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The next week
For all of next week, Crutchie was in disrepair. He wouldn
't sell with his usual zest, not smiling and not yelling. In fact, unless necessary or spoken to, he rarely said anything.
Everyone realized his very apparent crush on her, only after she was gone. Sure, they all knew he liked her before, but they had assumed he just wanted to get under her skirt. When she was in the Refuge, though, they realized how serious he was about his feelings to her.
To make a long story short, (Y/N) being in the Refuge took a toll on Crutchie.
But, it wasn't just Crutchie - all the newsboys seemed different, which surprised them. None of them, aside from Les and Crutchie, had been particularly close to (Y/N).
So why were so many of them shocked at her sudden lockup?
Perhaps they were just used to her presence. Perhaps it was from seeing Crutchie so upset and holding back from telling Les.
Les. He didn't know about the predicament. Davey did, of course, but he had informed the newsboys to say that (Y/N) was just out busy with her own stuff or something instead of in the Refuge. He knew that if Les was aware of (Y/N)'s current state, he would have a mental breakdown - or worse.
So, they kept their mouths shut and hoped for the best.
Crutchie laid on his bunk, staring at the ceiling. He appeared to be deep in thought, which he was.
He kept playing the scene over and over in his mind, from the moment they dropped the bag to (Y/N) being dragged away. It all seemed like a blur to him, yet he remembered every detail - from her cheerful laugh, to Morris crossing his arms, to the stern yet understanding look she gave him as she was torn away from her simple life.
Before he knew it, his vision was blurry from tears. How could he have just let them take her away? He should have protested instead, insisting that he knew her and let them take him too. That way, at least, they'd be together in the Refuge, and he wouldn't be crying right now.
Alas, it was too late for that. He, like the idiot he was, had kept his mouth shut as they Delancey brothers dragged her away. Now she was probably being beaten half to death ruthlessly in the Refuge, suffering more for every moment that passed.
Lifting himself into a sitting position, he let the salty tears fall down his face. He kept his mouth clenched shut as to keep from waking the other newsboys. That was the last thing he needed right now.
"Jack!" a young voice called cheerily from the other room. Crutchie immediately recognized it as Les, and quickly wiped away his tears.
"Hello?" The young boy inquired, peeking his head into the sleeping room. He perked up at the sight of Crutchie.
"Crutchie! Have you seen-" Les halted, noticing his expression. "Are you okay? Why are you crying?"
"I-I'es c-crying?" He stammered out, tears once again blurring his vision. He focused harder on holding them back.
"Yeah, what's wrong?" Les asked, climbing next to Crutchie on his bunk.
A tear slid down his face, initiating a breakdown. He broke down crying, the younger boy unsure of what to do.
"Crutchie, are you okay? Should I get (Y/N)?"
More crying from Crutchie.
"(Y/N)!" Les yelled, standing up. Crutchie could already tell he planned on going up to her room to get her.
"Y-Youse c-cant ge-t-t her!" Crutchie burst out, wiping his running nose.
"Why not...?" Les murmured, catching onto the fact something was wrong.
"B-because-" Crutchie started, wiping his eyes. "She's in da' Refuge!"
(Y/N)'s regular buyers were confused. Where was the girl they got their papers from? They had grown worried for her, but they continued on with life.
Though, there was one particular buyer who could not shake the feeling something was wrong. Every day she came to the area she bought a paper for her mother, but no girl was ever there.
This buyer was named Calla -  a pretty, blonde girl only ten years old. She was noticed by Les - the boy who had taken her out on a 'date' during the newsie strike of 99'.
But, this is not important.
What was important, however, was how guilty Jack Kelly was feeling.
He felt like (Y/N) being put in the Refuge was all his fault - he had given Crutchie the prank idea, thus leading to (Y/N) being taken by the Delancey's. To him, it felt like the strike all over again - from Crutchie, in this case (Y/N), being taken to the Refuge because of his foolish actions and decisions combined with his careless advice.
It completely ate him up inside to know that he had caused the girl who Crutchie fancied such a dismal fate. He was sure that (Y/N) would never talk to Crutchie or him again if she found out Jack gave the advice, making Jack feel worse. She was fun to hang around with, after you get past her intimidating demeanor.
He hoped that she never find out if she got out of the Refuge. Emphasis on the word if. You see, getting out of the Refuge with Snyder as warren was easy - you just had to behave. But with the Delancey's, you'd often be starved or beaten to death. It also didn't help if you were a girl, too, as they were preyed on by seuxal beasts there.
"Jack!" A voice snapped, violently slamming him back to reality.
"Huh?" He flinched, looking for the source of the voice. He looked around to see none other than the girl he loved and admired so - Katherine Pulitzer.
"Anyways, like I was saying,"
"What was youse saying?" He asked, rubbing his neck. He must have gotten too invested in his thoughts.
She sighed, calmly grabbing his hand.
"It's not important."
"If youse say so.."
(Y/N) was not well of in the Refuge. She was subjected to freezing spaces, little food, and rarely any sunlight or social interaction.
To say it was the worst experience in her life was still an overstatement, though.
On her eighth day of being in the Refuge, she stumbled across some paper and a pencil hidden in a vent at the back of her cell.
Perhaps she could entertain herself by writing.

Next chapter is gonna be fun fun fun

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