Chapter 13.

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Chapter 13.

*Charlotte's POV*

Me and Niall were stronger than ever! I did get a little bit of hate for not saying I love you too back to Niall on Twitter last night but who cares, I was the one that was going out with Niall, not them, I assume they were just jealous. Me and Niall had the best night ever last night! We finally did it, we never had before but we did last night! I was so scared, I have had sex with people before but not people like Niall Horan, he was a superstar! So famous and he could have anyone he wanted but he chose me, he wanted too have sex with me, little old me! I was once just a normal fan then my life literally turned upside down, my little fantasies I used too create became a reality. Even though I was having the time of my life last night and Niall made me feel so special and clearly cared for me I just could not shake Louis out of my mind. It's not like I wasnted too sleep with Louis but ever since he kissed me and said he liked me I have just not been able too get him off my mind. I don't know why I kept thinking of him because I loved Niall, like really loved him. My life couldn't get much better than when I am with him but I don't know, Louis seems more exciting, fun! Niall is fun, tons of fun but it feels like we have settled down together whereas with Louis it would be more of a fling, everyday would be different and more exciting but with Niall I feel safe and secure, he does make me happy and I wouldn't want to ruin that for the world!

*Savannah's POV*

I really do like Louis but he's been a little distant lately. Ever since Niall and Charlotte fell out he has been a little odd with me. We still have sex like usual but I don't know, it's not like it used too be. He's not keen for it anymore and when we are doing it he seems a little preoccupied, like he has other things on his mind. I keep wanting too ask what's up with him but we aren't in a relationship so it's not like I can just interrogate him about what he has going on in his life, it sort of feels like we aren't friends either. I can't really talk too him about anything and he doesn't tell me anything, he's really secretive and always on the phone too people. When he is in the shower I might go through his phone to see what he has been up too, I have a suspision that he has been talking to other girls but I can't confront him about it because we're not together, he would just think I am wierd then he would never go out with me. I had too be sneaky about this.

*Charlotte's POV*

I got up and decided that I would go for lunch with the girls, we put on our best, but casual, outfits and set off.

Charlotte's outfit:

Jordan's outfit:

Savannah's outift:

We left the boys just too chill in their rooms, since we have been hanging around with these boys I feel like I don't spend enough time with my best friends in the world! The ones that have been on this whole journey with me and I wanted too treat them today so I took them too Nandos. I know it isn't anything special but since before we were hanging around with the boys this was our favourite place too eat so I thought I would bring them here. They didn't know we were coming here as it was a surprise but they loved it! We ordered our usual then sat down, we didn't even need too look at the menu! We sat down and just chatted for a little bit, even though we saw each other everyday we didn't have any proper chats so we just had a catch-up too start with. I told the girls about last night and they were so happy for me. They knew that I had wanted this for so long. A group of youngish girls came into Nandos and came to our table and asked for a picture, they knew who I was because I was slapped all over sugarscape and they must have known Jordan and Savannah because we always tweeted each other. I don't even know why they wanted a picture with us, it's not like we were the boys. They asked us a couple of questions and we were happy to answer, they didn't ask for our autographs but I was happy about that because I don't even have an autograph. Our food came near enough as soon as they left, we ate our food and didn't talk, there was paps outside and that put me off eating, don't get me wrong, I don't mind eating in front of people but I don't want pictures of me eating on websites or on twitter. I can't imagine that I look very attractive when I am eating. I pull bits of my chicken sandwich off and put it in my mouth rather than putting the whole thing in my mouth so it doesn't look so bad. A girl came into the restaurant, she was walking towards our table but looked a little hesitant.

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