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December 25th, 1900.


(Y/N) had spent countless christmases alone in the lodging center, getting no gifts. Though, she knew this year would be different. For, this year, she had friends.

It was hard for her to scrape up enough money to afford gifts for those who mattered to her, but she somehow managed.

The gifts, in her eyes, were nothing particularly special, but they would suffice. So, Christmas morning, she got up early as she could and made her way downstairs.

"Mornin' (Y/N)! Merry Christmas!" Jack greeted from a table, where he was locked in a game of cards with Race.

"Morning Jack, morning Race. Any of you seen the others?" She asked, in regards to the mostly empty lodging center. "They didn't go out to sell, did they?"

"Nah, he's probably still sleeping'. I can-"

Jack was cut off by the door of the lodging center bursting open, revealing a worn out davey and an overexcited Les.

"(Y/N)!" Les practically screamed, running over to her. "It's christmas!" He chirped, bouncing up and down.

(Y/N) chuckled - Les was definitely something different, and she longed to be like him.

Innocent, free, and without a care in the world. She missed the feeling of security younger children always had around anybody they remotely trusted.

"It sure is, bud. Did Saint Nick bring you anything special?" She asked, ruffling the young boy's hair.

Les nodded giddily and pulled something out of his knapsack - a small wooden train, modelled after the ones out in the west.

"I named it 'Comet'! It's the coolest toy, all my friends on the way here was beginning' ta see it!" He squealed.

(Y/N) laughed, running a hand through her hair.

"Well, if you think that's awesome, just wait until you see what I got you." She said with a wink.

Davey loudly cleared his throat.

"(Y/N), uh, you shouldn't have gotten him a gift.." He murmured.

"Why not?" She inquired.

"Yeah, why not?" Les added.

"Uh.. well.." Davey began, not wanting to sound rude. "Newsies don't make a ton of money, and.. uh.."

(Y/N) cut him off.

"Shut it, Dave, i'm gonna give the kid his present, and you're gonna take yours." She replied with a smirk.

"You got one for me?"

"Of course I did! We're friends, aren't we?" She asked anxiously, worried that he didn't consider her a friend.

"You're my friend (Y/N), not Davey's!" Les whined.

"Les, she can be my friend too." Davey laughed, as did (Y/N).

"Anyways, we're getting of topic. Let me head to my room to get them."

Before the two boys could protest, (Y/N) dashed off to her room to retrieve the presents.


"Jack, yous seen (Y/N)?" Crutchie asked, hobbling out of the sleeping room, his satchel containing something for sure.

"She went to her room!" Les interrupted, holding his train gently.

"Thanks, kid!" Crutchie thanked as he made his way over to the stairs.c

Speaking of stairs, they were most certainly not the easiest for Crutchie to climb, considering his crutch. Sure, he could climb them, but it usually took him a minute more then the average person.

So, he slowly trudged up the stairs, careful not to damage what he kept in his bag. This cost him time, but it would be worth it.

One he finally got up, he carefully got himself over to the door of her room. Taking a breath, then exhaling it, he knocked on the door.

"Come in." A monotone voice said from inside, and Crutchie assumed it to be (Y/N).

He cracked the door open, a dopey grin on his face.

"Who is it?" She asked, her back turned to him as she looked under her cot to retrieve something.

"The newsie wit' da' best poisonality!" He exclaimed, waving his arms in the air like a looney, mainly for comedic effect.

(Y/N) chuckled, making Crutchie heard flutter.

"Hello Crutchie. Merry Christmas." She replied, still not turning, but pulling out a sack of her own from under the bed.

"Merry Christmas! Get any good gifts?" He asked, trying to make conversation.

(Y/N) shook her head, her (H/C) hair making itself messy - yet (Y/N) didn't seem to care.

"Nope, I don't really mind though. I'm used to it by now." She joked, but it sounded more like a cry for help.

"Well, that's about to change!" He exclaimed, reaching in his bag.

"What on earth do you mean?" (Y/N) asked, finally turning around and slinging her bag over her shoulder.

"I'es mean.." He began, pulling out a sleek book with a hard surface, the words reading 'PRIDE AND PREJUDICE'. It had a few tatters here and there, but was in generally in good condition.

"Merry Christmas (Y/N)!" He said, extending the book out to her.

(Y/N) was shocked, yet happy. She certainly hadn't expected a gift, and not one this nice!

"Crutchie, I.." She began, at a loss for words. "I love it!" She beamed, gently removing it from his hands and skimming the first page.

"Hope yous like it!" He said, his face going pink as he looke dat her concentrated expression.

"Wait, how much did this cost you?" (Y/N) asked in a concerned tone.

"Eh, it ain't matta." He scoffed.

(Y/N) was still at a loss for words.

"Crutchie.. I.."

Before he could react, she squealed and hugged him tightly - which came as a shock, considering her dislike for physical contact. Moreorless, though, he didn't care - he was blushing and smiling so much he forgot to hug back!

It took Crutchie a second, but he eventually hugged back, his arms gently resting around her upper back. When she finally pulled away from the hug, he felt a pang of sadness, for the interaction had ended too soon.

"Well, since you got me such a nice gift, I guess it's time I give you yours.." She blurted out, her hand digging through her bag.

"Yous don't have to do that, (Y/N)." Crutchie mumbled.

"Of course I do - now, shush and just take it!" She said, exasperated, as she held out a box to him. She must have noticed his confused expression, because it took her a moment to give advice. "Just.. lift the lid off."

Crutchie did as prompted and was more or shocked at what he saw.

A pair of new shoes with matching laces!

They were sleek, black ones, the laces made of what Crutchie could only describe as silk (it was, in fact, just polyester.)

He ran his hand over their surface, taking it in.

"I figured that your shoes looked kinda beaten up, so.. enjoy!" She added on.

It didn't take long for Crutchie to hug her in the same manner she had before.

And in that moment, she realized the true magic of Christmas.


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