Chapter 5.

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Chapter 5.

We walked into Niall’s room.

‘What’s up babe?’ He asked me looking worried. When he looked worried he looked like a little puppy with big massive eyes, he was too cute.

‘Nothings up, do you remember anything from last night?’

‘I remember our kiss.’ He replied winking at me.

‘Oh god’ I put my head in my hands.

‘Did you not want to kiss me?’ He said looking like that worried puppy dog again.

‘Noooo, don’t get me wrong, I have wanted to kiss you for sooo long but I just didn’t want to on the first day we properly spoke. I didn’t want to seem forward and scare you away.’ I just stared into his beautiful eyes.

‘Awwww! You are so cute Charlotte. Believe me you didn’t scare me off, I wanted to kiss you. If you like we can start again. I take you out on a couple of dates and we see where we go from there, if you would like too?’

I just couldn’t believe what I was hearing, ‘Yes, I would love that.’ I replied with a big cheesy grin. ‘But no kissing on the first date!’ I said with a wink. We left the room and Zayn and Liam shot us a concerned look, I hugged Niall and told him I was going to see the girls. I left the room and I could tell that he was going to be telling them what just happened, I was doing the same with the girls though. As soon as I met them they asked me millions of questions, I told them everything and they got so excited for me. I have been wanting this for so long! Me, Savannah, Jordan, Harry and Louis were in Harry’s room. We decided to get Liam, Zayn and Niall to come round to too decide what we were doing for lunch. When they finally came round Niall was just suggesting everywhere, we eventually decided on Mcdonalds and a milkshake from Milkshake City. Me and Niall decided to go on our own. We didn’t bother waiting for the black vans so we just ran, it was quite an adventure. There were fans everywhere and it was so difficult to dodge them. We eventually got to Mcdonalds and grabbed our order, it was a good job that we ordered it before we set off. We then had to go out the back and ran to Milkshake City, Niall let them know beforehand that we were coming so they could shut the shop and just let us in. We got there after Niall took a few pictures with fans and we ordered our shakes. I got a double galaxy caramel one! Yum! We didn’t even have a clue how we were going to get out, the doors were crowded with fans and everyone’s Mcdonalds were getting cold! We had to call someone to come and get us, we rang Liam and he organised for the black vans to come and get us, as soon as they got here we got in. We had to push our way through the crowd, they were pulling and grabbing at us and some of them were making rude comments about me just because I was with Niall. I couldn’t believe fans could be so nasty! I couldn’t wait to get back so we could just chill.

When we got back to the hotel everyone’s food was cold so we heated up our food and quickly ate it. We were trying to make a plan for the night. We decided because we had such a crazy night out last night that we would stay in, watch a film and just chill. We wanted to get loads of crisps and chocolate so me Jordan and Savannah decided to go to asda as the boys would just get mobbed. Jordan and Savannah were still in their pyjamas so I waited for them to get ready so we could set off.

Savannah’s outfit:

Jordan’s outfit:

They quickly got ready and we went to Asda.

‘What should we get?’ asked Jordan excitedly.

‘Let’s just get everything, the boys gave us loads of money!’ replied Savannah, she looked like she was about to wet herself with excitement. We grabbed a trolley and filled it will all sorts, lots of chocolate, biscuits, sweets and litres of coke. This should have lasted us. It was going to be a nice chilled night with my favourite people. When we took our trolley full too the cashiers I think they were a little surprised, we did have a lot and they must have wondered how we could afford it all. Ahh the perks of being good friends with famous people! We grabbed our bags and the black van was waiting outside for us, we got back to the hotel and put all the bags down. I think the boys were a little astonished at how much we bought too but they loved it! We put our pyjamas on and got our duvets. We moved the sofas out of the way and all snuggled up on the floor together, munching and drinking together. It was a perfect night.

Savannah’s pyjamas:

Charlotte’s pyjamas:

Jordan’s pyjamas:

We were having such a good night and it was nice to just relax with the boys. None of us were really watching the film we were all chatting. Me and Niall were lieing quite close to each other, we were cuddling a little bit but were chatting. Our faces were quite close and I could feel his breath on me, it was so nice and it felt great to be so close to him. I couldn’t help it, I just kissed him. I had to.

‘I thought no kisses on the first date?’ He said whilst winking.

‘I just couldn’t help myself, maybe we can kiss then.’ I giggled and blushed a little bit.

‘Yeah we sure can’ then we started kissing again. It was such a magical moment, I don’t think that anyone else knew though and I liked it that way.

*Jordan’s POV*

Today has been such a good day, spending it with my girls and I suppose my boys even though they have only known who I am for a day but it feels like we have known each other for forever. We got so much food from the supermarket and I bet there will be loads left in the morning, more for breakfast though! Oh god it is just like me, I am thinking about food when I am basically in bed with all of One Direction, what am I like? Haha. Niall and Charlotte have been getting so close lately, they are dead cute. Me and Harry have been talking quite a bit as well, he had his hand on my leg right now under the duvet. It was quite a wierd feeling because it wasn’t like a feeling I have ever had around a boy before. I have had boyfriend’s but I have never felt like this about them, it so surreal. I would love to get to know Harry a bit more and see if he would like to make something more out of us but I just don’t know how to talk to him about it, maybe I should ask him out on a date. Is it still weird for a girl to ask a boy out? Come on, it’s the 21st Century for god’s sake. Maybe I will just subtly hint it.

‘Do you want to go out tomorrow night for something to eat?’ I asked, quite hesitantly.

‘Just us two?’

Shit shit shit, what was I meant to say to this?! I panicked. ‘Yes.’ Oh god, maybe I shouldn’t have said that, have I come across too strong? God I must have sounded like an idiot.

‘Yeah sure, it would be great to get to know you some more.’ Harry said sticking his tongue out. I stuck my tongue out in response, he was so cheeky! We started snuggling, we haven’t kissed yet but I wanted to wait and make it special, I didn’t want to just rush things with Harry as I want something special with him. I loved everything about him!

*Savannah’s POV*

It was so nice to be spending the night with One Direction again, they made me forget about every care in the world I had. If I had anything wrong at home I could just talk to the boys and it would just all disappear. If I could be in this moment with them forever. I just hoped that we could spend more times like this together. Me and Louis were talking loads, every time I saw him I fell for him more and more, I didn’t think it was possible to fall for someone so soon after knowing them. I know for a fact he doesn’t feel the same way though so it is just pointless even thinking about that. I wish he did like me though. When we had all gotten tired we all lay down together in Harry’s living room. Me and Louis were lieing together, I turned to face the opposite way to him and he pulled me closer to him, I had crazy butterflys, I couldn’t believe that he just pulled me closer to him, what is air?! He had his arm around my waist and I couldn’t help but think I was dreaming. I didn’t think he would ever be like this with me, I thought he was interested in someone else, I had heard that he had a secret girlfriend but he mustn’t do, I couldn’t stop thinking crazy thoughts. Maybe I should just calm down, go to sleep and see what happens in the morning, I really need to sleep or I would wake up so late tomorrow and I don’t want to be sleeping whilst these are having fun.


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