Chapter 2

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"Mommy! Mommy! Wake up! We're hungry." I woke up with my kids jumping on my stomach. I groaned and sat up. "Please get off of mommy!" I start to fake cry. "Mommy don't cry! See, look! We off you! Mommy, please don't cry!" I started to laugh as my little twins waddled onto the the floor, falling.

"Mommy's ok. Now let's go get some food and go see Auntie Megan" The kids grabbed my hands with their tiny fingers. I was dragged into our kitchen. Opening the fridge, I said, "What you guys want?" "Pancakes" "Bacon!" "Spaghetti!" I looked at Matthew and chuckled. His father's and his favorite food.

I started cooking. The kids sat as I turned the TV on for them. Spongebob's laugh boomed through the TV. I started on the bacon, finishing up the pancakes. I pulled out the eggs and the cookie shaper. "Which shapes?" "Stars" "Hearts" I mixed the egg yolk and put the heart into the skillet. Pouring the eggs into it.

I took out the bacon and flipped the eggs. After I was finish, I put it all onto three plates. We ate and watch TV. After we was done, I bathe the kids. I took them to their rooms and dressed Madison in a long floral dress. Matthew was in a long sleeved shirt, black pants with a chain, and Jordan's. "Mommy can I where a snapback?" I sighed and nodded.

Walking to my room, I dragged myself to my bathroom. I brushed my teeth and started the shower. After getting out, I pulled a long-sleeved dress on. I pulled my boots on. I grabbed my phone and the kid's tablets. I ran downstairs to see the kids in the living room, playing.

"Ready?" They looked at me and nodded. I grabbed my car key and walk them out. Putting them into their car seat is difficult. They swarm and shake. Finally I got them into the car seats.

As I started the car, I turned their CD on and drove away. The kids started to sing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". I smiled and kept driving.

I guess I can thanks Chris for something.

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