16. [Ohm] Laser Tag

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My heart was pumping in my chest, loud in my ears. I leaned against the wall, barely seeing anything as the lights dimmed even more in the room. From the left, I could the pounding of feet as they ran, passing by, before things went silent again.

Releasing my heldin breath, I clutched the gun to my chest, feeling the smooth texture under the gloves that covered my fingers. Adjusting the glasses on my face, I knew I needed to move.

Holding my breath to listen to the surround area, I glided on silent feet, moving around like a shadow. I could see a platform. I knew that climbing it would leave me open to an attack, but getting up to the top would give me a huge advantage. Making my mind up, I slowly, cautiously make my way towards the base.

Climbing up on a platform that had three walls, and peak points, I landed on the top and situated myself. From this advantage point, I could read the board of how many were still alive.9 out of 15.

A noise came from below, almost silent, and my ears pinched to hear it. Moving closer to the back wall by a peak point, I could clearly hear the hushed whispers now. Two people. A small team.

"I'm telling you-"

"-No one's brave enough to go up there."

I peaked from the vantage point, having a clear shot of two unsuspecting people. I was silent as I took aim, and fired, taking both out.

7 left.

The sound of padded feet on the ladder, almost silent, startled me. Twisting on my back, I pointed the gun just as a body appeared, pulling themselves over the top, and shot.

6 left.

"Aw." The person pouted. I winked before moving around them and gripping the sides of the ladder, sliding back onto the ground. Immediately, I rolled away, just as a beam hit where I landed.

I ran, my blood in my ears as I twisted around blocks, trying to lose my assailant.

Sliding behind a different shelter, much farther away from the sky base, I pressed my back into the wall. Trying to hold my breath proved impossible as I heaved in as quietly as I could in hopes to calm my beating heart. Twisting my head around, I spotted the board. Only three people left.

Suddenly, a person rounded the corner, and a hand was placed on my mouth, trapping me against wall. Shocked, I went to yank away, to pull my gun and shoot, but they blocked it, and the gun clattered away.

In my frenzied state, I realized who it was and held in my giddy feeling, smiling underneath the hand on my lips.

Suddenly, a nervousness filled me as I locked eyes with his beautiful hazel ones, that seemed to just glint in the low, dim lights from the LEDs glowing off his mischievously grinning face. His dimple popped out as he brought his free hand up to his lips, making a shhing noise.

His free hand came up and, with both hands, he ran his hand across my cheek and face, gliding it through my hair. One hand cupped my face, the other sliding down to my neck, tickling and warming my skin as he made a path to my wrist. My skin tingled along my arm where his hand touched. He threaded his fingers through mine. Touching his shoulder, I leaned into his touch.

"Ohm. What are you doing?"

His grin just increased as his warm touch on my hands moved to my hip, gripping and pulling me closer to him.

His mouth descended on mine in a shocking mold. Electricity rolled through me, and down my spine. I melted at his touch, letting his mouth manipulate mine, trying to hold what little resistance I had.

The way he moved with me had my toes curling.I felt intoxicated. Under a spell. His tongue slipped across my bottom lip, and I gave in, all competition from the game gone now. Our tongues twisted in a tango as I gave up all resistance completely, wrapping my arms around his neck and closing the space between us.

My lungs cried with the need of air, and all too soon he was pulling away. I followed his drawback until I couldn't anymore, finally pulling back myself. Panting, it was all in vain as I tried to gulp air and stop that damn tingling.

"What was that for, Ryan?" I asked, breathless, feeling like I was floating on air.

Suddenly, there was a small pew, and I looked down at my suit where his gun was pointed, right where a red LED shone brightly.

A ringing above us caught my attention as it signalled the end of the game.

My eyes widened, my mouth popped open as I realized just what he did.

Ohm pulled away completely, laughing as he began walking away. "Looks like I win!" He called over his shoulder.

Sputtering, betrayal crossed through me.

"You- you cheated."

"All's fair in love and war, sweetcheeks." He winked at me. Finally, I willed my feet to follow. Thanks. Real nice Ohm.

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