Chapter 12.

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Chapter 12.

*Charlotte's POV*

Shit, what was I meant to say too Niall without sounding like we did kiss because we did, just not in these pictures. Maybe I should just confess and tell him everything, that might make everything better, or it could make it all worse. 'Niall, I think you need too look at this.' He came over and sat next to me on the sofa and just stared at the laptop screen. He took it off me and started reading. His face was black and white, I didn't know what to expect then he turned too look at me.

'Is this true?' He coldly said to me. It made my heart actually feel like it had snapped in two.

'Of course it isn't true Niall! I love you.' I went to kiss him but he turned away. I just burst into tears and ran too Niall's room. Noone else was awake so I couldn't confide in anyone.

*Niall's POV*

Is this article serious? I don't know what to believe. I love Charlotte with all my heart and gave her everything I had too give, and for her too cheat on me in the hoodie that I had bought her, it made me so angry but I don't know if she would do this too me. I just looked at her blankly, 'Is this true?' I simply asked her.

She quickly responded with 'Of course it isn't true Niall! I love you.' Then she tried to kiss me but I turned away, how could she do that too me then go to kiss me? The cheek of it. She started crying and ran out. I feel like I have done something wrong but it's her that has cheated on me. This made me feel like I didn't know her at all, could she have done something like this too me? I feel like I don't know anything about this girl that I call my girlfriend. Liam sat up, Charlotte must have woken him up.

'Who was that crying?' He asked.

'Charlotte.' I replied coldly, I don't know why I was being cold with Liam but this whole situation had put me in a shit mood.

'Why? What's up with her?' I didn't even reply to that, I just passed him the laptop. As he scrolled further down the page his mouth developed more into an O shape. 'Well have you asked her about it?'

'No, i'm not really in the mood at the minute. I just need to sort my head out and calm down a bit first.'

'I understand mate, do you want me  too talk to her?'

'Yeah, you will probably get more sense out of her than I will.' Liam then got up and left the room. I didn't know where she was so I don't have a clue how he would do but he's quite smart so he could probably work it out.

*Charlotte's POV*

Who am I meant to talk to? Noone is even going to believe me. I have gotten so much hate for it already and it isn't even true, why would his fans even think that he would be okay with me getting hate. He proabably will want me too get hate at the minute, he'll probably send me hate himself which he has every right too but noone else does. I heard the door open, I was hoping it was Niall but it was Liam. At least it was Liam though and noone else, he is probably the best person for me too talk to. He sat next to me on the bed and lifted me up and just cuddled me for a bit, he was so lovely and made me feel a million times better. No wonder they called him 'Daddy Direction'. I just sobbed into his shoulder for a bit and he let me, he was so considerate.

'Charlotte, what happened? I thought you loved Niall?'

'I do, I love him so so much!' Me saying this just made me cry even more. 'Seriously Liam, me and Louis didn't do anything. We were talking and he told me something quiet personal and I was comforting him much like you are with me now and I know it's looks like we are about too kiss but I was just pulling him into a hug, I promise. I know Niall probably won't believe me but I do love him and I would never do that to him, ever! He is the only one for me.' And I just broke down again. Liam didn't say anything in response and just hugged me again, he gave the best hugs, it felt like whenever I had a problem at home and I would sit on my Dad's knee and he would make me feel better, it gave me so much comfort.

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