Altaïr Imagine

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"Imagine: Lying next to Altair in the Bureau cushions on a hot, lazy day in Jerusalem without a care in the world."

It was yet another hot and dry day in Jerusalem. After completing your errands around the city, you though it best to reside to the assassins bureau, where your allies Malik and Altaïr were most likely at. You provided the assassins with information, and they provided you with protection. A good enough deal, in your opinion.

If anything, the visit would provide you some shade, and a decent amount of time to cool down.

You began your trek to the bureau, pushing through the crowds of civilians and guards. The sun was beating down on the city, the palms swaying with the smallest gusts of wind and their drying leaves creating a rattling sound. The large groups of people didn't seem to help at all, causing you to soon get frustrated, pushing through them despite their looks of disapproval.

As you made your way to one of the back alleys, you felt a gust of wind blow through the buildings. You gave out a sigh of contentment as it cooled you for a moment, before disappearing.

Continuing through the alley, you approached the ladder that lead up to the bureau, and began to climb it.

Finally up on top of the roofs, you noticed just how blistering the heat was. A drop of sweat formed on your brow and you wiped it off, before slowly dropping down to the inside of the bureau, your sandals making a clicking noise as you landed.

The cushions were all in order and a few pigeons were pecking around, looking for food. Sticking your head into the bureau, you noticed Malik wasn't there, nor Altaïr.

Figuring they were out on a mission or handling errands you sat down on the mat with cushions, giving yourself a moment to cool down and catch your breath. Slowly, you began to lay down, staring up at the railing that covered the roof. The sun caused the assassin symbol to cast and shadow near you on the floor, and soon you were deep in thought, squinting up at the sky. Merchants were chanting their prices and guards were barking orders, but it didn't bother you at all.

You heard a bit of rustling inside the bureau, but you figured it was probably some pigeons fluttering around. You closed your eyes, beginning to relax-that is, until you felt someone sit next to you.

Quietly, you turned your head, heart pounding in your chest. But to your relief you saw Altaïr arranging pillows next to you, preparing to sit. Turning your head back up at the sky, you rested your arm on your forehead, as if trying to block the sun from your eyes.

"How do you do it?" You questioned, after a moment of silence.

"Do... What?" Altair responded, laying back.

"Walk around in those robes all day. You must be extremely hot." You sat up on your elbows.

"Well, how do you walk around in those... dresses all day?"

"Hmm. But at least I don't wear a hood."

He sat up as if you caught his attention, looking at you quite annoyed.

"Here." You reached to pull his hood off his head but stopped suddenly as he tensed up. Figuring it would be less awkward, you continued and removed his hood anyways.

You were now finally able to see his face fully, and amoung his features you saw a sense of discomfort. This was the first time you saw him without his hood, and truth be told, he looked handsome without it obscuring his features.

"There, much better in my opinion." You grinned slightly, and he studied your face, before returning a small smile to you.

Laying back, you continued to look up at the sky, watching the birds fly overhead. Sooner or later the two of you drifted into sleep, and when you awoke, Altaïr remained with his hood off, next to you, deep in slumber.

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