Chapter 4.

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Chapter 4.

*Charlotte’s POV*

I woke up basically on top of Niall, what even happened last night?! I don’t remember much after walking into the club, I was wasted. I slowly got up off Niall to get changed and brush my teeth etc, I tried so hard to not wake him and surprisingly succeeded. I tiptoed to the bathroom, I thankfully noticed that I was fully clothed, maybe there’s nothing I even need to remember from last night. I quickly got changed, I looked outside and saw that it was raining so put something warm on.

Charlotte’s outfit:

I was quite upset that we were going home soon and that I may never see these boys again, last night, well what I can remember, was great! I went and sat on the sofa in Niall’s room and turned on the telly although I kept it extra quiet as Niall was still asleep. I must have still woken him up though as he stretched and yawned a little. He came over and gave me a kiss on the cheek, ‘morning’ he said before going to the bathroom. ‘Morning’ I replied half heartedly, not really understanding what just happened. Why did Niall just kiss me on the cheek? What happened last night?! Did we do it then get our clothes back on? I hope not! It’s the first time I had properly met him. Oh god I was so confused. So many things were running through my mind and I didn’t even realise that Niall had sat next to me.

‘You look great today, I guess it is cold outside?’

‘Well it looked very cold but I haven’t been out yet.’ I replied smiling.

‘What are you doing today?’ He asked.

‘I am not sure yet, I assume just going home.’

‘Noooo, stay here?’ Niall whined.

The first thing that came into my mine was ‘Seriously?! What happened last night?’ I think that he noticed that I was a bit stunned by what he said so he said ‘Savannah and Jordan can stay too!’

When he said that I instantly replied ‘Okay, I’ll just go and get them and see what they want to do.’

‘Okay babe’ he replied kissing me.

Okay I am seriously wierded out now. I just needed to see my girls. I went to Louis’ room as I expected Savannah to be there, I grabbed her out of bed before she could barely wake up then I went into Harry’s room and noticed that Jordan was already awake, I called an emergency meeting and told the boys we were just getting some breakfast from downstairs. Whilst I was in Harry’s room I noticed that my camera was on his living room table so I quickly grabbed it whilst the girls were getting changed then we set off.

Savannah’s scruffs:

Jordan’s scruffs:

We were sat enjoying our full English breakfasts when my phone buzzed, it was Niall. Why was he so keen. The text read ‘When are you coming back, I have good plans for today x’ I replied saying ‘Just having some breakfast with the girls, will be up in a bit. x’ The girls asked me what happened last night and I just had too reply saying I had no clue as I really didn’t!

‘You and Niall snuck off to his room before any of us had the chance to say night, what happened?’ Savannah asked winking at me. I just put my head in my hands in embarrassment.

‘I didn’t even want to go to his bed with him, it’s the first time I have properly met him but I don’t think I scared him off, he kissed me this morning so I don’t think I did.’

‘What he kissed you?!’ Jordan asked with food hanging out of her mouth, god she’s so funny!

‘Yes but I don’t know why, I got my camera from Harry’s room, should we look at the pictures? I haven’t even looked myself yet.’

We all huddled together to look at these pictures, I took a deep breath ready to brace myself for these drunken shots. The first few pictures were just of us posing with the boys, they weren’t that bad then you could see that there were worse pictures as the night went on. There were quite a lot of pictures where I went up to the boys and just took surprise shots of us, you could tell I was so drunk and there were pictures of me Savannah and Jordan dancing on the tables, god we were so drunk. Then there was the picture, me and Niall kissing. What the hell? I don’t even remember this at all. When the picture came up both Savannah and Jordan just gasped and looked at me, I didn’t even know what to say. I just had my mouth wide open.

‘You need to speak to Niall’ said Jordan.

‘Yeah you do, maybe he remembers and that’s why he kissed you this morning.’ answered Savannah.

‘I am gonna go up now and speak to him, is that okay?’

‘Yeah’ they both mimicked each other. I went up to Niall’s room quite quickly as I really wanted to speak to him, I didn’t have a clue what was happening with us and I didn’t know whether or not he remembered or whether he wanted anything more. I had so many things racing through my head and I just needed to get things out in the open. I opened the door and saw Niall sat on the sofa with Liam and Zayn.

‘Niall, can I speak to you please?’

‘Yeah sure, what’s up babe?’

‘In private please.’ and we went to his room to have a chat.

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