11. Of Wishes And Lilies

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"The greater the capacity to love, the greater the capacity of feel the pain."


A/N: Hey guys, I'm so sorry for disappearing and not notifying you all beforehand. A lot of things came up and I'm not going to bore you with the details of how I nearly fractured my shin, but here I am with three chapters! Enjoy! :-)


RECAP: I looked up at the ceiling and I was convinced to that she needed to know what was actually going on between me and Shawn.

I opened my mouth to speak...

Before I could get the dreaded words out of my mouth, the door opened and in came the boy in question. The boy that I loved to a fault - Shawn Mendes.

His entrance snatched the air away from my lungs, as usual, and Karen squeezed my hand knowingly before exiting the room so Shawn and I could talk alone.

I had missed him so much, even though I'd only been unconscious for a day and a few hours. My heart could barely take it and all I wanted was to be as close to him as nature would allow. A hug, perhaps?

Shawn walked over to my bed in one lithe movement and sat in the chair his mother had been. His face was etched with a from and I was worried someone had angered him on his way here.

"What happened to you?" Shawn asked, making me do a double take.

How could he not know what happened to me? Didn't anyone tell him? Didn't he care enough to come earlier and ask them?

"I got hit by a car," I answered his question quietly, not wanting to voice to thoughts.

"Really," Sarcasm dripped off his words, catching my attention.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confusion clouding my features.

"Don't you get it?" He said exasperatedly. "First, it was at the lake and now this. Can't you see that you're accident prone?"

"Acc-" My voice cracked and I could feel the moisture form in my eyes. "Why are you speaking to me like that?"

Shawn scoffed. "Wake up, Eiffel. Open your eyes," he ground out. "Stop being oblivious to the obvious things around you."

My mouth opened and closed like that of a fish, I was unable to get any words out. He'd left me speechless.

Shawn stormed out of the room as a tear slid down my cheek. His words echoed over and over again in my head and I couldn't seem to get them out. More tears fell from my eyes until I'd become a sobbing mess on the bed.

Why? Why did life have to be this cruel? Why couldn't I love someone who would love me too? Why did I have to fall in love with someone who obviously despised me?

He wanted nothing to do with me, and that was why he kept pushing me away from him. Was it my fault that I was in love with him? I didn't choose to be, it just happened.

As I cried, I realized my problem - I was the one who loved more. I'd lost my heart to someone who didn't care. It hurt that Shawn would never think of me the way I thought of him, and it was eating me up inside.

I cried myself to sleep and I drifted into the world where everything was perfect and normal again.


I didn't have any appetite to eat anything when I woke up, but my mother made me swallow some food so I could have at least something in my system. The doctor came around and told my parents that I could be let out of the hospital in two days.

Jace came to see me a little while later and he had a bouquet of white lilies in his hand.

"Hey, Eiffel," he smiled, placing the flowers beside me while I looked at them in admiration. "Do you like the lilies?"

I nodded, bringing them to my nose to smell. Their flowery scent filled my nostrils, making me picture myself in a sunny meadow with literally no cares at all.

"Lilies are my favorite. Thank you, Jace."

"It's the least I could do since I feel so guilty," he said, sitting down. "If only I didn't ask you to come with me to get Bree, you would have been safe at home and not here,"

"Don't beat your self up about it," I told him, still admiring the lilies. "I'm okay."

"You're sure?" He questioned, scrutinizing my puffy red eyes and the dark rings under them.

"I'm getting better," I amended. "And they're letting me out of the hospital on Thursday,"

Jace nodded, deciding not to dwell too much on it. We chatted and he filled me in on everything I'd missed at school.

Despite the fact that the one I cared about didn't care about me, it was nice to know that there were other people that cared so much about me. They'd all visited me and I couldn't help but be thankful for that.

Hopefully, Shawn would change someday.

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