Chapter 5

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A days had passed and Kia already bully me again. What's worst is she fell for Jungkook. She keeps on clinging to him and he would shove her away and come with me. She always blame me for Jungkook pushing her away.

Today is Saturday and we're called yo the king's office for an important announcement.

"Since we already found the vampire hybrid and they will attack soon, we will start training today....... Anna and Yana, you will train with the seven and teach you some basic moves. But I will help too and some others." The king said. "Sure my king." We all said. "Change your outfits intro training outfits and proceed to the trading room." The king said and we all nodded. We walked out of his office and went in our rooms.

After changing we went to the training room to see the king there and 5 other women.

"Mom!" They princes said except for Jungkook. He looks so sad staring at them with their mothers but he plastered a fake smile.

I walked to him and said"Hey! Why so sad? You miss your mom don't you?" "Yup." He answered so sadly. "What happened to her anyway?" "She got killed by them." He said while tears threatening to escape his eyes but he managed to hold it. "I'm so sorry." "Don't be. It's not your fault anyway." He said and walled off.

We started by doing hand to hand combat. It's my turn now to battle and I'm going to fight Jungkook since we two are the strongest among the 9 of us. I didn't attack him. I just blocked his every attack. At the middle of the fight I started attacking him. We fought each other like there's no tomorrow.

After our little duel, I got tired. I sat on the bench and I drank some water. We had a 5 minute break but all we did was chat.

Next part of it was using our magic. We then all fought at the same time using our own abilities. Then Yoongi screamed out loud "EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF!" We all nodded and fought. Everyone else was out and the only ones left were me, Jungkook, Namjoon and Anna.

"Since for of you at left and you are mates. Let's team you up...... Mates are more powerful fighting together than alone." The king said and after, Namjoon and Anna are attacking us. Jungkook and I intertwined our hands with each other while thinking about what the king said.

We dodges and block evert attack they make. They stopped. We then attacked both of them still hands intertwined. At the end we won.

We finished training and it's already night time. "You will do training every weekends and after school. So I expect you to be here tomorrow and before nighttime after school." The king said before walking out the room. After him we all walked out heading to our room to change.

After changing we went in the dining room for dinner and ate after eating went to our rooms to sleep. I laid in my bed and stared at the ceiling. I closed my eyes almost asleep until I heard loud knocks. I went to the door only to see the 8 of them there with pillows and blankets.

"What are guys doing here?" I asked. "We're here for a sleepover." Taehyung said. "We live in the same house." I said. "Buy we're sleeping in your room." Jimin said. "Fine come in, but you sleep at the floor. It's your choice. If you don't want to sleep in your rooms." I said.

I laid on my bed about to sleep until some loud scream interrupted again. I looked only to see Taehyung running and screaming for help while Jungkook chases after him. I stopped them both and I sat on my bed. We all sat there, quiet, until Anna spoke up.

"Hey guys let's play truth or dare." "Sure!" We said in unison. She then grabbed a bottle and we all sat in the floor in a circle. She spun the bottle and it landed on me.

"Truth or dare." Anna said "Dare!" "Okay then, I dare you to kiss Jungkook on the lips." "What?!" "Do it or face the consequence." "What is the consequence?" "Jungkook kisses you." "But it's the same." "That's the point. Now take it or leave it." "Fine." I ended up agreeing. I walked towards Jungkook and gave him a quick peck on the lips. I saw him sat there frozen and then I heard Awws from everyone.

The game went on until midnight and they did some crazy dares like; Taehyung would act like a chicken and Jimin would kiss Yoongi. Then we decided to sleep.

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