34. Of Wishes And Cousins

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A week passed and Shawn and I got to do a lot of fun stuff together, but right now, I was a nervous wreck.

Why? I was meeting his family today. His entire family. Aunts, cousins, uncles, grandparents.

"You're going to be fine, Eiffel," Lynelle assured me as she placed her hands on my shoulders. "What's the big deal in meeting your boyfriend's extended family?"

"That's easy for you to say," I  remembered how she'd met all of Jace's family at Bree's birthday party.

Lynelle rolled her eyes. "They're going to be nice people and I know it. Just be yourself and make sure you have fun, okay?" She told me. "I've got to go now since I'm going out with Jace but I'll call you later on to find out how things went,"

I nodded and thanked Lynelle for her pep talk. With a goodbye hug, she left, after which I heard the sound of the doorbell. It was probably Shawn because we'd decided that he would come over to help me get my bags over to his house. We were going to spend the night at Shawn's grandparents' house and I hoped that it was going to be fun.

I smoothed my hair and hurried down the stairs. I pulled the door open and Shawn's grin was beyond welcoming. "Hey,"

I found myself smiling too as I replied. He picked up my medium-sized box from where it sat beside the door and laced our fingers. I locked up quickly and we stepped out onto the sidewalk.

All was silent as we walked until Shawn said with a chuckle, "Damn, Eiffel, you're nervous. I can feel it from just holding your hand. Nervous about meeting my family?"

"Is it that obvious?" My face flushed as it turned a deep shade of red.

Shawn threw his head back as he laughed, the rich and pleasant sound resonating through my ears as it made my knees wobble.

"Relax, Eiffel," he spoke after his laughing fit. "They're pretty nice people and there's nothing to be nervous about,"

"What if they don't like me?" I presses, insecurities playing out.

Shawn smiled, his thumb rubbing circles on my wrist. "Babe, you have an amazing personality and I'm sure my family is going to see that too. I mean, what's not to love about you?"

My stomach did a somersault. His words made me feel all queasy, but one thing had stood out. He called me babe. The word sounded so beautiful rolling off his lips and knowing that it was directed at me made the feeling even more exhilarating. My face was as red as a tomato.

We reached the door of his house and after wiping our feet on the mat, we stepped in.

"Mom, we're here!" Shawn called and instantly, Karen's face came into view and she pulled me into a sweet-smelling hug.

I could only hug her back with a hand since my other hand was still intertwined with Shawn's. This was the first time I was seeing her after Shawn and I had gotten back together.

I could feel her smile as she said, "You have no idea how happy I am that you're in Shawn's life once again,"

"Mom," Shawn groaned as Karen released me and I suppressed a giggle.

"What?" His mother defended. "It's a free world,"

Thirty minutes later, everything was set. Manuel and Karen had occupied the front seats, Aaliyah was alone in the middle seat but wasn't really alone as she started to Skype with her best friend, Ana, as soon as Manuel drove out into the street. And I was in the back seat with Shawn.

I tucked my legs underneath me and turned to face Shawn, "Tell me about them. Your family, I mean,"

He leaned back in the seats and wheezed out a breath, "Well, there's my granddad and grandma. I swear, they're the oddest couple ever. They constantly tease each other but it's obvious that they are in love,"
Then there's my Aunt Bridget who's a giddier version of my mom, and there's my Uncle Dean who doesn't speak except it's necessary,"

I nodded, giggling a bit.

"I've got five cousins," Shawn continued. "Christie, Theo, Zara, Elliot and Gavin. I guess that's about it."

"Can you please tell me about them so at least I have an idea what they're like before I meet them," I pleaded, looking up at Shawn with huge puppy dog eyes.

"Fine." He sighed and I did a mini victory dance that made him laugh a bit.

Thirty minutes later, I'd learned almost all there was about his cousins.

Christie - his Aunt Bridget's daughter - was more or less obsessed with fashion and things like that, plus she was an ultimate Belieber as what she didn't know about Justin Bieber was next to nothing.

Theo - Christie's younger brother - as described as Shawn was a lazy ass who would prefer to watch a show over and over again rather than getting his lazy butt out of the couch to reach for the remote.

Zara - his Uncle Dean's - daughter had this 'I hate life' kind of vibe. She didn't speak unless it was necessary, just like her dad and when she spoke, her words were known to be laced with sarcasm.

However, her brothers had personalities different from hers. Elliot always had his head buried in a book of some kind and Gavin had been nicknamed 'The Questionnaire' by the family because of the way he always had a question to ask, no matter the situation.

With a content smile, I leaned back in my seat and began to enjoy the journey. A couple of hours passed, hours which had consisted of us stopping for bathroom breaks, gas and some food from a drive-through.

I fell asleep at some point and woke up to see that the car already stopped.

"We're here." Manuel announced and we undid our seatbelts as we scrambled out of the car.

We were in front of a detached house that was painted light blue. The lawn was neatly mowed and a minivan and a sedan car were parked in front of the house. The rest of his family must have gotten there early.

I was starting to feel nervous and my stomach felt queasy, but Shawn slipped his hand into mine and some sort of calmness washed over me. He gave me a small smile which I returned and waited for what would happen next as Karen pressed the doorbell.

A/N: Okay, so I've finished planning "All She Wishes". The book will be ending soon as there are only three chapters left.

I hope you liked this chapter! Please vote and comment! 😘

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