Connor Kenway Imagine

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" Imagine: Connor sitting on your bed and comforting you whenever you're upset."


You had been deeply hurt when the news of your mothers passing had arrived by way of letter. You had not visited her as much in your recent years; the borders of New York were blocked and monitored by redcoats, and they weren't letting anyone in nor out for as long as the war continued, or at least until they lost control of the state. She had passed from small pox, the letter said, an illness that was spreading rapidly in the colonies due to lack of food and resources.

Upon finishing the letter, you felt your stomach tighten and your heart begin to beat rapidly. She had been there for you anytime you needed her, and if you had only tried to sneak past the guards with a clever excuse, you may have been able to visit her at least once more.

"Why didn't I try?"  You asked yourself.  What was really more important than your own mother?

You felt a warmness on your cheek, and watched as a stream of tears fell steadily on your blouse. Before you knew it, you were sobbing loudly, clutching on to the letter as if it would bring your mother back. You sat down on your bed and tried to muffle your crying, yet it was no use.

But the sound of soft footsteps caused you to pause your grieving temporarily.

"Connor,"  you blurred out. He was leaning on your door frame, with a look of worriment on his face.

You quickly turned your head, trying avoid him from seeing you all red and wet with tears. You heard him walk over to you, and he knelt right in front of you.

"What is wrong?" he questioned, his voice was soft and reassuring.

You couldn't speak, so you simply placed your hand atop your mouth and handed him the crumbled piece of parchment. As he read it, tears streamed down your face and you watched as his eyes and lips softened.

"I,"  he breathed out slowly, "I am sorry, (y/n)."

You nodded slightly, and a tear rolled down your cheek on to your skirts. You felt him embrace you, his warmth engulfing you as you hugged him back. When he let you go, you found yourself feeling regret again and you looked down at the now paper ball of a letter. He sat behind you, and you turned to him, your embarrassment now fading. 

You felt yourself lean in and rest your head on his shoulder, and he wrapped his arm around your form.

The two of you sat there in silence for a few moments, and your eyelids soon felt heavy. You felt safe for a moment, forgetting that your mother had died, and thinking that she was still living.

Eventually, both his arms were holding you close and his chin rested on your head. As you drifted off to sleep, you felt him mutter some words to you.

"It will be all right," he said  "you have my word."  

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