Part 3

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"I saw the new guy hanging out with Jordy and his little group - he doesn't fit in with them, does he?" Talia observed. Truthfully, he didn't. He was too dark for that group- which was a good thing cause somebody who fits in with them belonged far, far away from any nice people. However, being too dark for them was not a good thing. Nobody likes a Debbie Downer.

Talia and I were sat in the corner of the lunch room. I was perched on the side of a table whilst she sat on the seat attached, playing with my shoe laces.

"I know what you mean. I feel like he's the type of guy who spends his time alone and has no friends but is still overtly popular because of the way he looks." I paused, contemplating what I was about to say "You know? He's ruminative and broody. Like Ryan Atwood without seth or Marissa"

Talia smiled and nodded before I continued "I know you don't want to but you should stay away from him, look at him. He's trouble" I twisted my head in his direction, causing Talia to do the same.

She stared for a few seconds before Shawn looked up and stared back at her. Talia smiled and waved, making me grab her arm and pull it down. His face never broke as he watched sternly before turning to his apparent new friend Dylan and making a confused expression, clearly making fun of me and Talia.

I rolled my eyes and turned to Talia. "I don't know what his problem is but you can't. You haven't hooked up with Aaron or dylan yet, go for them. Don't go for Shawn"

"You think they're any less trouble?" She giggled "That's sweet"

I furrowed my eyebrows at her comment as Talia wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me into tight hug, making me exclaim that she was 'going to kill me'.

"I'm off to Dance practice, see you at lunch, Anna Montana" Talia smiled sweetly before sauntering down the corridor, leaving me sat alone.

Minutes of me sat scrolling through instagram passed. I grabbed my bag and with 3 minutes left of break, I walked my way down to French class - the bane of my existence.

"oui mademoiselle, j'ai fait mes devoirs" I recited, having never been able to remember how to answer our teacher when she asked for the homework.

The school seemed quiet so it wasn't hard for me to hear the disgusting sounds of the resident Regina George - Christie slobbering all over some poor guy. It was so distinct. She sounded like a desperate, moaning hose pipe.
I mentally prepared myself to walk past such an awkward disgusting sight. Don't laugh, don't be sick, don't laugh, don't be sick.
Shaking my shoulders, I nodded to myself before striding past what was about to be the most shocking of all the boys I'd seen her making out with.

Jesus, they worked fast. I thought as I sucked my cheeks in to stop myself from laughing. Of course Christie was already all over Shawn. New record but to her, that was very attainable.

I rolled my eyes for my own benefit, certain that nobody saw as they were both too deep in lust to care about little old me walking past. All I knew for sure was that Talia would not be happy. She hated Christie Smith and so did I. Christie and Talia both looked like they were carved by God over a 1 billion year period whereby he ensured that they were the most perfect people on earth. So Christie blocked Talia from her mind and used me as a second hand punching bag to hurt my best friend because I was... unconventional at best. Talia hated Christie for her bitter personality and ability to get any boy she wanted that was on par with hers. Then, of course, I really didn't like Christie because she was the bitchiest bitch in bitchtown, the slaggiest slag in Slaggyford and the most egotistical egotist in egoville... but I don't judge :').

Turning the corner into room 34, I smiled at my French teacher as she approached me, waving a wad of papers and opening her mouth to speak.

"oui mademoiselle, j'ai... fait mes devoirs?" I smiled, hoping that I'd got it correct.

"ANNA!! YOU DID IT!" She cried, making me breathe a sigh of relief. "Keep it up and you'll get an A"

French was the only subject that I wasn't getting an A in so I was desperately trying to at least pass. The bell rang and each student dispersed to their desks. Yay! An hour of my least favourite lesson! I can't wait!

I looked up from my desk and folded arms to see the one and only Mr. Broody manwhore himself approaching me. My eyebrows furrowed with confusion as I contemplated why.

"Don't get too excited, love. There are no other seats" He mocked with disdain, squeezing behind my chair and sitting next to me.

"Oh, I'm sorry, love. Perhaps you confused my disappointment with excitement."

I wished I'd said.

Truthfully, I stammered a lovely "Oh... I... not. Ok" with a frown because oh my God a boy was speaking to me. Yep, I was that sad. I didn't even think this person was worth my time or stammering over but undoubtedly, he was hot so my boy deprived mind turned to jelly.

Shawn smirked and stifled a laugh. "You're not a big fan of Christie, are you?"

"I um... I don't know her" I gulped ensuring that I was looking as far away from him as I could. You could say that he was looking at the back of my head.

"Nah, she's annoying but you can't blame me" He said matter of factly.

I chewed my tongue and rolled my eyes. I did a lot of that. "Are you OK?"

Shawn made a confused expression "Why are you so interested?"

"I'm not" I protested with a shake of my head. I was unsure about where my confidence to talk to a male came from. Possibly the fact that I found him so rude that he became unattractive. "You're just acting like the school's put a curse on you and now you hate everyone"

"That's because I do" He said sternly "now stay out of my business, ok? Don't talk to me"

I think it's fair to say that I was extremely confused as to why he was so bloody angsty. Especially towards me.

I sucked my teeth "ok"

"Good. You don't know me." He growled "and you should be so fucking thankful for that"

And you wonder why I never talk to boys... train wreck.

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