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All I see is blurry slits. Vanishing and coming into view; surrounded by black. My eyes are opening slightly but I can not move or feel anything. Something is wrong. I manage to make out a silhouette of a woman stood over me in blue but everything seems to be moving in slow motion. Beginning to hear different sounds, I can clarify where I am. It's spine-chilling, I know I'm dying. Arguably the worst emotion and realisation that I can ever face. I'm in the operating theatre.

Unable to remember what has happened to put me in this position, I attempt to make my conscious state apparent to the surgeons but I can't. It feels impossible. My mouth won't open and I feel completely paralysed. Suddenly, I feel a sensation. The first I had felt since I woke up. It's sharp and stunning - appearing in my chest. A faint feeling creeps it's way into my head.

"Clear!" I hear a stern voice shout.

Feeling myself slip away, I accept my fate with as much panic as I can express and close my eyes.

                                                                                   *   *   *

In the early morning of the 4th of April, Shawn Mendes died on the operating table. Despite all of the surgeons efforts, they were unable to revive him, pronouncing him dead at 01:07 am.

In the early morning of the 4th of April, a storm broke out. The worst storm that Canada had hosted in 87 years, causing lightning to strike on the metal roof of the Monarch hospital's mortuary.

In the late morning of the 4th of April, police officers reported the first known occurrence of mass body snatching, with 16 corpses in this mortuary mysteriously disappearing.

This, however, was not a body snatching. This was supernatural. And this was just the beginning.

In the early morning of the 4th of April, 16 people were awoken from the dead, causing each person to become trapped between both alive and dead states. Not breathing, their hearts; not beating. Yet their appearance was human, they held their emotions but they were dead. In almost every sense of the word.

Please read A/N. It's extremely important to the story!! Xx


So just to clarify (I haven't explained very well) Shawn isn't a zombie or a vampire but the lightning jump started his heart for a moment ( it doesn't beat anymore ) this caused him to be alive and dead. So he's not human like us but he is material, looks and acts like a human but has some characteristics like not breathing, not having a heartbeat and not needing to sleep etcetera, you'll find out more during the story. Behavioural symptoms will happen too of course. I hope this makes sense. It's kind of like he's a ghost but he can communicate with everyone and he can't walk through walls or disappear or anything characteristically ghosty. Looks like a human but he's dead. (Like 68%) if don't understand now, you will later on in the story. So like Edward but not a vampire and became undead in a different way. You can interpret it however you wish though x
Thankyou for reading xxx

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