Chapter 6

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A week passed after our first training. We've gotten stronger every time we train. More tricks and moves.

Today is a Monday which means school. I got up from bed and did my morning routines. I ate breakfast and left.

I arrived at school and went to my classroom. I sat on my seat and took out a book. I was reading until someone pulled my book out of my grasp. I looked up and saw Kia grabbing a hold of my book.

"Give it back! I was reading it." I said. "What if I don't? Are you gonna cry and tell the teacher again like back in high school." She said. "No. And grow up. We're at college now and not in high school so don't be childish." "Huh? Childish? I am not!" "If you're not then why don't you give my book back." I said and some of the students in class said 'oohh' then she handed me my book back. "We're not finished yet. Meet me at the hallway near my locker later before lunch." She said before walking off.

The teacher suddenly walked in and started the lesson.

~time skip~

The bell rang indicating it is lunch time. I got out of my chair while Jungkook followed behind.

"Hey, you go to the cafeteria first I have to go somewhere." I said and he nodded. It's because I don't want him involved in my feud with Kia. We also pass her locker when going to the cafeteria.

I watched him walk away. As he passed by Kia's locker she was already there. She tried clinging to Jungkook but he shoved him away. I had this strange feeling of sudden anger when she clung to him. I just then shrugged it off.

I started walking to the cafeteria when he was already out sight. I passed Kia and ignored her but she pulled my wrist. "Hey let go!" I said. "You think you can just ignore me. Well you get a punishment for it." She said and balled her fists and swung them in the air making it hit my face. "I was thinking of slapping you but a punch is much worst." She then continued. "You messed with the wrong person." I said as anger build inside me. She continued her torture to me by either kicking me or punching me making me fall to the floor and creating some wounds and bruises.

I couldn't hold my anger anymore so I stood up and she smirked. She was about to punch me but I held her arm fast. My wounds and bruises then start to heal. Her eyes were wide, she didn't expect something like that. Command vampires never heal that fast only royals. Commons take about a day to a week. I pushed her hard making her back hit the lockers. It also made it broken to pieces and her body ache so much. I pulled her out and cast a reverse spell on the lockers turning them back so the teachers won't suspect.

"I'm a vampire hybrid, remember that. Try to know your opponent first before attacking." I said before leaving her on there on the floor aching. It was a good thing I still had time for lunch. I ordered my food and sat on an empty table. I started eating and someone sat along with me. I looked to see only Jungkook sitting there having a wide smile. I smiled back and continued eating.

The bell rang meaning lunch is over and time for classes. I stood up and went to the classroom and sat down. The teacher then walked in and started the lesson. I looked at Kia and she looked at me looking scared but acting tough. I can feel she'd gonna get back at me with an army with her.

The teacher kept explaining but I can't understand some things. I asked my seatmate who is Jeonghan and he gladly explained it. I then glanced at Jungkook but he's looking a bit angry.


I saw Yana glance at Kia and she received a death glare from her looking like she's gonna kill her. Yana then continued to listen to the lesson.

I saw her struggling. I was about to help her but she already asked Jeonghan. I feel anger build inside me, almost like jealousy. But I shrugged it off and continued to listen. Anger still inside me.

The day then went on.

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