Chapter 6.

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Chapter 6.

*Charlotte’s POV*

I woke up cuddling Niall, it was nice to wake up with someone that I loved. I was so happy that we had decided to start seeing each other, I shouldn’t have really kissed him last night but I couldn’t help myself. We had our faces so close together and I just had to do it, no regrets though…he’s hot! He was still asleep when I woke up so I decided to leave him there, it was a bit of a struggle getting his arm from around me but I didn’t wake him up. I dragged myself to the kitchen, still barely awake and made myself a brew. Jordan had woken up soon after me so I made her a brew too. We had a nice long chat about last night and how I just had too kiss him, she completely understood and we just had a big laugh about it.

‘So what’s happening with you two then?’ asked Jordan.

‘Well, I am not completely sure at the minute. I want us to be in a relationship although I do not want to rush it, I might go for a meal with him tonight so we can talk about it and get to know each other.’

‘Hey, who are you talking about?’ asked Niall, I was so embarrassed that he heard that. I took a sip of my tea and explained that I wanted to go out with him tonight. He agreed and I got a bit excited. I needed new outfits so me and Jordan woke Savannah up so we could go shopping.

Me, Savannah and Jordan ran up to our rooms to get ready, I just put my hair up in a messy bun as I didn’t want to get a shower until I had gotten back. The boys were going to spend some time together today as me and the girls had been with them for the past few days so it was good for them to have some alone time. We were all dressed and ready so we set off into London town.

Charlotte’s outift:

Savannah’s outfit:

Jordan’s outfit:

When we were walking around London we had a couple of paps following us, even though there wasn’t that many it was so annoying. I just wanted to spend some time with my friends away from this kind of stuff. I don’t even know why they were following us, we had always snuck around so how did they know who we were? We ran into a little corner shop to try and get away from them. We were stood in this shop and Jordan decided she wanted a chocolate bar, right next to the chocolate bars were the newspapers. On the front of the Daily Mail was a picture of me and Niall, I had totally forgotten that we went out the other day. Oh god, there was pictures of us in Mcdonalds then ones of us running, we didn’t think anyone saw us running then there were some of us stuck in Milkshake City. The headlines read ‘One Direction’s Niall on the run with mystery girl.’ I just couldn’t believe it. All of the teenage magazines had mine and Niall’s faces plastered on them, Niall’s I could understand but mine? Jordan and Savannah saw me staring, clearly pissed off. They came over and just gasped.

‘You have to buy them.’ Savannah insisted.

‘Yeah you do, you need to know what they say about you.’ added Jordan.

I picked all the ones with me and Niall on the front and took them to the counter. At first the guy at the counter didn’t understand why I was buying so many but then I think he realised it was me on the front of them all.

‘Is that you?’ He asked pointing at an image of me.

‘Yes, I don’t even know why I am on there.’

He just looked at me confused, he must have been thinking ‘maybe because you’re with a worldwide star!’ I just grabbed the magazines and left. Me and the girls went to Starbucks to get a drink and to sit and look through these. We all took and equal amount each and looked through them. Surprisingly there was no bad comments, I was quite happy although I didn’t want my face plastered all over newspapers and magazines. I texted Niall letting him know and he just told me to ignore them and the paparazzi, there was no bad shots anyway. We headed into all of our favourite shops and we got such nice outfits. Soon after we went to KFC then went back to the hotel. It was a few hours till me and Niall were going out so we chilled with the boys for a bit, I was a little sleepy so I went for a nap. When I woke up I had 2 hours to get ready. I went for a shower and dried my hair, I put messy waves in my hair, sort of a beachy look. I loved the outfit that I had chosen, it was much nicer than any of the other clothes I owned.

Charlotte’s outfit:

It was sort of dressy up but still looked casual, I loved it, especially my shoes. When I was napping everyone had decided that after mine and Niall’s meal we would meet up and go into town. I didn’t mind this idea although I wanted to spend some one on one time with Niall. I guess we will at the meal though. It was a good job the girls had bought some new outfits today or they wouldn’t have had anything to wear tonight! Their outfits were beautiful.

Jordan’s outfit:

Savannah’s outfit:

They would look so good but I wouldn’t see them until we went out. I want a load of pictures again tonight! I love looking back at memories, mine and Niall’s first kiss was even captured!

Me and Niall set off to the restaurant, I didn’t even know where we were going, he had it all planned out. I wasn’t sure of the name but it was lovely! No-one else was in here though.

‘Why is there no-one else in here? It looks so nice!’

‘I booked it out for just me and you, so no paps, no-one taking pictures, just me and you so we can talk.’ He said putting his arm around my waist. I blushed and shrieked a little bit. He was the cutest ever, we aren’t even together yet and he is doing things like this, I wonder what he will do when we are together. He pulled out my chair, what a gentlemen! We ordered what we wanted then we had a nice long chat about everything to do with each other. We were holding hands and I was just in heaven.

‘So, where do you want us too go?’ Niall asked me, I didn’t even know how to respond to him.

‘Ermm…well I would want us to go into a relationship but it might be too soon and I don’t want to ruin what we have.’ I responded hesitantly.

‘Well I think we should go into a relationship now and just keep it a secret, tell the other guys as they will be with us all the time anyway but no-one else and when you’re ready we can let the world know, it will also be a good time to get to know each other.’

‘Yes I think that’s a good idea.’ I said with a smile slowly creeping onto my face, I didn’t seem it on the outside but on the inside I was going crazy. We were still holding hands and he tightened his grip a little, I love him, I am crazy head over heels with him! He pulled me too his knee, I sat lightly and he started kissing me. It was such a crazy moment, how did I like this boy so much? I have never felt like this about anyone before, he has totally swept me off my feet. Once we had eaten our food we quickly left as we wanted to spend the night together, even if we were with the others. We were going to meet the guys in town but we decided to go to the hotel first, we had a big announcement. We walked to the hotel and we were constantly were getting papped. We didn’t give off any signals we were together though, we could have been on a business meeting meal, if they would ever believe that. We got to the hotel and had to push through the crowd, I was so scared walking through the crowd, well we had to push our way through. Everyone was grabbing at Niall, my boyfriend, even though they didn’t know that it was still annoying. We eventually got inside and went up to the room, everyone was surprised to see us but Niall made the announcement and they all got up and hugged us both. Jordan and Savannah were jumping up and down shrieking, they seemed more excited than me. I just couldn’t stop giggling.

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