Edward Kenway Imagine

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"Imagine: swimming in the Caribbean Sea with Edward."

It was a hot and humid afternoon aboard the Jackdaw, the sun glittering on the waves of the sea. Crew members were walking around doing their daily chores, but it all seemed to go by slower than usual. No shanties were being sung, and the only audible noise was the creaking wood of the ship and the sails flapping in the wind.

Scattered all over the deck were empty bottles of rum the crew had drunk, thinking it would cool them down. The men had grown silent as soon as the sun rose, trying to cool off while cleaning the decks or readying the ships' canons.

You were sitting under the mast with an old book, trying to take advantage of whatever little shade it offered you. Beads of sweat formed on your brow, and you felt the heat weigh you down, even though you had taken off your coat and boots.

Edward had been in his cabin all morning, planning out directions for his fleet. At first you had thought it would be a good idea to stay in the quarters with him, but with the abundance of candles and no open windows, you soon had realized it wasn't a wise choice. It seemed much cooler outside anyways, and there was the view of the sea.

Every now and then there was a gust of wind, which rattled the pages of your book and shook the masts. All those aboard the ship stopped what they were doing for a moment, hoping to cool down with the breeze.

Adéwalé was at the helm, maneuvering the vessel while Edward was busy in his quarters.
You hadn't noticed where he was steering, considering you were focusing on your book.You had finally found a spot that allowed you to rest in some sort of coolness, and you vowed to remain there as long as you could.

You tried focusing on your book for the moment until the loud cheering of the crew tore through the heavy silence. Placing your book by your side, you looked around at all the men from where you were seated. It was only until they began to disperse when you noticed it.

Adéwalé steered the ship near a sand bar, with waters that were as clear and as blue as the sky.

You quickly got up, and walked over to the edge of the ship to watch the ripples hitting it's side. The sandbar was quite small, but it was big enough to give the crew a proper resting area. As a breeze passed by, it caused your hair to sway in the wind, along with your blouse.

Few moments after the cheering, Edward quitted his cabin, and joined the rest of you in looking at the waters. He took the spot next to you, and looked around, delighted to see that his crew was happy.

"A fine day for a swim, aye?" He questioned, upon seeing you without your coat and boots, assuming you planned to go for a swim.

"Yes, only I don't like to swim much."
It was a lie of course, but you were so intrigued by the works you were reading you didn't want to part with them just yet. You looked over longingly to where you left your book.

"Nonsense," he protested, following your gaze. "A pirate can never resist a good swim."

You only looked at him, as he gave you a sly smirk. His eyes lighted up with contentment, and you returned with a small smile.

He hopped on top of the ships railing, holding on to the ropes of the sails for support. He projected his voice loud and clear, and questioned-

"What d'ya say, lads? Should we go for a quick swim to cool ourselves down?"

The crew responded with a loud and audible "Aye!" and began to strip themselves of their weapons.

Sooner or later, the floor was littered with swords and knives, and the air was filled with the sound of men laughing and the splashing of water.

You had stayed behind and joined Adéwalé at the helm, keeping him company since Edward was in the water with the rest of his crew. You didn't talk much with Adéwalé since you were occupied with your book, but he was good company none the less.

Standing at the helm was a completely new feel to you. Even though Edward had taught you how to steer the ship and insisted you stood by his side when he was at the wheel, the view of all the canons and the deck stretched before you was still new and foreign.

Your thoughts had been disrupted when Edward had climbed aboard, soaking wet with only his breeches and red sash on. You walked over to him, noticing the grin he had across his face.

Placing your book atop a barrel, you crossed your arms and gave him a smile, moving as close to him as you could without getting wet by the dripping water from his hair.

"Enjoyed your swim then, Captain?" You teased.

"Not quite." He responded.

Before you knew it, he moved in to embrace you, his soaked form pressing against you. You inhaled to protest, but remaining silent as he continued to hug you. Resting his hands on your hips he looked at you, the smirk back on his lips.

"How about we go for a little swim ourselves, love?" He questioned, and grabbed you by your hips.

Realizing what was going on, you began to try and get loose, attempting to pry his fingers off your waist.

"No!" You shrieked, laughing as he carried you to the edge of the ship.

You looked down at the water, seeing that the crew was below. The water did look refreshing, and a swim would be nice...

You felt him let go of you, and he threw you into the ocean with the others.

The feeling of the cool saltwater welcomed you, and it was the nicest you've felt all day. Rising to the surface, you took a deep breath.

"Kenway!" You said, laughing, smoothing your hair back and looking up at him surprised.

He was at the railing, laughing with Adéwalé who was now by his side. A moment later Edward dived in, and swam right next to you. Seeing you had been quite bothered with what he did, he splashed some water towards you. You tried to keep your features composed, but you quickly cracked when he began to laugh.

The rest of the crew seemed elated that you had joined them as well, and began to sing as the day came to a close.
When the sun began to set, everyone resided to the sandbar to watch the coming of night. The crew had started a huge bonfire and captured some fish to roast for the night, and were passing bottles of rum around. The Jackdaw was anchored a few feet away, with Adéwalé who had voluntarily stayed behind.

The crew was signing, drunkenly dancing and clapping around the fire. Everyone was still soaked from the swim, but no one seemed to mind. The nighttime made little to no difference to the summer heat, but it was still cooler than it was in the morning.

You were seated next to Edward, his arm draped over your shoulder. Trying to untangle the knots in your hair, you didn't realize he has been looking at you, seeming to get amusement from watching you fix your hair. Wincing when you finally pulled out a knot, he chuckled, and when the rum bottle reached him, he stood up.

"To a fine day, lads!"

He lifted up the bottle as a toast, and looked at you as the rest of the crew lifted their bottles. Your hands were still in your hair, so you just joined in with the cheering of the crew. Everyone took a swing from their bottles, and when Edward was finished he passed you his. Finally done with fixing your hair, you gladly accepted the bottle, taking a long gulp, finally feeling refreshed.

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