom." I heard Matthew's sweet voice. I smiled and sat down with them. "Family update?" "Oh oh oh!! I took grandma's teeth and act like an T-Rex!" I shot an disappointed look at my son. Looking at Madison, I waited, "Well, my singing teacher said I'm doing good. And Matthews dancing teacher said he's the top of the class" I smiled and continuing eating.

Finishing up, I bathe my twins and tucked them in. I started to clean up the kitchen and living room. Kids are a handful. Finishing up the dishes, I started on the living room. I was picking up toys and putting them in the toy chest.

I finally went upstairs and laid down, grabbing my phone. Checking all my notifications, I went to my calendar. "Ok, so Matthews has karate, dance, and basketball. And Maddie has singing, gymnastics, and cheerleading. Dammit, They can go to the meet and greet!" I cursed at my three year old's schedule.

Laying down, I let my eyes close. Hoping that I don't dream about Chris anymore.

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