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There had always been one newsie that never left the home where the newsboys stayed. The one newsie that never spoke, only mumbling to themselves.

That newsie, however, was different. For that newsie was a girl. Although many refused to buy her papers due to her gender, she still made the most profits by selling to women and girls at a discount if they gave her something to eat.

By her side was a mocha colored dog that growled at anybody who came near the girl. The dog had a rope around their neck, yet it was just a collar with the dog's name - Lilac.

The girl, aside from her dog, was mysterious in ways the other newsies didn't bother to notice. She stayed in her own room, which was more of an old closet with blankets on the floor. She had a simple bag of a few books, which was impressive for a newsie to afford.

This newsie went by the name of (Y/N).

Nobody had ever seen her face completely. She always wore a large, newsie hat that covered the upper portion of her face. Her (H/C) hair was messy, most likely due to the fact newsies didn't bother with doing their hair meticulously.

This newsie stood out, for seemingly all the wrong reasons. She didn't have friends, unless you counted her dog. She didn't joke with the boys, or gossip with the ladies. She wore pants, an uncommon feat for woman of any class at that time.

She was intelligent though, and quick on her feet. Often times newsies tried to corner her and take her paper, to where she would easily evade them if they were slow enough. If they did take her papers, however, they could expect dog feces in their hats and pillows. That kept many of the boys from bothering her.

Although she was quiet, she wasn't totally antisocial. She seemed to get along well with a young boy named Les, and his older brother Davey. The two had been seen talking to eachother more then once, but not enough to be considered friends.

No, this newsie was alone, and she liked it that way. How could she trust anybody in such a dark world anyways?

There was a certain newsboy that would be hobbling around with a crutch. He was known as Crutchie, a funny boy who sold her newspapers all across town. He would get insulted by people yelling 'crip!', or other insult, but that didn't stop him. He, just like his buddy Jack, was determined to make a better life for himself and all newsies.

Occasionally, he wondered about the single newsie girl. She seemed interesting, like a puzzle yet to be put together.

He had seen her selling before. She stayed outside the bakery, where people would pay her in food and their change if they promised not to buy from another newsie, as well as give her food. Many obliged, due to her cheaper prices, and she had consistent sellers. But she was quiet for a newsie. Most of the newsie boys would yell out the headlines, hoping to draw a crowd. But (Y/N).. she didn't need to yell. She leaned against the wall, her paper bag across her shoulder, and her dog at her feet, and people flocked to her, cash in hand.

Many of the newsboys were jealous, but not Crutchie. Frankly, he didn't see reason to be. If people liked her, so be it. If they didn't, then that's life.

But Crutchie was a curious boy. He wanted to know more about her, know about her techniques.

Crutchie, of course, would never speak to her. He knew she wasn't a people person, especially with that dog of hers. So, he kept his distance, along with the other newsies.

Because that was how it was. You talk to (Y/N) without her permission, her dog bites your ass. Its just how it worked for them. She seemed to enjoy her distance, and Crutchie and the other newsies respected that.

Besides, who would want to be involved with a female newsie?

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