37. Of Wishes And Petals

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"Cinderella walked upon broken glass.
Sleeping beauty let a whole lifetime pass.
Love is blood and sweat and tears. Love means facing all your fears. "


"Her death. It was my fault." My bottom lip quivered as I spoke. "It all started back in Vancouver when this guy from our anatomy class took an interest in her. Paris wasn't sure about dating him when he asked her, but I encouraged her to and eventually, she fell deeply in love with him. That was when things took an ugly turn.

"He started cheating on her but he'd apologize about it and she'd take him back, but he would go back to cheating the very next week. It went on and on like this until they finally broke up.

"We all thought that the break up would do her some good, but it didn't at all. She started getting herself drunk and she became withdrawn. It got so bad one day that she downed an entire bottle of alcohol and walked out into the street." My breath hitched in my throat as I continued the woeful tale.

"She collided with a car as the driver didn't see her sooner. She didn't survive the accident," I sobbed. "And it was all my fault because none of it would have happened if I didn't convince her to date that guy."

Shawn wrapped his arms around me again.

"No, it wasn't your fault." He said while I cried into his shoulder, wetting his jacket for the second time today.

He ran a hand down my back soothingly as he comforted me. "Paris is in a happier place now where she can never get hurt. You need to let go of the past, Eiffel. It wasn't your fault."

I cried some more and he comforted me with soothing words. I'd never spoken to anyone else about Paris' death like I'd just done with Shawn and it felt like a huge weight had just been lifted off my chest.

I pulled back and sniffed, "I probably look like a masquerade right now. Puffy red eyes, smeared mascara,"

Shawn chuckled, pulling out a handkerchief from the pocket of his denims. He smiled down at me as he wiped the smeared mascara off my face and he planted a kiss on my forehead when he was through. "See, all done. You look perfect."

I gave him a sincere smile as I looked up at him, "Thanks for being here, Shawn. You have no idea how much it means to me."

"Anything for you, Eiffel." He smiled and he tucked a lock of my hair behind my ear, his words making my heart swell.

"How about we go to Fleur's Diner for some milkshakes? I heard they're getting some upcoming band to do a gig,"

I nodded and we got into the car, after which he started driving. We got to the diner a little while later. It was packed with customers who were probably excited for the gig, but we found a booth to sit in.

"I'll go order us two chocolate milkshakes and you wait here, that okay?" He asked.


He kissed my forehead before leaving to order our milkshakes and I fiddled with my hands until he returned. He slipped into the seat opposite mine and passed my milkshake.


Before Shawn and I could start up a conversation, the manager of the diner walked up to the stage that had been set up.

"Hello, everyone. I'm sure you all are aware of the gig that's taking place here this afternoon," he spoke into the mic and cheers erupted from the customers in the diner. "Sadly, the band wouldn't be able to make it here today, but there's good news. The floor is open to anyone who would like to perform something. Any volunteers?"

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