Waking up

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December 16th, 1900


(Y/N) shot up in bed, a cold sweat on her forehead. It wasn't the first time this had happened, but it felt different.

She had just had the most odd dream in the world - she had been near beaten to death, then her memories played back like a time wheel.

How strange..

"Crutchie, ya goil's awake." A bored sounding voice said to her right.

"How many times I'es got to tell ya, Race, she ain't my goil." Another voice retaliated.

"Guys," A third voice chimed in. "She ain't deaf."

(Y/N) looked around, her eyes coming into focus after what seemed like mere seconds.

She could make out the figure of Crutchie at the foot of her bed, Davey beside him, a book resting across their laps.

A third newsboy who (Y/N) had never met before was leaning against the wall, smoking a cigar. He was stout with olive skin and dark hair, all mixed with suspenders and typical newsie attire.

"(Y/N)!" Crutchie said earnestly, happy to see her awake.

(Y/N) felt a searing pain in her eye. She lifted her hand to rub it, but by doing so caused the eye to water, causing her to grimace.

"I wouldn't touch that if I'es were you. Yous got a nasty black'n'blue, almost as busted as Crutchie's leg." Said the italian against the wall.

(Y/N) chuckled at him, causing him to turn his face away, red. Crutchie had noticed and his heard cracked just the slightest.

He was still confused over what he was feeling for (Y/N). She made his heart leap, his face flush, and he could never help but feel utter joy when he was around her.

He sighed and looked over to (Y/N) and Race, who were now casually talking. At some point (Y/N) must have sat up, because now she had her back leaning against her single pillow on the small cot she rested on.

"Alright you two, stop the chitchat - I need a moment with (Y/N) and Crutchie." Davey added in, stopping the conversation between the two.

Race shrugged, then tipped his cap at (Y/N).

"Pleasure to meet yous, miss (Y/N)." Race said before walking out, (Y/N) giving him a small wave.

The trio left in the room exchanged a few moments of talk, Davey thanking (Y/N) for saving Les by giving her a dollar. (Y/N) refused at first, saying it was her morale duty to protect a child in need, but Davey dismissed her and insisted she took it. He also explained that Lilac was out with Les on his paper route, and (Y/N) was surprisingly okay with it.

Davey then exited the room, leaving (Y/N) and Crutchie alone.

"I'es read some of your book." He blurted out, desperate to make conversation.

(Y/N) sideways smiled at him, her eyes glinting with the morning sun that shines through the vent above them. Crutchie couldn't help but let a little bit of pink sprinkle across his cheeks. She was rather pretty when she smiled.

"Some story about some guys named 'Hamlet.' Davey had to reads it to me at first, but I'es is getting the hang of it!" He said enthusiactially.

"What do you think of it so far?" She asked again, tossing her think blanket off and scooting next to him with a grunt of pain due to her bruised body.

"It's good so far, but I'm confused." He remarked, reopening the book to the page he and Davey had been reading when she was unconscious. (Y/N) peeked over to the book, her eyes lighting up.

"About what?" She inquired, her eyes scanning the page at a rapid pace.

"About why this dude killed his goil's fatha!" He exclaimed, (Y/N) chuckling.

"Well, you see," (Y/N) began explaining, her hand going to adjust her cap.

That's when it hit her.

Her hat was gone.

Her face went white, hurriedly pushing some hair to cover her blind eye, head down as she scrambled about for her hat. She needed her hat.

Crutchie noticed her freaking out and was damn well confused.

She seemed to be looking for something. By the look on her face, it must be important, too.

"(Y/N), is yous okay?"

"Crutchie, my hat." (Y/N) responded grimly, leveling her face with Crutchie's.

"Hold on, (Y/N), yous got a little somethin'" He said, reaching forwards to brush some hair away from her eye. How could she see through that.

Sadly, (Y/N) didn't catch on quick enough. Crutchie's hand made it to the hair, pushing it behind her ear as she let out a small shriek and flinched, then dropped her head in shame.

"I was going to tell you.. " She said in shame.

"Tell me what?" Crutchie asked, confused. Did she not like people touching her hair?

(Y/N) looked up, her eyes watery. Crutchie didn't notice anything abnormal at first, but it then struck her.

One of her eyes was a milky white, as if she had no iris.

"(Y/N).." He said, attempting to console her.

(Y/N) hastily wiped her eyes with her sleeve, removing any trace of sadness. (She was still in the clothing that she was beaten up in. None of the newsboys dared to change her.)

"I gets what it feels like.." He muttered, looking deep into her eye(s)?

"What do you mean?" (Y/N) asked, her eyebrows knit in confusion and worry.

Crutchie gestured to his leg.

"I'es get whats it feels like. Its like.. yous never had a part of yous, and yous don't miss it, yet yous feel like yous should been missin' somethin'.. but you don't! Yous jus' grown accustomed' to it, yet everyon' round' ya keeps saying 'oh, i'es so sorry' yet yous don't even miss anythin'!"

Their was silence for a good twelve seconds before (Y/N) piped up.

"I was born with it." She spat out, turning her head away. "Its why my father left."

"Ya fatha sounds like an ass." Crutchie blurted out, causing (Y/N) to sadly smile.

"I guess he was. Had he been around, I probably wouldn't be here right now, so I guess I owe a lot to him."

"Whaddya mean? Do yous mean yous is happy to be livin' here?" Crutchie asked in disbelief. He knew that most of the newsboys who lived here would kill to get out.

"I suppose.. I mean, I have made some pretty decent friends here." She replied, giving him a side smirk.


"Fine, you can have the title of 'best friend.'" She joked, lightly punching his arm.

"Sounds a lot better ta me." Crutchie said with his signature grin.

(Y/N) smiled sadly once again.

Crutchie was glad he had cheered her up a moderate amount.

He didn't know what overcame him, but before she could speak, he threw his arms around her and hugged her.

(Y/N) was not a fan of affection.

She shoved Crutchie off, and stood up.

"(Y/N), I-"

Before he could finish, she dashed out the door, leaving Crutchie full of guilt.


MM mental health is improving somewhat


I'm tired


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