Part 2

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"It's ok, you can use mine" I smiled, passing my best friend, Talia, a pencil. She accepted and thanked me. It sounds bad but everytime I saw her I felt just a little self esteem drop. Not that I had much left. I was definitely proud of her and her absolutely ravishing beauty but I wished that I had it too. She had long blonde hair, a model body and towered over me like her life depended on it. Though, she was my best friend and I wouldn't have changed her for the world.

I -however- was the opposite. I had brown, split hair and stood amazingly shorter than most of the people in my year. My boobs were mosquito bites and I'd never said a word to a boy other than my brother or dad that didn't consist of giving them a pencil or notes for the exam. What an exciting life. One billion times less popular than my best friend.

"IIIIII'M going to fail all of my exams" Talia groaned, crossing her arms on the desk and planting her face comfortably into the space inside.

"You're not, lia. You could have passed with flying colours in year 7" I reassured her, certain that she would agree. "And if by some mysterious calamity or destructive turn of events you do fail everything-just go be a model. You're prettier than Kendall Jenner and you know it."

She pouted, turning her head to face me. "Thanks, Anna. But you're supposed to be smart" Talia giggled, earning a glare from me that perfectly said 'you know I'm right'.

Suddenly, the entire class became silent to look at the door. A boy stumbled in and nodded at my teacher with acknowledgement. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Oh, Shawn Mendes?" Our teacher checked his old school picture. "You're late"

Weird. I'd usually have known if there was a new student.

"I'm aware" He stated, tearing off his leather jacket and holding it over his shoulder. "Where should I sit?"

His accent burst out of his mouth, rolled itself up and launched at the back of my head like a gun shot. He was definitely not from England. America or Canada, I hadn't heard his voice properly just yet but checking his demeanor, I didn't really want to.

Mrs Tanner's mouth gaped at his comment. "I don't know what your last school put up with but I certainly will not. You can sit over there and do not make a habit of that attitude, Shawn." She said sternly, pointing at the opposite corner of the room to me.

Talia turned her head and scoffed. "He only said that he's 'aware'"

I stifled a small laugh "I think it's the way he said it. Aaaaand it was towards Mrs. Tanner. Big mistake"

"True. He's hot though, I find it intriguing" she gushed, placing her chin in her palms.

I rolled my eyes "I don't think so, lia, and I'm pretty sure he's a delinquent"

She'd said that about a lot of guys before and undoubtedly hooked up with them by the end of the term. That's my best friend! I'd put up with her cancelling on me for boys quite often but she always came through when I needed her the most so I understood. A girl has needs.

I finished writing my hypothesis solution before slipping my books into my back pack and swinging it over my shoulder. With one minute to the bell, I doubted we'd be set any more work.

Our teacher granted us dismissed and we all funneled through the door like cattle through a gate.


What was the point in caring any more? After I died, I realised that nothing really matters. We could all be gone tomorrow and I'd have worked hard every day of my life, not enjoying anything I did, for no reason. Why shouldn't I speak my mind? Life's too short to put on an act. So, my personality switched 5 months ago and now I just didn't care about the way I acted. If I thought something I'd say it.

"Hi mate, what's up?" A guy half smiled, chewing his lip. He was closely followed by 3 other boys and a girl.

I simply shrugged, dipping a fry or 'chip' into ketchup.

"Talkative" the girl chimed, sarcastically from the back of the group.

I tensed my jaw, looking up at her with sour eyes "and you are?"

"Christie" she scoffed with pretension. "Christie Smith"

I rolled my eyes "Well, Christie Smith. Maybe it would do you some good if you followed in my footsteps" Yeah. I really didn't care.

Christie scrunched up her face and arched her back so that her shoulder blades almost touched. "Excuse me? Jord, are you gonna let him say that to me?"

I laughed at her dependence on the others.

"Quite possibly" He smiled, taking the seat next to me "Shawn, right?"

"No, Shawn Mendes but carry on" I laughed at my joke inside my head but outside, I'd earned only a few confused glares. Not funny? Noted.

"Oh ok. Well, are you gonna hang with us or...?" The blonde one piped up.

"You're all a bit desperate, aren't you?" I laughed "Why?"

If I could have framed each of their faces at that moment, I would have. It was priceless and obvious that they were shocked about why I was being so 'rude'. I wouldn't call it rude though, I'd call it straight talking. When a group of clearly popular students strut up to you and blatantly ask for you to hang with them, you've got to ask yourself why and ask them why they were so desperate for you.

"Listen, lad. You're clearly not going to fit in with the weak asses or the goody two shoes' and let's face it, you'd get beat up by us in your first week with your little quips anyway. It's us or yourself, take your pick" Jordy leaned forwards and said with a sinister touch.

His offer came with a fist, asking me to agree by giving him a fist bump. I knew I didn't need protection and they could not beat me up but I'd rather not walk around with no friends or a least acquaintances.

If I was going to have a second chance at life, I'd better make it a good one.

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