6) [Vanoss] Kiss Me

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A/N I honestly love this one so much. Mkay. enjoy!


"Kiss Me."

I press myself quickly against the guy in front of me, breathless and nervous. I wasn't exactly sure who he was, but if I knew who those footsteps that were stomping down the hall belonged to, then I knew he was definitely the better option.


I knew I caught him off guard, but I only had so many seconds left before I was caught, and potentially killed. Glancing over to the adjacent hall, I gripped his vest harder, pulling him closer.

"Don't ask stupid questions. Just shut up and kiss me."

"I mean, okay?" He grabbed me by the arm and face, and turned me around so my back was against the wall. His lips pressed against mine, so soft and so smooth. He gently prodded my lips, and it stole my breath away. I leaned into the kiss, my mind going fuzzy.

I felt the gentle, slick touch of a muscle sliding past my lips and wrapping around my tongue. A gasp rocketed from my chest as I gripped his suit shirt tightly. It felt like time came to a stuttering stop.

He pulled away, stealing my breath. Gasping, my eyes searched his through the simple mask covering his cheekbones up past his eyes. Blinking the fuzz from my brain, his voice brought me out of my trance.

"So why'd you do that?" I felt his arms slowly slide around my waist, holding me against his warmth.

I realized I couldn't hear the clacking of feet anymore.

"Can I just hug you for a second?" He didn't respond, so I wrap my arms around him, the anxiety of being caught and potentially killed thumping in my heart, slowly dissipating. "Some douche has been following me all night."

I rested my head against his chest, oddly calm in this stranger's arms.

It was quiet.

I sighed softly, pulling back. "Can I tell you something?"

"Of course." He states immediately.

I don't know if it's due to the anonymity of the masks, but I can't help but trust this stranger. It almost feels like I'm blubbering, the words jumbling from my lips as I cast my eyes towards the ground. "I'm here on a mission from a gang. I'm to destroy some information. But I don't want to. I don't want to be here for that. But I'm a ghost, so if I don't it'll ruin my record, it'll endanger me."

The man leans in close to my ear, and I feel him nuzzle my neck with his nose affectionately. I feel him mutter a soft "sorry".

Closing my eyes, I grip his vest tight again. I can't believe how stupid I was just now. To tell a stranger, all that? The hell's wrong with me?

Slowly letting go of his vest, and smoothing out any wrinkles, I pull away slowly. "I should leave."

"Wait, what's your name?"

I stand, turning my back to him, gripping the corner of the wall, one foot in the next hallway. "I can't give you one. Even if I did, you wouldn't find me anywhere. I'm not in any systems. I told you. I'm a ghost."

I could hear him shuffle closer, and I pressed a hand against my chest to try and quell the thumping below my skin. Come on, remember the mission.

"Not a single name I could remember you by?" He asks softly.

Biting my lip, I make a decision. What could I lose? "Bird. People call me Lil Bird."

"Evan Fong." He replies.

I turn to look at him, keeping my hand against the wall to keep me grounded. "There are so many Evans here, at least three including you..."

Twisting away from him, taking a few slow steps away, I urge myself to move forwards.

"Well, I hope I'd be here since it's my house." I stiffen slightly at his mumbled words. There's no way I was supposed to hear him. I walk away, feeling the panic crawl in my throat. Shitttt I just told him my plan of stealing information from him. What the effing hell is wrong with me??



Standing with a hand on the glass railing, I locked my eyes down below. A warm breeze played with my hair, causing goosebumps to tickle my skin. Holding my hand over the railway, I watched as the bits of a crushed usb drive fell slowly, down all the way into the pool three stories below me.

It's done. I'm wiped from the system again.

I could hear slow, smooth footsteps behind me, and a pair of warm arms wrap around my waist before I have time to react. Knowing who the warmth belongs to, a sigh trickles past my lips.

"Why'd you let me go?" I asked him.

The leader of one of the most feared groups in Los Santos let me sneak into his house, and destroy some very valuable information. All during a masquerade party.

He tisked, and laid his head on my shoulder, nuzzling his face against mine. He turned to speak lowly in my ear, sending tingles throughout my body.

"So which of my boys were you evading all night?"

I hum lightly. "Mr. Pig, and that Terrorizer. Earlier I ran into the tall Irishman, too. He was too sweet honestly."

He chuckled behind me, his chest rumbling through my core. "Yeah, in a different life, he wouldn't harm a fly."

One of his arms shift from around my waist and slide across my shoulders, the other still tight across my hips, locking me in place against him.

"So what now?" I whisper lowly.

"Well, You could stay with us..."

Did I... did I hear him right?

"What if I made you my Lil bird?"

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