Chapter 9.

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Chapter 9.

*Charlotte’s POV*

We decided not to go to the club because we all just wanted a quiet night in. After waking up though we were all in a partying mood plus it was warm so we decided to spend the day with a few drinks in the sun! Me and the girls got ready then went to the balcony to meet the boys.

Charlotte’s outfit:

Savannah’s outfit:

Jordan’s outfit:

We had a glass of pina colada each except for the boys, they had a bottle of beer each. They sent some of their bodyguards to go and get our drinks because we couldn’t leave the hotel without getting mobbed now. The boys were all chatting before we went out on the balcony but when we joined them they all turned around and looked shocked, they must have been impressed. I went to Niall and gave him a kiss, I loved being with him. Liam and Zayn were on the Laptop together, they looked like they were having fun, I went a sat with them too see what they were up too. They were on twitter, on Liam’s and they were replying to a few fans. Lots of fans were asking for a twit-cam, I pointed these tweets out to them both and we decided we’d go on twit-cam. Liam opened it up and we had thousands of views within seconds, god these fans go hardcore!  It was so hard to read all the tweets on the scroller at the side, there was just too many getting sent in. Harry brought out his phone speakers and put on some music, we then put the laptop onto one of the chairs and all knelt down in front of it. A lot of the fan were asking who me, Savannah and Jordan were, Liam just said that we were friends as me and Niall didn’t want to come out as a couple yet and the other two are nothing more than friends with the boys just yet. The twit-cam was so fun, we had a bit of a dance and just messed around and it was great to spend this moment with the fans. They were all so nice, there was a couple of rude comments but we just let that go over our heads, we were the ones with the boys and them rude girls would never be with them talking about their friends like that. We had all finished our drinks so I went back inside to get some more. Niall followed me in and crept up behind me, he scared the life out of me! He put his hands on my waist and kissed me, I love my life right now and this moment was perfect. I was so lucky to be with Niall. We made the drinks and took them out to the others, they were just finishing off the webcam, we all said goodbye then turned it off. It was about 6 O’Clock now and we decided we still wanted to go out. It was a bit early to be going out now so we got a take-away and chilled for a bit first then me and the girls started getting ready.

Charlotte’s outfit:

Jordan’s outfit:

Savannah’s outfit:

Once we were ready we were too excited to go! I grabbed my camera and we set off. We got into the black vans and went to some club, I wasn’t sure what it was called but I couldn’t wait to get in there and just let my hair down. We got a special room to ourselves as it would have been too crazy to be in the room with everyone else and we didn’t want to cause any trouble, we just wanted to have some fun like any normal person. We got into our special room and sat down, we got a few shots down us and got the music pumping. I wasn’t too drunk, just a little tipsy and me and Niall were dancing. The last time me and Niall were out together we had our first kiss but now we are in a relationship, it was crazy! We took a lot of pictures with each other, I got one with each of the boys and lots with my girls, I love that we can capture these memories! Savannah and Jordan were on the table dancing again, every time we go out they seem to end up on the tables! Louis seemed a bit distant with us, he was always on his phone, drinking his drinks slowly and not really talking to any of us. Niall and Liam went to the bathroom so I went to talk to Louis.

‘Hey, what’s up?’ I asked him.

‘Oh nothing, it’s fine seriously.’

‘No something must be wrong, come on, we’ll go in this booth and talk.’ I took him into this private booth so we could have a good chat. Me and Louis had become good friends over the time that I have spent with the boys, he was a special person that I loved spending time with. ’So come on, tell me what’s wrong with you now’ I said, then he kissed me. I couldn’t believe it, why was he kissing me? I am going out with one of his best friends, why would he do this to Niall? I pushed him away and just stared at him. ‘But I am with Niall?’ I questioned him then he left, just went out of the booth and he spent the night not even looking at me, being more distant than he was before. What was wrong with him? He could have blamed it on drink but he wasn’t even drunk? Oh god I had to tell someone, in the morning I will have to tell Jordan and Savannah.

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