Blackbeard Imagine

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"Imagine: Blackbeard teaching you how to defend yourself in battle."


"Alright lass, although given 'em some damage is always good, you've got to be sure to protect yourself as well."

You had been occupied all morning learning battle tactics from one of your pirate friends, Ed Thatch. Upon seeing you fight one day on the decks of the Jackdaw, he had seen some flaws and automatically took the chance to try and show you the works of wielding a blade.

"You've got a good attack," he told you, once the fighting was over. "but not enough parry'n. I could teach you some skills, if you'd like."

You gladly took his offer, thinking it would be ideal to learn some things from one of the fearsome men of the Caribbean. Although your fighting ways were a bit rough and choppy, they still got you by, considering you had learned by merely watching others.

Either way, it would always be of use to learn new moves, especially brutal yet proper ones.

You had started your training with Thatch before the sun rose, but it was only until after the morning hours that your work had actually begun.

Before, he showed you the many weapons carried by guards and officers in the Royal Navy, and what was the best way to try to dodge their attacks.

Cutlasses, backswords, and axes; a deadly mix if one didn't know how to protect themselves. It was only until after your lesson on British and Spanish weaponry that he began to teach you.

"One thing you got to be sure of when defending yourself," he began, "keep your feet steady and planted firmly on the ground. Once your stance is ruined, so are you."

A simple enough thing to forget. As soon as he told you, you became aware of where you placed your feet, hoping you would remember his advice.

"Remember to always keep your eyes on the persons figure. When you don't know where the sword is goin', just look at their expressions."

You nodded at his instructions, and clutched your swords hilt.

"Aye." He said, signaling that it was time to start.

His first attack was flawless; it seemed as though he put no effort into it at all. When you saw the sword coming at you, you caught his blow with your weapon. A sharp sound echoed through the air, along with a few sparks. Amazed you had stopped his attack, you stood there for a moment in awe, before continuing your practice.
As the pace got quicker and his attacks more intricate, you tried your best to catch on.

As he delivered his strike, you tried deflect it, but it was to no use. You missed, and he hit you roughly above the wrist. Quickly letting go of your sword, you rubbed where he had hit you, hoping to ease the pain.

Luckily, both swords were old and dull, or the hit would've been twice as painful.

You still picked up your sword despite the ache, and were eager to continue. As you began to get the hang of it, you were hit a few more times, but in just a few moments later the air was filled with the sound of swords clashing together, creating a sort of melody.

Remembering his advice, you studied his face and body movements, trying to predict his next moves. You kept your stance as the pace went faster and faster, until both swords became a blur, an the only thing you could see clearly was your sword's hilt.

Seeing an opportunity to lunge at him, you stepped forward and went for his shoulder, not paying any mind to how he could've blocked you.

He stopped your sword with his, and as both swords clashed, you felt a shock travel up your arm. Surprised, you stumbled back, and fell hard onto the ground.

As he offered you his hand he let out a chuckle, and you sat up, still holding your sword. You gave him your hand, and he pulled you up almost effortlessly.

"Not bad for a tyro," he said, giving you a grin "but, you've to focus on the persons actions and the sword. A good practice today. We'll continue this t'morrow, aye?"

He gave you a pat on the back before he left.

"Aye." You responded, with a grin in your face.

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