36) [Delirious] Midnight Madness

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A/N: @jelsa_lover123 hope you enjoy! This took a waaaay different turn than expected, lol.


My heart was thumping. The darkness felt like it was swallowing me.

I tripped, my shoe caught in the ground. Turning to look behind me, I knew I didn't have time. Pulling my foot from my shoe, I continued running as fast as I could.

Breaking from the cover of the trees, I came to a clearing with a giant building. It loomed over the forest, empty and forlorn. I knew what it was before I could even read the sign. It was the abandoned insane asylum, shut down for the homicidal maniac that murdered more than a handful of people.

The footsteps were close behind, and I knew I needed to take my chance there.

Running closer to the building, I noticed that the main doors were locked shut with a heavy chain and lock.

Quickly, I turned to the side and ran along the building. Windows were everywhere, and I knew if I could get in one I'd be safe.

My eyes searched the place like crazy. I couldn't hear, my heart in my ears. And then I saw one, on the ground leading to the basement, cracked open just barely.

Glancing behind, I saw a tall figure making his way to the doors of the asylum. His red glowing eye locked onto me. In a panic, I quickly move to drop past the small window. Twisting onto my stomach, I force my hips past the window, and wiggle until I fell through, landing on the ground.

Moving quickly, I press myself under the window, curling into myself and holding my breath.

A red light fills the space where the moon lights the room.

Pressing my hand into my mouth, I hold any sort of noise. Tears roll past my eyelashes.

The red light turns to look around the room. I knew he was too big to fit in the window.

Finally, it moves away. I hear the footsteps vanish, the crunching of the twigs growing faint.

A sigh bursts from my lips, my face cold from the tears.

Looking around, my eyes adjust to the dark room. Across from the window is an open door. Around the walls are filing cabinets. Other than that there was hardly anything.

Standing up, I turn to see the window. There was no way I could reach it, much less try to leave through it. I knew I needed to get out of here as soon as possible.

Pushing through the door, I was met with a wall of darkness from the hallway. I could barely make out doors across the hall. Lights filtered past the doors along the same wall as the one I emerged from, the moon pushing into the dark hall.

I glance into the next room. My eyes scan through the window. My hand clamped around the handle, but it refused to budge. The room had a table of sorts and a wall of cabinets. My heart drops.

It's a medical room.

I flee from it as quick as possible. Following the hall, I wander around in the partial dark. It grows darker, but my eyes have become adjusted to it. Coming to a corner, I look to turn down the new hall.

Heavy footsteps seem to echo down the hall I was going. I see a familiar red glow fill the hall. In a panic, I quickly rush the other way and down a hall leading away from the lights of the windows.

I spot a staircase going up. Excitement builds in me as I make my way up the stairs, ascending into the darkness. Making it up to the top, light is streaming in from the moon through the glass ceiling from above. Looking around, I see what looks to be a receptionist's desk, and the from doors. Somehow I felt like I knew this place.

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