1) Meeting Again

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???: “Please don’t do this to me.”

??: “I’m sorry, I don’t need you anymore, goodbye. And don’t come looking for me.”

The person left the other one crying there.

Present Day

Hi, my name is Y/n. I’m 23 years old. I have many secrets kept within me, but don’t worry you will find out about them soon.

??: “Y/nnnnnnn!!!!!! I’m hooooomeee!!!!!”

I was on my laptop reading about my new mission given to me until this dumb head bothered me.

Y/n: “Ugh must you annoy me now? Do you want to get murdered right here on the spot, Jungkook?”

Jungkook: “Ahhhh!!! Noona!!! You didn’t miss me? I was gone for three days because of Jin-hyung!! No, I love you or I miss you? I’m so hurt Y/n noona!!!!”

He says with hurtful eyes and lets one fake tear out.

Y/n: “Cut the crap Jungkook. Three days is not enough for me. Also Kookie!!! I missed you soooo much come here!!!”

Jungkook is my half-brother. Yes half because his parents adopted me when I was 3. Jungkook is the only person who can make me smile, laugh, and who i can kill in less than a minute. Yes, kill because he is such a pain sometimes.

Jungkook came towards me to jump and bear hug me.

Y/n: “Yahhh!!!”

Y/n: “You pabo is this necessary?!”

Jungkook: “Yes noona, I missed you” he says sadly.

Y/n: “Okay okay get off” I say pushing him off

Jungkook: “Okay, I’m going to shower, and oh…..The group that's going to be living with us is coming today”

Y/n: “Ah, BTS?”

Jungkook: “Yeah so try not to kill them while I’m upstairs and we have a new member” he says while walking away.

Hmm. BTS. New member?

What Jungkook meant was that I have a lot of trust issues. I tend to hurt people a lot. Physically and mentally.

Why I’m like this? Well simple. Some people break promises and use them to get what they want. Like One specific.

He made me like this, it’s all because him that I have depression, scars, cold hearted, fearless, and most of all I became a murderer. Yes murderer….. I kill for living. I’m an assassin/spy. I get rid of the bad people who sells drugs, rapes girls, and murderer others because of stupid things. I also have another job. A side job. My side job is an idol. I sing, dance, and play multiple instruments. Being an idol is such pain. My fans makes me want to rip my ears off, but they love my talent so they get pass. It also helps not think of myself only a killer. To be honest I enjoy both jobs, but being a killer is fun. (What do you expect from a cold hearted girl?)

What about BTS? Same thing goes for them. They are killers like me and are idols. They work in the same entertainment as me (Big Hit) and same company. Except they’re not as cold hearted as me. Even though we all work together and we are always near each other we don’t talk too much. Why? Because I can’t trust them too much even though they've  never done anything to hurt me.  Do you want to know who it is?  His name is-

The doorbell suddenly rang.

Y/n: “Must be BTS.” I sighed.

Y/n: “Jungkook hurry up they’re here!!”

*No response*


I went to go open the door, but left it open and walked away.

Y/n: “Jungkook hurry up before I will HURT THEM!!” I yelled threateningly as BTS were coming in.

Then all I heard was loud footsteps running and Jungkook dashing towards his members.

Jungkook: “Noona!!!! Don’t get close!!!!” He says serious and scared.

My back was facing them and I smirked,

Y/n: “Kookie-ah” I say sweetly with one of famous fake bright smile.

Jungkook froze on the spot with the other members also. This is where Jungkook knew he

F***** up……

Y/n: “I would never hurt my beloved brother’s hyungs” I say walking slowly towards them.

Jungkook gulped knowing where’d this lead up to.

R.I.P Jeon Jungkook

Oh silly Jungkook. I may be evil, but not evil enough to hurt you…

Y/n: “Kookie” I say again.

Jungkook: N-ne N-n-noona??”

Y/n: “Come here” I say demandingly with a cold glare.

Jungkook hesitated, but he knew he shouldn’t anger his noona more.

As he was coming towards me. I quickly took action. I pushed him on the floor and started tickling him to death. I smirked looking at his laughing expression. Then, got off of him.

Jungkook: “Wah are you planning on killing me with tickles?!” He says getting up the floor breathing loudly.

Y/n: My sweet dongsaeng, do you want a knife or a bullet instead” I asked while flasing him another famous fake bright smile.

Jungkook kept quiet while I smirked.

Y/n: 1 Jungkook: 0

Yoongi POV

Jeez she scares me soo much. But, I can’t help but fall more in love with her. I try hard, but she’s not close with any of us. The only times we talked was our collaborations in missions.

End Yoongi POV

Your POV

Y/n: “Anyways Jungkook-ah. Your new member?

Jungkook: “Ah yeah” he said realizing he hasn’t introduced him to me yet.

Jungkook: “Come here hyung”

I turned around to see who he was. But who knew that once I made my move I would regret for the rest of my life. I saw someone who I wished to never see ever in my life again……


To Be Continued

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