15) [Bryce] Musical Audition

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Being new is hard. Not having any friends is harder.

The lunchroom is so full of people and I couldn't stand be that one person who sits alone in the middle of everyone else, so here i am, in an empty hall, eating alone.

I had my earphones in and was listening to music. I've done that alot these past couple of days. Closing my eyes, I couldn't help but hum along.

"Hey, you're really good!" A voice startled me.

I jumped with a short scream, my body spazzing as I look at the person who spoke, ripping my earbuds from my ears.

It was a tall blond wearing a purple shirt. His face cracked into a smirk as he snickered, trying to hold in his laughter. I recognized him from my choir class. His name's Bryce.

"I am so sorry!" He giggled. "I didn't mean to frighten you."

Swallowing, I could still hear the pumping of my heart in my chest. "It's fine."

He smiled. "As I was saying, your voice. You're really good."

"That wasn't me." I sputtered. Heat flared through my face.

'Yeah it was. I heard you." His face softened into a gentle smile, relaxing some of the nerves pulsing in me. "You should audition for the musical! It's a great way to make friends."

My stomach rolled at his words. All around the school were posters, and in classes the word spread like fire about the auditions happening tonight, and I wasn't sure it was my sort of thing.

"I don-"

Before I could finish my sentence, the bell rang.

"Just think about it, okay? I'll hopefully see you there?" His cerulean eyes sparkled as he waved and walked away.


Standing outside the choir room, I could hear the person singing through the door. She sounded amazing. I couldn't do this.

No, I should. I might enjoy it.

Loud clapping started, and I knew this was my only chance. With shaky hands, I peeled the door open slightly.

Taking a hesitant step in, my eyes scoped out the students. I could see Bryce sitting next to a few others I've had class with. One was a tall guy with black hair and glasses, who sang in the choir; another wearing an Adventure Time shirt who was in the choir as well. There was a guy named Mini and sitting at a laptop by the piano was Brock, a chill person who was in a few of my classes.

"Hi, how can I help you?" A teacher in the back row of the wave of people asked. I could see he had a bald head, but a beard, wearing glasses. I assumed he was the Drama teacher. Next to him was the choir teacher. I could feel the eyes of everyone in the room staring at me.

"I, uh." clearing my throat, I started speaking again, more confidently. "I was wondering if it was too late to audition?"

"Not at all." The drama teacher smiled as he waved me in, "Come on in. Perfect timing really. Do you know 'I Will Survive'?"

I nodded.

"Great, the audition goes through to the instrumental break after the first minute. When you're ready, you can begin. Afterwards, Brock will help you fill out the audition sheet. Sound good?"

"Sounds good." I say. I take off my hoodie and backpack, placing them by the wall. Walking towards the center of the makeshift stage, I could feel the bubbly feeling of nerves in my stomach.

My eyes roam around and I see the amount of students, again noticing their hard stares. My eyes lock onto Bryce, who smiles encouragingly, offering a thumbs up.

Taking a deep breath, I nod at Brock, who also smiles encouragingly at me as he presses play on the laptop. The music begins, and I relax in the piano riff at the beginning of the song.

Launching into the song, I let instinct take over. Glancing over the crowd, my panic builds up through my legs, climbing and settling in my stomach. My eyes seems to drift back over to the blond who's mouthing the words along with me, and I smile, closing my eyes and letting loose. I could hear the strength in my voice as I sang the last note.

Breathing in deeply to calm my beating heart, I'm pulled from my mind at the loud applause.

I notice Bryce walking up to me and hugging me. Holding onto me tightly, he speaks, "That was amazing! I knew you could do it."

A nervous laughter bubbles from my throat as I relax into the embrace, shaking.

A loud voice boomed over the chatter of the students. "Alright everyone, let's head up to the auditorium for the dance portion of the audition! Bryce, teach her the dance please, everyone else, let's go!"

As everyone began to file out, Brock came over to where Bryce pulled away from me.

Maybe I could do this.

Maybe I could make some friends.



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