part 8

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"Ston, Miss Houston"

My ears became acquainted with a low voice yelling in my ear. I allowed my eyes to bat open, slowly focusing on the bright colours around me. A bright blue board plastered in glistening laminated sheets. 'Pythagoras theorum'... shit. At this point, I realised I was in my math class. My mind exploded into a state of panic, guilt and regret. I'd never fallen asleep in school, I was a good kid. I felt as though I was going to vomit because of my ignorance - you may think I'm over the top but what my teachers think about me is a big deal in my eyes.

"Mr Brook... I am so sorry" I pleaded, clutching my cheeks with my palms and pushing them upwards. I avoided eye contact with him as I traced my fingers over a text book. "It won't happen again, I promise"

He nodded with a slight laugh "It's ok, maybe get an earlier bed time and we can forget about this"

I coughed and over enthusiastically nodded my head as the teacher made his way back to the front of the class.

My eyes unexpectedly travelled away from Mr.Brook and landed on Shawn, sat with his legs stretched outwards and his head draped over the back of his chair. He was awake which after my stunt, I'll applaud him for but his position kind of made him look dead. I'd have giggled to myself if he wasn't staring at me, scoffing with a smirk about my mid-class performance. His gesture caused an eruption of butterflies to break out in my stomach, because I felt so nervous about the night I was about to face. Maybe nervous wasn't the right word... angry, that's more like it. Jerk.

I moved my hand in a motion that said 'turn around' and rolled my eyes. He just shook his head and laughed a really cold, mean laugh. Nothing shocked me. I was pretty annoyed with him already, anyways, since he was the whole reason I was up so late the night before. Just thinking about having a criminal in my house and hoping he wasn't going to gut me or something. So thanks, Shawn, you prick.

* * *

It was lunch and I sat at our usual table by the overflowing bin. My favourite thing to do was eat but today I'd shockingly lost my appetite, so I merely sat twirling my fork through my pasta pot and sulking.

"Guess who" I heard above my head as a mystery person that I knew was Anna covered my eyes. I smiled.

"Oh my God... You're kidding? Oh my God, Harry styles?" I laughed at her, faking excitement.

"Aha close" Talia giggled, taking a seat beside me. Her tray carried an apple and a bottle of water. I never understood why she needed a tray to carry two items but whatever, who was I to judge? Maybe I was just used to carrying mountains of food on mine.

I grabbed her waterbottle and used it as a microphone for a stupid, cringey situation that I was extremely ready to act out.

Lowering my voice, I lifted the bottle to my mouth with a grin and threw my arm around her shoulder. "Talia, you are sat next to THE Anna Houston, I repeat, Anna Houston." I breathed in and out as though I was in awe and watched her eyes and mouth turn down at my false narcissism. "How do you feel? And can you quite believe your luck?"

I placed the bottle under her chin as she chuckled. "I feel so, so honoured. Stuff like this doesn't happen to people like me" Talia gulped as she pretended to wipe a tear from below her eye. "That girl... she's ---

Before Talia could finish her fake fangirling over me, we felt a presence in between our shoulders. My eyes suddenly rolled so far back into their sockets that I retrieved a head ache. Shawn's head popped into the gap between me and my friend.

"So annoying" He groaned, attempting to finish Talia's sentence. My mouth fell agape at the fact that this near stranger had just said that to me. "Close your mouth, babe, no one wants to see that".

Ugh, Shawn was so cocky. What type of comment was that?

"Don't call me babe" I coughed, disgusted.

"I'll do what I want" He sighed with nonchalance. "Anyways, um, I don't have your address and I kinda need it so..."

I huffed, feeling defeated. "11 raywood road"

Shawn nodded once sharply and grabbed a raisin from my packet of fruit and nuts. I only ate the raisins so I became incredibly bitter at this point. Opening my mouth to scald him, I watched as he winked at Talia and closed it again. Stupid boys, see a beautiful blonde and they can't help themselves. I audibly gagged to show him how ridiculous his move was.

Now, he turned his attention towards me as I smiled sweetly to act as though I'd done nothing wrong. "11 raywood road, thanks. See you at half five, babe"

I scrunched my nose up into a ball of disgust as Shawn sauntered away like he owned the earth he walked on.

"You're so lucky, Anna. If you don't kiss him tonight I'll be so disappointed" My best friend sighed, confusing me. The thought of kissing anyone gave me butterflies. I'd never experienced anything close to that before and my 'oh my god, i'm so nervous' approach to it made me certain that I would never get my first kiss. But the thought of kissing shawn me feel awkward and repulsed.

"Are you effing serious, Talia? Did you see that? Did you?" I whisper yelled. Yep, that's my 'too pure and scared to swear out loud unless I have high emotions' thing coming out.

"I did, and I'm definitely getting you ready now" she grinned.

"Stab me with a fork" I laughed "I'll wear whatever and look like whatever. I don't care" I earned a groan from Talia and I shrugged "He's Shawn Mendes, not Jordy Baan"

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