Bonus Chapter

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Eight Years Later

"Honey, I'm home!" My voice came out in an excited yell as I walked into our lavish apartment.

The place was unusually quiet and I heard no reply from Eiffel.


sually, I would have been crushed in a hug and her lipstick would have left its glow on my cheeks. But today, there was nothing. No hugs. No kisses.

"Babe?" I called, shrugging off my jacket and dropping my keys on the coffee table.

Crickets chirped.

"Eiffel!" I called again and my voice was louder this time as was worried that something had happened to her.

I had left early this morning when she was still fast asleep because I had an appointment that I wasn't liable to miss. She'd been safe and sound when I had left. Could someone have broken in and...

I brushed off the frenzied thoughts that had evaded my mind and started to open all the doors I could find. But she wasn't in any of them. My heart pounded ferociously as I strode out of our bedroom, still calling her name.

I made a beeline for the kitchen and hoped she was in there with headphones over her head. That would be an excuse for her not being able to hear me. Eiffel wasn't in there, either. I felt like I was going to have a panic attack as I returned to the living room, thinking of what to do next.

"Surprise!" Colorful balloons floated in the air as people with familiar faces jumped out of their hiding places. "Happy 25th Birthday Shawn!"

I gasped, my eyes growing wide. I was not expecting this. Hell, I didn't even know it was the 8th of August today. As unbelievable as that may sound.

Everyone was present - my parents, my friends, my cousins, Eiffel's parents, my crazy little sister who wasn't so little anymore, and even Tanner. But still, the love of my life wasn't anywhere in sight.

They all attacked me with kisses, presents and bone-crushing hugs and the sides of my mouth ached from so much smiling. I had never been so happy in my life. Who's idea had this been?

My mom shouldered her way through the excited crowd and reached up to kiss my cheek. "Happy birthday, son,"

I smiled, pulling her into my arms for a hug. "Mom,"

She pulled away and shoved a wrapped package into my hand with a grin. "Your birthday present. But don't worry, a much bigger present and surprise is coming your way,"

"What do you mean?" I asked as she started to walk away. "And where's Eiffel?"

My mom turned to look at me over her shoulder with a smile. "When you find her you'll know what I mean."

She got herself engrossed in a conversation with Isabelle before I could ask anymore questions. I dropped all the presents I'd received on the sofa so I could go look for Eiffel. But as I did so, the lady in question stepped out from somewhere inside our apartment.

My breath hitched in my throat and my heart nearly beat out of its cage from how beautiful she looked. Her long blond hair - that had gotten a lighter shade over the years - was styled in a bun, making a blond halo above her head and she was dressed in the prettiest red dress I had ever seen.

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